WASD Hypertext Services - Technical Overview

8 - Service Configuration

8.1 - Service Directives
8.2 - Directive Detail
8.3 - Administration
8.4 - Examples
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The service configuration file is optional.  If the HTTPD$SERVICE logical is not defined or the file does not exist service configuration is made using the HTTPD$CONFIG [Service] directives.  For simple sites, those containing one or two services, the use of a separate service configuration file is probably not warranted.  Once the number begins to grow this file offers a specific management interface for those services. 

Precedence of service specifications:

  1. /SERVICE= command line qualifier
  2. HTTPD$SERVICE configuration file (if logical defined and file exists)
  3. HTTPD$CONFIG [Service] directive

In common with other configuration files, directives associated with a specific virtual services are introduced using a double-bracket delimited host specification (see 6.3 - Virtual Services).  When configuring a service the following three components specify its essential characteristics. 

  1. scheme - HTTP scheme (sometimes refered to as protocol).  If http: (or omitted) it is a standard HTTP service.  If https: an SSL service is configured. 

  2. host - Host name or dotted-decimal address.  If omitted, or specified as an asterisk ("*"), defaults to the system's IP host name. 

  3. port - IP port the service is offered on.  If omitted the it defaults to 80 for an http: service, and to 443 for an https: (SSL) service. 

Generic Services

A generic service is one that specifies a scheme and/or port but no specific host name.  This is useful in a cluster where multiple systems all provide a basic service (e.g. a port 80 service).  If the host name is omitted or specified as an asterisk the service substitutes the system's IP host name.  See 8.4 - Examples

SSL Services

Multiple virtual SSL services (https:) sharing the same certificate can essentially be configured against any host name (unique IP address or alias) and/or port in the same way as standard services (http:). Services requiring unique certificates can only be configured for the same port number against individual and unique IP addresses (i.e. not against aliases).  This is not a WASD restriction, it applies to all servers for significant SSL technical reasons (see 14 - Secure Sockets Layer). 

For example, unique certificates for https://www.company1.com:443/ and https://www.company2.com:443/ can be configured only if COMPANY1 and COMPANY2 have unique IP addresses.  If COMPANY2 is an alias for COMPANY1 they must share the same certificate.  During startup service configuration the server checks for such conditions and issues a warning about "sharing" the service with the first configured. 

8.1 - Service Directives

Where a service directive has an equivalent configuration directive (e.g. error report path) the service directive takes precedence.  This allows specific virtual services to selectively override the generic configuration. 

Service Directives

ServiceBodyTag<BODY> tag for server reports., etc
ServiceErrorReportPathpath to script, SSI or "flat" error document
ServiceIpaddressif different to host's
ServiceNoLogsuppress logging
ServiceNoTracksuppress user tracking
ServiceProxyproxy service
ServiceProxyAuthrequire proxy authorization
ServiceProxyCacheproxy caching
ServiceProxyChainchained proxy service host
ServiceProxyTrackuser track proxy access
ServiceProxySSLprovide proxy of SSL (connect:)
ServiceSSLcertSSL service certificate
ServiceSSLkeySSL service private key

8.2 - Directive Detail

  1. [[virtual-service]] (default: none)

    Specifies the scheme, host name (or asterisk) and port of a service. 

  2. [ServiceBodyTag] string (default: <BODY>)

    Specifies the HTML <BODY> tag for server error and other report pages.  This allows some measure of site "look-and-feel" in page colour, background, etc.  to be maintained. 

  3. [ServiceErrorReportPath] string (default: none)

    Specifies the URL-format path to an optional, error reporting SSI document or script.  See 6.4 - Error Reporting.  This path can subsequently be remapped during request processing. 

  4. [ServiceIpAddress] dotted-decimal address (default: none)

    If the system has a multi-homed network interface this binds the service to the specific IP address and not to INADDR_ANY.  Generally this will not be necessary. 

  5. [ServiceNoLog] ENABLED|DISABLED (default: DISABLED)

    When request logging is enabled then by default all services are logged.  This directive allows logging to be suppressed for this service. 

  6. [ServiceNoTrack] ENABLED|DISABLED (default: DISABLED)

    When use tracking is enabled then by default all requests on non-proxy services are tracked.  This directive allows tracking to be suppressed for this service. 

  7. [ServiceProxy] ENABLED|DISABLED (default: DISABLED)

    Enables and disables proxy request processing for this service.  For proxy serving detail see 13 - Proxy Services

  8. [ServiceProxyAuth] none|AUTH|LOCAL (default: DISABLED)

    Makes a proxy service require authorization before a client is allowed access via it.  none disables authorization.  PROXY enables HTTP proxy authorization.  LOCAL enables standard server authorization.  See 13.1.4 - Controlling Proxy Serving

  9. [ServiceProxyCache] ENABLED|DISABLED (default: DISABLED)

    Enables and disables proxy caching for a proxy service. 

  10. [ServiceProxyChain] string (default: none)

    Specifies the next proxy host if chained. 

  11. [ServiceProxyTrack] ENABLED|DISABLED (default: DISABLED)

    When user tracking is enabled only non-proxy services have it applied by default.  This directive allows proxy service usage tracking to be enabled. 

  12. [ServiceProxySSL] ENABLED|DISABLED (default: DISABLED)

    Specifies the service as providing proxying of SSL requests.  This is sometimes refered as a "connect" service. 

  13. [ServiceSSLcert] string (default: none)

    Specifies the location of the SSL certificates (VMS file specification).  See 14.1 - SSL Configuration

  14. [ServiceSSLkey] string (default: none)

    Specifies the location of the SSL private key (VMS file specification). 

8.3 - Administration

A service configuration file can be maintained using a simple text editor and HTTPD$SERVICE. 

Alternatively the server administration menu may be used.  See 15 - Server Administration.  When using this interface for the first time ensure the HTTPD$SERVICE logical is correctly defined.  If the file did not exist at server startup any services will have been created from the HTTPD$CONFIG [Service] directive.  These will be displayed as the existing services and will be saved to the configuration file the first time it is saved. 

Not all configuration directives may be shown depending on the type of service.  For instance, unless a service is configured to provide proxy, only the [ServiceProxy] directive is displayed.  To fully configure such a service enable it as proxy, save the file, then reload it.  The additional directives will now be available. 

There is always one empty service displayed each time the configuration menu is generated.  This information may be changed appropriately and then saved to add new services to the configuration (of course, these will not be available until the server is restarted).  To configure multiple new services add one at a time, saving each and reloading the file to provide a new blank service. 

8.4 - Examples

  1. The following example shows three services being configured.  The first is standard HTTP on the default (and well-known) port 80. The second is a proxy service on port 8080. This service provides both standard HTTP (with response caching enabled), SSL (connect:) access and proxy authorization required.  The third service is SSL, with a host-specific certificate and key. 
      [ServiceProxy]  enabled
      [ServiceProxyAuth]  PROXY
      [ServiceProxyCache]  enabled
      [ServiceProxySSL]  enabled
      [ServiceSSLcert] ht_root:[local]alpha.pem
  2. This example shows a generic service service being configured on the well-known port 80.
    If a cluster of four systems, ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA and DELTA all use this configuration each will have a service accessable via the following four URLs. 

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