Papillon - A Solaris Security Module
Version 0.3.3a

(c) 2000, 2001 Konrad Rieck




Welcome to the mysterious world of Papillon. This documentation covers all information regarding the functionality, the usage and the installation of the Papillon module. You should read this documentation carefully since only a properly installed and configured module will provide the security mechanisms introduced in this document.

Papillon is a security module designed for the Solaris Operating Environment (Solaris OE) 8. It has been tested against the Intel and the Sparc Edition of the Solaris OE 8. Papillon tries to be as compatible with Sun Microsystems DDI/DDK as possible, and should also work on the Solaris OE 9 beta and following.

What it does

Papillon improves the security of a system by adding new functionality to the kernel. The added security mechanisms have been inspired by Solar Designer's Openwall Linux Kernel Patch which fixes common Unix security problems that are also present in the Solaris OE.

Papillon is designed to prevent attacks driven by system users. It doesn't include any restriction to the super-user. It can be an addition to already exisiting security mechanisms such as the BSM (Solaris' Basic Security Module) and the non-executable stack on Solaris Sparc Edition.

The module is automatically loaded at boot time when entering multiuser level (init 2) and installs two kinds of new functionality in the kernel: so called features and protections.


Features add completely new functionality to the kernel, they can be switched on or off either at compilation time or even at runtime using the provided control tool papctl.

Features included in Papillon currently are:

  • Restricted Proc
  • Pseudo Promiscuous Flag
  • Module Hiding
  • Secure STDIO File Descriptors


Protections restrict access to resources if specific conditions occur. A protection has a behaviour that can be none (for doing nothing), warn (for warning only) or deny (for warning and denying access to the resource).

Protections included in Papillon currently are:

  • Symbolic Link Protection
  • Hard Link Protection
  • FIFO Protection

See the section about features and protections for detailed information about how they work and what they do.

Release Notes


This is the first public release of Papillon. All features and protections have been tested on Intel and Sparc 32 bit systems. The file hiding has been disabled on UltraSparc 64 bit systems, all other features and protections have been successfully tested.

Installation and Configuration

Getting Papillon

Papillon is available from the Roqefellaz website You can directly access the Papillon page at

After receiving the source package of Papillon papillon-0.3.3a .tar.gz, extract the sources and enter the source directory.

# zcat papillon-0.3.3a .tar.gz | tar -xvf -
# cd papillon-0.3.3a

You should always download the latest version of Papillon. Kernel development is very critical, small bugs can cause real damage. See the section about bug reports for more information.


In order to compile Papillon you need some general development environment.

  • make
    You need a command that automates the compilation process. You can use the Solaris make /usr/ccs/bin/make from the SUNWsprot package or install GNU make that is part of the Solaris companion CD or available at

  • cc or gcc
    In order to compile the module, you need a working C compiler. If you are compiling the module for a 32 bit system such as any Intel Edition or any non-UltraSparc system, you can use both the Sun C Compiler which is part of the SUNWspro package or the GNU C Compiler also available on the companion CD and

    Note: If you receive the following message no C compiler is installed on your system. You need to get one of the compilers mentioned above.

    /usr/ucb/cc: language optional software package not installed

    Note: If you are compiling the module for a 64 bit system, you have to use the Sun C Compiler. The GNU C Compiler is not able to build proper 64 bit objects.

    You can check whether your are running a 32 bit or 64 bit sytem, by executing the following command:

    # /usr/bin/isainfo -b

  • ld
    A linker is also necessary to compile papillon. You can use the default linker /usr/ucb/ld from the SUNWscpu package or the GNU linker which is not part of the companion CD but available at


Precompilation configuration is done in three files of the source tree: src/Makefile, src/papillon.h and src/papillon.c. The first is designed for common configurations while the latters are designed for advanced configurations.

Configuration src/Makefile

You need to decide which features and protections to compile into the module. By default all features and protections are included. Edit the file src/Makefile and change the following variables if necessary.

    You should not change your system configuration directory unless you store configuration and boot scripts in another directory, which is very untypical.

  • SBINDIR=/usr/sbin
    This is the location where the control tool papctl will be installed. You may change this to any path as long as the Papillon module and the command stay on the same type of filesystem. Otherwise the papctl command cannot be hidden.

  • KERNELDIR=/usr/kernel/misc
    This is the place where the Papillon module will be installed. There is no need to change this unless you know what you are doing. Loading of the module using modload should always be performed using an absolute path.

    By changing the values of this variable you can exclude features. To exclude a feature, remove its definition from the FEATURES variable. Excluded features are not compiled into the module, they cannot be enabled at later time without recompiling the module.

    Definition Feature
    -DRSRPROC Restricted Proc
    -DSECSTDFD Secure STDIO File Descriptors
    -DPPROMISC Pseudo Promiscuous Flag
    -DMODHIDING Module Hiding

    By changing the values of this variable you can exclude protections. To exclude a protection, remove its definition from the PROTECTIONS variable. As with the features, excluded protection can only be included through recompilation.

    Definition Protection
    -DSYMPROT Symbolic Link Protection
    -DFIFOPROT FIFO Protection
    -DHARDPROT Hardlink Protection

  • CC=cc
    This is the definition for the compiler used to compile the Papillon module. Papillon can be compiled with the Sun C Compiler cc as with the GNU C Compiler gcc. Depending on the choice of the compiler you need to adjust the compiler options COPTS.

    Note: If you want to compile Papillon for a 64 bit environment (Solaris OE on UltraSparc) you have to use the Sun C Compiler.

    This line describes options send to the C Compiler. For debug support add the definition -DDEBUG. If you are using the GNU C Compiler, you may also add -Wall to see more warning messages. If you are compiling the module for a 64 bit environment you have to use the options -xarch=v9 -D_64BIT.

You can also modify other variables in the file src/Makefile but in general everything should work on a default Solaris OE installation.

Configuration src/papillon.h

If you are an advanced user and have some experience with kernel modules, you can also edit other files inside the src directory. The following changes can be done in src/papillon.h

  • Changing the super-user
    By default Papillon assumes that the super-user is using the UID 0. If for some reason you want to change this and also restrict UID 0, change the definition SUSER_UID to a different user id.

  • Changing the communication syscall
    Papillon uses an unused syscall for communication. papctl uses this syscall to export and import the configuration of Papillon from userspace to kernelspace and vice versa.

    The syscall number is defined by SYS_papcomm. If you are sure that this syscall is used on your system, e.g. by a third party software, change the value to another unused system call. You can retrieve a list of all used system calls by examining the system header file /usr/include/sys/systm.h.

Configuration src/papillon.c

  • Modifing the default runtime configuration
    When the Papillon module is loaded it activates a compiled-in runtime configuration. This configuration can be changed using the command papctl.

    You may change the default runtime configuration in src/papillon.c. Read the section about runtime configuration and adjust the values in the pap_config_t config struct.

  • Adding files to hide
    The struct pap_modfiles_t modfiles[] holds the files to be hidden. If you want to add a file, e.g. /usr/bin/foobar, extend the struct by adding the following line before the { NULL, NULL, NULL } line:

    { "/usr/bin/foobar", NULL, NULL },

    You can only hide files on the same filesystem type where the module itself resides.


Compilation is rather simple and straight-forward

# cd src
# make
# cd ..

Testing the module

Before you permanently install Papillon, it is wise to run some tests. Load the module into the kernel by executing the following command.

# modload ./src/papillon

Run the control tool papctl to check if the module has been loaded successfully and the configuration gets correctly exported.

# ./src/papctl -g
Current configuration of the Papillon module:

- Features
Restricted Proc: on
Pseudo Promiscuous Flag: on
Module Hiding: on
Secure STDIO File Descriptors: on

- Protections
Symlink Protection: deny
Hardlink Protection: deny
Fifo Protection: deny

Now compile the test suite that is part of the Papillon source package.

# cd test
# make

Stay in the test directory. Execute the shell script. Make sure no one is on your system. Follow the instructions printed by

# ./
This script will check if Papillon is running and all enabled
protections are working.

WARNING: In order to check for possible attacks, it is necessary
to create a vulnerable environment in /tmp/fake. Before
proceeding, check that your machine is running in single
user mode.

Continue (y/n): y

- Checking for a restricted proc... Yes
- Checking for hardlink attack protection... Yes
- Checking for symlink attack protection... Yes
- Checking for fifo attack protection... Yes
- Checking for stdio attack protection... Yes


You should see something like that in your syslog:

papillon: [ID 404481 kern.warning] WARNING: Denied hardlink to (owner 0:1), process ln /tmp/fake/victim /tmp/fake/attack (pid 3394, uid 60001)

papillon: [ID 642723 kern.warning] WARNING: Denied following symlink (owner 60001:60001), process cat /tmp/fake/attack (pid 3400, uid 0)

papillon: [ID 264911 kern.warning] WARNING: Denied opening fifo (owner 0:1), process ./fifoattack /tmp/fake/victim (pid 3406, uid 60001)

papillon: [ID 637864 kern.warning] WARNING: STDERR closed while executing suid/sgid binary /tmp/fake/suidexec from sh -c /tmp/fake/suidexec /tmp/fake/victim (pid 3415, uid 60001), fake opening STDERR.

papillon: [ID 382957 kern.warning] WARNING: Closing fake opened STDERR.

Make the module visible and unload it. Use modinfo to determin the module id of Papillon and replace ID in the last line with this number.

# cd ..
# modinfo
# ./src/papctl -s m=off
# modunload -i ID

If during the process described above the system panics or any other major problems occur, send a bug report to and describe in detail your system, your configuration and the problem that occured. See the section bug reports for more information.


From the src directory you are able to install the module.

# cd src
# make install
# cd ..

These commands will create the following files on your system. (If you have modified some of the path variables in the file src/Makefile , paths may differ)

  • /usr/kernel/misc/papillon
    The kernel module

  • /usr/sbin/papctl
    The control tool

  • /etc/init.d/papillon
    A script that loads papillon at boot time

  • /etc/rc2.d/S06papillon
    A hardlink to the script etc/init.d/papillon which loads papillon in init level 2 (Multi-User).

You can use the following sequence to uninstall the installed files.

# cd src
# make uninstall
# cd ..

Note: Papillon adds a script to the init directory so that the module is loaded at boot time. If you have volume management enabled problems concerning setting the configuration using papctl may occur. Disable the volume management by moving the /etc/rc2.d/S92volmgt script to a save place. If you don't want to disable volume management, read the part about how to cope with the problems in the runtime configuration section.

If all of these files have been installed on your system, you can activate the module by running

# /etc/init.d/papillon start

If you reboot your system, Papillon will automatically be loaded when switching to multiuser level.

Runtime Configuration

If Papillon is loaded, you can use the control tool papctl to toggle features and protections. Below is a list of the commandline and some examples.

Note: If Papillon is loaded and hidden, you are not able to view it on the list of loaded modules generated by modinfo. The control tool papctl is the only way to test if the module is loaded or not in this case.

papctl Options

  papctl -s variable=value [variable=value ...]
  papctl g | -v | -h

  -g get current configuration of the loaded module.
  -s variable=value ... set current configuration of the loaded module.
  -h print this help.
  -v print version information.

In order to toggle features or protections you have to assign variables the correspoding values. This is the table of all variables, their values and their description.

Variable Description Possible values
r Restricted Proc on, off
p Pseudo Promiscuous Flag on, off
m Module Hiding on, off
i Secure STDIO File Descriptor on, off
s Symbolic Link Protection none, warn, deny
h Hardlink Protection none, warn, deny
f Fifo Protection none, warn, deny


  1. You have loaded the module and want to turn off the restricted proc while setting the symbolic link protection to warn only mode.

    # papctl -s r=off s=warn

  2. You want to disable the complete module but not unload it.

    # papctl -s r=off p=off m=on i=off s=none h=none f=none

  3. You want to enable all features of Papillon and leave the protection configuration untouched.

    # papctr -s r=on p=on m=on i=on

Known problems

There is a known problem that causes papctl to fail if the volume managemnt has been loaded after the Papillon module. You can detect this problem if papctl outputs the following error message:

# papctl -s f=none
Error: ##
Configuration blocked. Volmgt running?

You can fix this problem by turning the volume management off, configuring the module, and then reactivating the volume management.

# /etc/init.d/volmgt stop
# papctl -s f=none
# /etc/init.d/volmgt start

Papillon's functionality

This section lists all features and protections that are included in the Papillon module. You should carefully read this section in order to understand how Papillon works and how it achieves an improvement in the system security.


As mentioned in the introduction the so called features of Papillon can be switched on or off either on compilation or even on runtime. See the sections about compilation and runtime configuration how to do both.

Restricted Proc

By default users on the Solaris OE are able to monitor all active processes (e.g. ps, top). An attacker that has local access to the system might gather useful information by watching system daemons and other users processes. The public information about all running processes also represent a lack of privacy, if a system hosts several independant users.

If the Restricted Proc feature is active, users are only able to view their own processes (processes that are running under their user id uid). There is no possibilty for a user to monitor other users processes since Papillon effects the proc filesystem directly. An attacker which has a local account on the system gains no further information from running commands such as ps or top. Of cause the super-user is able to view all processes.

Papillon extends the access() function of the proc vnode operations provided by prvnodeops to implement the above feature. Unfortunatley the Solaris OE sets the correct permission on the files inside the proc filesystem but does not implement an access() in the proc kernel module. Papillon simply adds this missing access() function.

Pseudo Promiscuous Flag

The Solaris OE 8 and previous versions don't provide a promiscuous mode flag for network cards that is exported to the user. An administrator is not able to monitor a network device for an attacker that is sniffing.

Papillon is able to log all attempts to turn a network device into promiscuous mode that are done using the DPLI Interface. Requests that are performed using a different approach are not detected. Most sniffers use the DLPI Interface.

Papillon intercepts the putmsg() syscall and filters messages that match a DLPI requests (dl_primitive == DL_PROMISCON_REQ and dl_level == DL_PROMISC_PHYS). If a message contains the command for putting a network device into promiscuous mode a warning is send to the syslog. The module is not able to log when a network interface changes back from promiscuous mode to normal operation mode.

Module Hiding

In most cases it is not necessary to hide a security module. But if an administrator wants to monitor an exisiting attacker, it might be necessary to make the attacker believe that this system is not protected by any security software.

Papillon is able to remove itself from the list of loaded kernel modules. Papillon denies any access the module's files and hides the module's files from directory listings including the module itself, initscripts and the papctl control program. The super-user is able to view and access all of these files. The list of files to be hidden can be extended at compilation time.

Papillon unlinks itself from the list of loaded modules and relinks itself back in if requested. It also intercepts the vop_lookup() function from his module's file vnode. Access to the file is denied if not the super-user accesses the file. Papillon also intercepts the vop_readdir() function of its parent directory and removes itself from all directory listings by patching the length of previous dirent64 entry using d_len. The entry for Papillon is covered this way.

Secure STDIO File Descriptors

By default Unix uses the file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 for special purposes.

  • File descriptor 0 represents the Standard Input Stream STDIN
  • File descriptor 1 represents the Standard Output Stream STDOUT
  • File descriptor 2 represents the Standard Error Stream STDERR

If an attacker closes one of these file descriptors and executes an insecure program with the suid/sgid bit (permission mode 4000/2000 or u+s/g+s) set, a file descriptor inside the program might be assigned to one of the closed standard file descriptors. In this case information written to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR might be written to a file. By using this technique an attacker is able to destroy or even modify system files.

Papillon intercepts the execution of all binaries that have the suid/sgid bit set. If the STDIO File Descriptors are closed, Papillon fake opens them during the execution of the suid/sgid program. No suid/sgid program is able to accidently assign a file to the STDIO File Descriptors.

Papillon intercepts the execve() syscall and watches binaries with the suid/sgid bit (Vnode mode S_ISUID or S_ISGID) set. If the Standard File Descriptors are closed, they are faked opened using the kernel allocation routine ualloc(). After executing the original syscall the allocated file descriptors are set free.


Protections restrict access to resources (e.g. opening file) if specific conditions occur (e.g. the file is located in a directory with the sticky bit set). A protection has a behaviour that can be none (for doing nothing), warn (for warning only) or deny (for warning and denying access to the resource). You can customize the default behaviour of your protections at compilation time. You are also able to change the behaviour on runtime.

Symbolic Link Protection

Directories with the sticky bit (permission mode +t or 1000) and write-all (Permission mode a+w or 0222) permissions have a specific behaviour: files created in such a directory can only be removed by the file owner or the super-user eventhough write permissions are granted to all users, e.g. /tmp. An attacker can use this feature to drive a symbolic link attack. A symbolic link attack is basicly based on a symbolic link that has the name of a temporary file and links to a file the attacker wants to modify.

Papillon provides a simple symbolic link protection. If a user wants to follow a symbolic link that is within a directory with the sticky bit set, access is denied if all of the following conditions are true:

  • The parent directory of the symbolic link has the sticky bit set
  • The symbolic link is not owned by the user who wants to follow it
  • The parent directory of the symbolic link has a different owner than the symbolic link itself

This protection mechanism especially protects the super-user privileges, an attacker is not able to gain super-user privileges, if the admin executes a binary that creates insecure temporary files.

Papillon watches all calls to the open() and open64() syscalls, if a symbolic link is to be opened that is placed in a directory with the sticky bit (Vnode mode S_ISVTX) set and the above conditions match, the open fails with permission denied (EPERM).

Hard Link Protection

An attacker can perform most symbolic link attacks by using hard links. If the symbolic links are protected, it is likely that hard links will be used in exploits. There is also another problem with hard links in the Solaris OE. Users are able to create hard links, that they cannot delete afterwards, e.g. by hard linking to /etc/password .

Papillon fixes both problems. If the hard link protection is active users can not create hard links to files they donnot own. The super-user is able to create hard links to all files.

The link() syscall is intercepted and the above protections are implemented. Papillon returns permission denied (EPERM).

FIFO Protection

A FIFO (e.g. a file created with mkfifo) that is inside a directory with the sticky bit set and write-all permissions can be opened by an attacker using the open flag O_CREAT. In this case all saved content inside the FIFO will be lost.

Papillon restricts access to FIFOs inside directories with the sticky bit set and write-all permissions. Open access to FIFOs is denied if all of the following conditions are true:

  • The parent directory of the FIFO has the sticky bit set
  • The FIFO will be opened with the O_CREAT flag
  • The FIFO is not owned by the user who wants to open it
  • The user is not the super-user
  • The parent directory of the FIFO has a different owner than FIFO itself

Papillon watches all calls to the open() and open64() syscalls, if a FIFO is to be opened with the O_CREAT flag in a directory with the sticky bit (Vnode mode S_ISVTX) set, access is denied if the above conditions match. In this case Papillon returns permission denied (EPERM).


Bug Reports

Papillon has been developed in the free time of the author. It is a non-commercial opensource project. Papillon tries to offer a maximum of stability, but due to the reasons mentioned above, it can fail to do so.

Therefore it is essential that users experiencing bugs report them to the author by sending an email to

Konrad Rieck <>
Include detailed information when, where and how the bug occured. If necessary add parts of log files such as syslog. If the system dumped core, don't send core files. Instead move to the crash directory /var/crash/<hostname>/ and execute:

echo [IMAGE png]$c | mdb unix.0 vmcore.0

You should retrieve a backtrace of the kernel thread that paniced. Include this trace in the email instead of attaching any core file.

References / Links

  • Sun Microsystems
    Vendor of the Solaris Operating Environment 8

  • Solaris Homepage
    Homepage of the Solaris Operating Environment including several downloads, information and patches

  • Sunfreeware
    Large collection of precompiled packages from the opensource community including the GNU Compiler Collection, GNU make and other usefull development utilites.

  • Forte C
    Forte has replaced the Sun Workshop and included the Sun C Compiler. You can download an evaluation copy from the link above. As mentioned through out the complete document, you need the Sun C Compiler on 64 bit systems.

  • Openwall Project (OW)
    Homepage of the Openwall Project initialed by Solar Designer. The site features several interesting projects including the Linux patch, John - a password cracker and a secure POP3 deamon.

  • OW Linux Kernel Patch
    This is the site of the Linux kernel patch Papillon has been inspired by. Most of the features relevant for Solaris OE have been adopted from this code.

  • The Roqefellaz
    A small website that has been initiated by the author and some of his friends to carry small opensource projects they have developed in their free time.

  • Writing Device Drivers
    This book published by Sun was a guide when developing Papillon. It focuses on device drivers but also contains information concerning othe types of kernel modules.

  • Solaris Internals
    This excellent book by Jim Mauro and Richard McDougall has reached the author just recently. Future versions of Papillon will include knowledge gained from this work.


The author would like to thank Job de Haas for his ideas, support and the fun during their presentation at HAL2001.

Thanks to Fabian Kroenner for hours of constructive discussion regardings Papillon and its future, there would have been no release without his support.

Konrad Kretschmer was so gentle to read through the complete documentation eleminating at least the obvious misspellings.

The author also would like to thank Philipp Stucke and Skyper who provided some of the test environment.

In the early days of the code Acpizer supplied a reference counter implementation for Papillon. Thanks.