== Arithmetic Operators == == Trig Functions == + Addition (plus) Note : take radian arguments) - Subtraction (minus) sin sine * Multiplication (times) sinh hyperbolic sine / Division (divided by) asin arc sine % Modulus (remainder) cos cosine ^ Power (raised to) cosh hyperbolic cosine acos arc cosine == Bitwise Logical Operators == tan tangent & bitwise AND tanh hyperbolic tangent | bitwise inclusive OR atan arc tangent ~ unary one's complement atan2 arc tangent of x/y (2 arguments needed) == Date Functions == == Math Functions == caltojul calendar to julian date exp exponentiation Usage: caltojul(yyyy, mm, dd) ln natural log Returns: #days elapsed since October 15, 1582 log base 10 log jultocal julian to calendar date sqrt square root Usage: jultocal(julian_date) hypot sqrt(X^2+Y^2) Returns: date in yyyymmdd format ceil ceiling Eg: caltojul(1989,12,31) <=> jultocal(148732) floor floor int,trunc truncation abs absolute value degtorad degrees -> radians == Help Functions == radtodeg radians -> degrees ? Help (print this screen) ran2(0) random in [0,1[ rand(0) random in [0,2^31-1[