GDChart, Programming, chart creation library GDChart V1.1.4 © Tous droits réservés 2003 Jean-François PIÉRONNE GdChart is a library to create charts and graphs in PNG, GIF and WBMP format. It is used by several software packages, including Python. By default, the installation procedure installs this library package in the SYS$COMMON:[GDCHART] directory. To install it in another directory, dev:[dir], use the /DESTINATION parameter of the PRODUCT command. In this case, the library package will be installed in the dev:[dir.GDCHART] directory. Installation 1. Make the directory which holds the ZIP file your default directory 2. Extract the PCSI kit from the ZIP archive. $ UNZIP "-V" GDCHART-V0011-4-1.ZIP 3. Install the library package to your chosen destination. $ PRODUCT INSTALL gdchart (default) or ... $ PRODUCT INSTALL gdchart /DESTINATION=dev:[dir] 4. Finally, run the DCL procedure STARTUP.COM to define the necessary logicals. (You might want to add the relevant line to your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file.) $ @SYS$COMMON:[GDCHART]STARTUP (default) or ... $ @dev:[dir.GDHART]STARTUP