CD_PLAYER, Utilities, Plays Audio CDs on OpenVMS * Note from HG: there was a problem displaying the logo on AXP under Motif V1.2, so I gave define_logo a value of 0 in CD_PLAYER.C. Feel free to change that to 1 and try it in your environment..... -------------------- CD_PLAYER is a program to allow playing of Audio CDs on CD-Rom drives capable of doing so. It is written in C and uses the Motif user interface. Because it needs to access the SCSI device directly, it requires DIAGNOSE and PHY_IO privilege to execute (note, you may INSTALL the program with these privileges). You need to define the logical name "DECW$CD_PLAYER" to point to the device which you wish to us. You can use the procedure VUE_CD_PLAYER.COM, which will put up a requestor to select the drive if you haven't already defined the logical. The current version of CD_PLAYER supports an Album database for album titles & track lengths and an auxiliary database for songs for the albums, which can store track titles and whether a track is preferred (a simple playlist). The files SYS$LOGIN:ALBUM.CD and SONGS.DB are indexed files whose current and future structure is outlined in CD-DB.C. Future support will hopefully include an Artist DB, as well as a "Prefered track" DB and logical song groupings in the songs DB. If you already have used a previous version of this program, you may have an album database which may need converting to the current format via the included ALBUM.FDL & CONVERT.COM files. All feedback is quite welcome: send correspondence to one of the addresses below. Please bear in mind that this is a work in progress: if you have access to the Internet, you can get up-to-date versions by asking! Thank you for your interest in this program, I hope it proves useful (well, at least fun). Joe Meadows or Ian Kitching Computer Services, Anglia Polytechnic University East Rd, Cambridge, CB1 1PT, England Phone: +44 223 63271 x 2278 Fax: +44 223 352973 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting This Going ================== (There are compile-time options - see below.) Copy CD_PLAYER.EXE and VUE_CD_PLAYER.COM to VUE$LIBRARY_WRITE: (this is the "customer" part of the VUE$LIBRARY search list). If you choose to put the .EXE elsewhere, edit the .COM accordingly. Copy CD_PLAYER.DAT to DECW$USER_DEFAULTS:, which is usually the same as SYS$LOGIN:. Consider installing the .EXE with DIAGNOSE & PHY_IO privileges. The alternative is for the process created by the Session Manager to have these privileges. Consider defining the DECW$CD_PLAYER logical name, ideally as a Exec-mode system one. However the VUE procedure pops up a device name prompt if the DECW$CD_PLAYER logical name is undefined. Define a Session Manager menu item to invoke "@VUE$LIBRARY:VUE_CD_PLAYER". Launch CD_PLAYER and check that the defaults supplied in CD_PLAYER.DAT are appropriate for you. In particular you may wish to resize the main window and save the size via the Options pull-down menu. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing with DIAGNOSE & PHY_IO Privileges ============================================ If you choose to install the program with DIAGNOSE & PHY_IO, there are compile-time options in CD-UTIL.C for safety checks on the DECW$CD_PLAYER logical name. You can choose to ensure it's an Executive-mode system one or that it's in the system table. As supplied it performs a standard Exec-mode-only check. If the check fails the program turns off its installed privileges, leaving just the process permanent privileges. There are also optional checks on the device type (see below). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiling & Linking =================== See MAKE.COM and/or MAKEFILE. for compiling and linking this. The most recent phase of development has been with OpenVMS/VAX V5.5 and Motif V1.1. Link options for Motif V1.0 and V1.2 are supplied. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Device Support ============== As of VMS V5.4-3(?) the normal SCSI disk device driver supports the necessary functions. Prior to that one had to use the generic SCSI device driver - see SYCONFIG.COM for hints. This has only been tested with DEC's RRD42 drive, which appears not to support software volume control. The module CD-UTIL.C has compile-time options for checking the VMS device class and/or type. As supplied these checks are disabled. It always performs the CD type check. If the device type check fails it disables any image privileges, leaving just the process permanent privileges.