CRON, SYSTEM_MGMT, VMS port of CRON utlity This is a VMS port of the CRON utility. I did NOT make the port, but just added some DCL code around it and made some minor fixes to the sources and packaged it as a PCSI kit. The kit is installed using PCSI and should NOT be installed on the system disk, because the user specific spool files and the logfiles are created under its root. The kit creates an identifier CRON_USER, which is used to control access to the SPOOL subdirectory and should be granted to all users, that should be able to submit CRON jobs. To use CRON, a user should define a foreign command like: $ CLONTAB == "@CRON$LIB:[000000]CRONTAB" This is a wrapper for the CLONTAB utility (sorry its help is german), but CLONTAB.EXE can be called directly also with: $ CLONTAB == "$CRON$LIB:[000000]CLONTAB.EXE_ALPHA" ! for alphas... The file CRON_STARTUP can be used to STOP or START the CRON daemon like '$ @CRON_STARTUP STOP' and '$ @CRON_STARRTUP START' and should be included in the startup/shutdown procedures. CRON is started by this procedure on standalone systems and voting cluster nodes. On satellites only the logical names CRON$LIB and CRON_DIR are defined. The kit consists of the following files: FREEWARE_README.TXT - this readme FREEWARE_REALEASE.TXT|PDF - freeware release form BUILD.COM - routine to compile/link from sources CLONTAB.C - source file for CLONTAB CLONTAB.EXE_ALPHA - ALPHA executable CLONTAB.EXE_VAX - VAX executable CLONTAB.OBJ_ALPHA - ALPHA object CLONTAB.OBJ_ALPHA - VAX object CLONTAB.TXT - help file for CLONTAB in english CRON.HLP - (german) helep module for HELPLIB CRON013.RELEASE_NOTES - releasenotes (german) CRONTAB.COM - wrapper routine for CLONTAB CRON_POSTINSTALL.COM - called via PCSI to setup logicals CRON_STARTUP.COM - CRON start/stop routine MYCRON.C - source file for MYCRON (the daemon) MYCRON.H - include file for MYCRON MYCRON.EXE_ALPHA - ALPHA executable MYCRON.EXE_VAX - VAX executable MYCRON.OBJ_ALPHA - ALPHA object MYCRON.OBJ_VAX - VAX object MYCRON_STARTUP.COM - startup routine for detached process SEND_MAIL.COM - internal mail routine The executables are compiled and linked under OpenVMS/Alpha V8.2 und OpenVMS/VAX V7.3. Sorry, I have no IA64 system at hand, so I could not test the stuff on IA64 or create executables. If you encounter any errors with this kit or have some suggestions for improvement, please send mail to: karl.rohwedder(at)