$ dir Directory USER$ROOT:[HPW04] BSTART.COM SUBMITs a software startup procedure to batch as user SYSTEM (requires CMKRNL privilege). Uses "SYS$STARTUP:*$STARTUP.COM" as a "pattern" to match against, and if not found, looks for SYS$MANAGER:*_STARTUP.COM Examples: $ @BSTART SLS Finds SYS$STARTUP:SLS$STARTUP.COM and submits it to the default batch queue. $ BSTART MGA Finds SYS$MANAGER:MGA_STARTUP.COM and submits it to the default batch queue. CD.COM Yet another "Change Directory" command in DCL. Accepts VMS syntax (DEV:[DIR]), UN*X syntax ("/dir") and DOS syntax ("\dir"). DELTREE.COM Yet another "DELete directory TREE" utility in DCL. Works best with BYPASS privilege. DMP2BIN.COM Converts the contents of a DUMP output file to a Fixed-512 file. Good for .ZIPs, .EXEs, other binary files. Will also work with /BLOCK dumps of any file type; RMS file and record attributes must be restored manually. DVOL.COM Estimates the amount of data to backup on a volume considering the total disk space used minus the size of the .SYS files in the MFD. ENTDEL.COM Delete ranges of entries. Entries can be specified individually, as a range (Example: 10-15) or as a comma- separated list of entries or ranges. FILCNT.COM Counts the number of files in a directory by reading the .DIR file. FIX_VERSION.COM "Fixes" the version numbers of selected files by RENAME-ing them twice: once by reversing the sequence of characters in the filetype extension, and again putting them back in the right order. File version numbers begin at 1 afterwards. FREEDISK.COM Displays the total, used and free disk space on all the volumes MOUNTed to the system including freespace percentages and totals in GB and TB (rounded). GGFIND.COM Determines which $1$GGA device is associated with a $1$DGA by matching against the WWIDs. NA.COM Converts an integer into either a DECnet address (if less the 65535) or an IP address in dotted-decimal notation. PRCQUOTA.COM Displays the various process quotas and quota usage of processes selected by command line parameters. Uses F$CONTEXT() and F$PID() to find processes. P1 = Process name to match P2 = Node name to match ("*" for the entire cluster) P3 = Additional process selection criteria. RESUBMIT.COM Submits a new version of a batch job procedure based on information from an existing queue entry. RM_RET_ENT.COM Removes retained entries from queues using criteria stated in the command line parameters. SHAFT.COM Displays the /AFTER time of queue entries, the date/time submitted and the process start time if the job is running. Entries can be specified individually, as a range (Example: 10-15) or as a comma- separated list of entries or ranges. SHCLU.COM Displays the cluster members including hardware names, and operating system version, cluster votes information, and quorum disk information if a quorum disk is present. SPLIT.COM Breaks up binary (Fixed-512) files into smaller pieces. P1 = Filespec P2 = Chunk size in blocks or MB SYSTAT.COM RSTS/E-like SYSTAT display. TEE.COM Excerpted from the on-line HELP for the PIPE command. Will work better on V7.3-2 and later than on V7.2 thru V7.3-1. TIME_COMMAND.COM Displays the elapsed time of a command. VMSMEM.COM Displays the memory utilization for the local node. WHICH.COM Displays what is executed for a given command. Locates "foreign"commands (symbols) or uses the freeware VERB utility to analyze the DCL command table. Total of 22 files.