Document revision date: 15 October 2001
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Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS
Server Installation and Configuration Guide

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In Example 2-4, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 4, the script prompts for a default UIC group number. It does so only if you are installing the complete PATHWORKS Advanced Server product. If you do not want to associate the newly created OpenVMS accounts PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST with the default user identification code (UIC) group number, specify another three-digit UIC group number.

At this point, all questions have been answered and the installation process continues. The installation procedure then reminds the installer to continue with the configuration process by invoking the PWRK$CONFIG.COM configuration procedure.

Example 2-5 Sample Installation Procedure---Part 5

 Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation 1993, 2001. 
 Starting Installation Verification Procedure 
 for PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) 
%PWRK-I-NORMAL, IVP completed successfully 
 Installation of PWRK V6.1 completed at 17:05 
    Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY 
    Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]PWRK061.VMI_DATA 
%VMSINSTAL-I-SHUTDOWN, This product requires that the system be 
 SHUTDOWN -- Perform an Orderly System Shutdown 
             on node TINMAN 
Do you really want to shutdown node TINMAN [NO]? Y [return]
 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 17:09 

In Example 2-5, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 5, the procedure verifies the installation, and then finishes.

Table 2-1, Installation Questions includes details about most of the prompts that VMSINSTAL might display, depending on the environment and options you select. Table 2-1, Installation Questions does not show any informational messages. For a complete sample installation script, see Appendix B, Sample Complete Server Installation and Configuration.

Table 2-1 Installation Questions
Question Your Desired Result Action or Response Required
Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Continue [Return]
  Exit NO
Select option [2]: 1 Display the release notes on the screen 1

To stop the display at any time, press [Ctrl/C].

  Print the release notes 2 or [Return]

You are prompted for a print queue name, and the release notes file is sent to the specified queue (the default print queue is SYS$PRINT).

  Print the release notes and display them on the screen 3

You are prompted for a print queue name, and the release notes file is sent to the specified queue (the default print queue is SYS$PRINT).

To stop the screen display at any time, press [Ctrl/C].

  Continue without displaying or printing the release notes 4
Do you want to install the upgrade utility only [NO]? 2 Install one or more servers [Return]
  Install only the Upgrade utility YES
Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? 1 Continue YES
  Exit [Return]
Do you want to install the complete PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS [NO]? Install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server YES
  Omit the PATHWORKS Advanced Server [Return]
Do you want to preserve the V5 (LAN Manager) environment [YES]? 2 Retain the PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) environment so that you can use the rollback procedure described in the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Migration Guide [Return]
  Not retain the V5 environment NO
Enter the directory to preserve the V5 environment [SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000]]: 3 Preserve the V5 environment in the default directory shown [Return]
  Preserve the V5 environment on another device or in another directory A different device or directory.
Do you want to install the PATHWORKS License Server only [NO]? 4 Install the standalone License Server YES

This option installs the License Server and transport software without the PATHWORKS Advanced Server. Refer to Chapter 4, Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server for more information.

  Install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server with the License Server [Return]

This option causes the installation procedure to proceed to the next question.

Do you want to install only the external authentication images [NO]? 4 Install only the external authentication software YES

This option installs the external authentication software without the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

  Install the complete PATHWORKS Advanced Server or install the standalone License Server [Return]

This option causes the installation procedure to repeat previous questions so that you can select the complete PATHWORKS Advanced Server or only the License Server.

Is the selection correct [YES]? Use the selection [Return]
  Change the selection NO
  Terminate the installation [Ctrl/Y]
Will you allow a system shutdown after this product is installed [YES]? Shut down the system as part of the product installation procedure [Return]
  Complete the installation procedure without shutting down the system NO

System shutdown is required, to complete the product installation. If you answer NO, you must shut down the system manually after the installation procedure is finished.

Do you want to do an automatic system reboot [YES]? Reboot the system automatically after system shutdown [Return]
  Reboot the system manually NO
Do you want to run the IVP after the installation is finished [YES]? Run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) automatically after the installation procedure completes [Return]
  Not run the IVP NO

You can run the IVP independent of the installation procedure. For detailed information on running the IVP independently, see Section 5.2, Verifying the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Installation.

Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Purge all files it replaces [Return]
  Not purge any files it replaces NO
Do you want to continue with the installation [YES]? 5 Delete the files and continue the installation [Return]
  Leave the files intact and terminate the installation NO
Do you want to shut down the PATHWORKS License Server [YES]? 6 Shut down the License Server and continue the installation [Return]
  Keep the server running and terminate the installation NO
Do you want to shut down the PATHWORKS Advanced Server [YES]? 6 Shut down the server and continue the installation [Return]
  Keep the server running and terminate the installation NO
Enter default UIC group number for PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST[ nnn]: Associate the newly created OpenVMS accounts PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST with the default user identification code (UIC) group number ( nnn) [Return]
  Associate the newly created accounts with the UIC group number you specify A three-digit UIC number.

For detailed information about UIC group numbers, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

1This question is displayed only if you specify OPTIONS N when you start the VMSINSTAL command procedure or if there are active processes on the system.
2The release notes are automatically copied to SYS$HELP.
3This question is displayed only if your system is currently running the PATHWORKS (LAN Manager).
4This question is displayed only if you chose to preserve the PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) environment.
5This question is displayed only if you chose not to install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.
6This question is displayed only if there are PATHWORKS files in system-specific directories.
7This question is displayed only if a server is running.

2.2.4 What To Do After the Installation Completes

If you have installed the external authentication images only, you can proceed to enable external authentication, as explained in Section 5.6, Setting Up External Authentication. For other installations, do the following after the installation completes:

  1. If you had a previous version of the Advanced Server running on your system, reboot your system before configuring the newly installed Advanced Server. See the discussion in the explanatory text following Example 2-3, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 3.
  2. Proceed to Chapter 3 to configure the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

Appendix F,PATHWORKS Advanced Server Files and On-Disk Structure, lists and describes files created by the installation procedure.

2.3 Troubleshooting Installation Problems

The following sections describe some problems you can encounter if you install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server in an environment that is not appropriate.

2.3.1 Installing PATHWORKS Advanced Server on a System Running Another Advanced Server Image

If you attempt to install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server on a system, or anywhere in a cluster, on which a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS or Advanced Server for OpenVMS image is running, the installation procedure displays a message such as the following:

* You must shut down the Advanced Servers on all nodes in the     * 
* cluster before you continue installing PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS.* 
If you do not shut down the servers, the installation will 

Shut down the servers on all nodes in the cluster before continuing your installation.

2.3.2 Installing the PATHWORKS Advanced Server on a System with the NetWare Server

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server cannot be installed on a system where the NetWare server is installed. If you attempt to install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server on a system where the NetWare server is installed, the installation procedure optionally invokes the NetWare server software removal procedure (SYS$STARTUP:PWVN$DEINSTAL.COM).

When the installation procedure detects the presence of the NetWare server, it displays the following message and question:

%PWRKV60-E-OLDVERPWNV, PATHWORKS V6.0-nnnx for OpenVMS (NetWare) 
was previously installed.  This product is no longer supported. 
To install the PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS product, the NetWare 
product must be deinstalled. 
* Will you allow this installation procedure to deinstall 
* the NetWare product [NO]? 

To remove the NetWare server software, enter YES.

To terminate the installation procedure without removing the NetWare server software, enter NO, or press [Return].

You can remove the NetWare server manually using the procedure in Section 7.2, Removing the PATHWORKS NetWare Server. Then start the VMSINSTAL procedure again after the NetWare server has been removed.

2.3.3 Installing PATHWORKS Advanced Server on a System with PATHWORKS (LAN Manager)

You can upgrade PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) to PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). If the system has PATHWORKS (LAN Manager) installed, you can use the Upgrade utility, as described in the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Migration Guide, to upgrade server information before you configure and start the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

2.3.4 Installing the Standalone License Server on a System Where the PATHWORKS Advanced Server Has Been Installed

If you install the standalone License Server on a system where the PATHWORKS Advanced Server has been installed, the installation procedure displays the following message:

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server was previously installed and you 
have selected to install the License Server only.  Because the 
PATHWORKS Advanced Server includes the License Server, the 
complete PATHWORKS Advanced Server must be installed. 

The installation procedure will choose to install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server. You have the option of continuing with this installation, or you can terminate the installation procedure by pressing [Ctrl/Y]. To install the standalone License Server on this system, you must first remove the PATHWORKS Advanced Server software using the PWRK$DEINSTAL.COM command procedure, as described in Chapter 7, Removing PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software. Then start the VMSINSTAL procedure again.

For a sample installation and configuration script for the standalone license server, see Appendix C, Sample Standalone License Server Installation and Configuration.

2.3.5 Installing the External Authentication Software

You cannot install the external authentication software only, if you have previously installed the PATHWORKS Advanced Server. The installation procedure displays the following message if you try to install the external authentication images under these circumstances:

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server was previously installed, and you 
have selected 
to install the external authentication images only. Because the 
PATHWORKS Advanced Server includes the external authentication images, 
complete PATHWORKS Advanced Server must also be installed. 

You must remove the PATHWORKS Advanced Server software to be able to select this option. To remove PATHWORKS Advanced Server software, run the PWRK$DEINSTAL procedure, as described in Chapter 7, Removing PATHWORKS Advanced Server Software.

For a sample installation script for the external authentication images, see Appendix E, Sample External Authentication Installation.

2.4 Next Steps

To continue, depending on the software you are installing, proceed as indicated in the following table:
Software Installed Where to Go Next in the Documentation What Is Described There
PATHWORKS Advanced Server (file and print server) Chapter 3, Configuring the PATHWORKS Advanced Server Configure the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.
Standalone license server Chapter 4, Configuring and Starting the Standalone License Server Configure the standalone license server.
Upgrade utility only Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Migration Guide Use the Upgrade utility to create and edit upgrade reports.
Standalone external authentication software Section 5.6, Setting Up External Authentication Set up PATHWORKS external authentication on the system.

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