CVTLIS V3.5, Utilities, Convert Compiler Listings back to Source Code CVTLIS V3.5 Copyright © 1994,2002, Hunter Goatley. All rights reserved. CVTLIS converts .LIS files from the VMS Source Listings on CD back to the appropriate source files. The following file types are recognized: Language Type Output file type --------- ---- ---------------- MACRO-32 (VAX) .MAR AMACRO-32 (Alpha) .MAR BLISS-32 (VAX) .B32 BLISS-32E (Alpha) .B32E BLISS-64 (Alpha) .B64 MACRO-64 (Alpha) .M64 VAX C (VAX) .C DEC C (VAX/Alpha) .C SDL (VAX/Alpha) .SDL CDU (VAX/Alpha) .CLD MESSAGE (VAX/Alpha) .MSG VAX PL/I (VAX) .PLI DEC PL/I (Alpha) .PLI VAX Pascal (VAX) .PAS DEC Pascal (VAX/Alpha) .PAS CVTLIS is written in BLISS and will compile and run on both OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha. CVTLIS is highly dependent on the .LIS format produced for the source listings CDs. Fortunately, most of the VMS programmers follow rigorous source code formats, so this program will successfully convert most listing files. To build an executable, either execute @LINK.COM or go to the [.SOURCE] subdirectory and rebuild it using MMK. To use CVTLIS, define a foreign symbol to run the program and supply a .LIS file name on the command line: $ cvtlis :== $dev:[dir]cvtlis.exe $ cvtlis [v61.dcl]recallsub.lis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files in this directory: AAAREADME.DOC This file AAAREADME.TOO Revision history CVTLIS.ALPHA_OLB CVTLIS library (Alpha) CVTLIS.OLB CVTLIS object library (VAX) LINK.COM Command procedure to link the executables Files in [.SOURCE]: CVTLIS.B32 BLISS source file for CVTLIS. CVTLIS_CLD.CLD CLD command language definition file. CVTLIS_MSG.MSG MESSAGE source file for CVTLIS error messages. DESCRIP.MMS MMS/MMK description file for building CVTLIS. FPARSE.B32 Routine to parse file specifications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTING THE AUTHOR Comments, suggestions, and questions about this software can be directed to the author at one of the following addresses: Mail: Hunter Goatley P.O. Box 51745 Bowling Green, KY 42102-6745 E-mail: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE This software is COPYRIGHT © 1994,2002, HUNTER GOATLEY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Permission is granted for not-for-profit redistribution, provided all source and object code remain unchanged from the original distribution, and that all copyright notices remain intact. DISCLAIMER This software is provided "AS IS". The author makes no representations or warranties with respect to the software and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.