UNITOOLS, UTILITIES, Various useful DCL procedures University Tools ---------------- This miscellany of DCL command procedures provides a number of useful tools for everyday usage. ACC_DEL - Selectively delete OpenVMS accounting records. AI - Display image creation data from ANALYZE/IMAGE. CM - Display/change newmail counts. CSLG_UPDATE - Update CSLG licence PAKs. DECW_TITLE - Set DECterm window and icon titles. DTU - Start a DECterm logged in as another user. G - Search for specific text in output from any command. GBL - Display summary of Global Pages and Global Sections. REX - Count records in files. WS - Display working set information for all processes. XW - Run an X11 program on a given X-display. Z - Interactively repeat a command at a given interval. They are provided AS IS and UNSUPPORTED. Some may use simple symbol definitions which are assumed (e.g., $ say :== write SYS$OUTPUT). Comments, improvements, etc are welcome. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jonathan Ridler (VMS Systems Manager) Information Technology Services, Telephone: +61 3 9344 7994 The University of Melbourne, Fax: +61 3 9347 4803 Thomas Cherry Building, Email: jonathan@unimelb.edu.au Parkville, Vic., AUSTRALIA, 3052. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------