Thanks for that. I made a few changes to get it to work on VAX/VMS. The changes were to VMS_MAKE and MISC.C, here they are if you want to put them back into the standard distribution. I should point out, I'm not a C programmer, evidently I'm not much of a Fortran programmer any more either, so I hope the changes I made to MISC.C are correct, it seems to compile and run fine now on VAX/VMS V7.1 with DEC C V5.7-004. Peter "Joseph Huber" wrote in message news:<>... > > Antiword 0.35 is out for VMS: > > see > > -- > Joseph "Sepp" Huber, Muenchen This email communication is intended as a private communication for the sole use of the primary addressee and those individuals listed for copies in the original message. The information contained in this email is private and confidential and if you are not an intended recipient you are hereby notified that copying, forwarding or other dissemination or distribution of this communication by any means is prohibited. If you are not specifically authorized to receive this email and if you believe that you received it in error please notify the original sender immediately. We honour similar requests relating to the privacy of email communications. Cette communication par courrier electronique est une communication privee a l'usage exclusif du destinataire principal ainsi que des personnes dont les noms figurent en copie. Les renseignements contenus dans ce courriel sont confidentiels et si vous n'etes pas le destinataire prevu, vous etes avise, par les presentes que toute reproduction, tout transfert ou toute autre forme de diffusion de cette communication par quelque moyen que ce soit est interdit. Si vous n'etes pas specifiquement autorise a recevoir ce courriel ou si vous croyez l'avoir recu par erreur, veuillez en aviser l'expediteur original immediatement. Nous respectons les demandes similaires qui touchent la confidentialite des communications par courrier electronique.