XJed is able to utilise the X Render extensions in order to display anti-aliased fonts. If you're going to use this, do the following easy steps: 1. Read http://www.xfree86.org/~keithp/render/aafont.txt (and act) 2. Make sure "xterm -fa mono" renders anti-aliased fonts 3. Edit the jed src/Makefile (AFTER you've run configure) and modify the XRENDERFONTLIBS variable. 4. Edit the jed src/jed-feat XJED_XRENDERFONT variable 5. Build JED 6. With the newly compiled xjed, try something like: xjed -fn mono -fs 16 masterpiece.c If you don't specify -fs somenumber (facesize, e.g. -fs 12 or -fs 16) jed will revert to traditional font rendering. When -fs is specified, the -fn parameter is treated as facename, so you can do things like: xjed -fn trebuc -fs 16 bomb.c This functionality was brought to you by: Charl P. Botha March 26, 2001