READING MAIL WITH TIN --------------------- Requirements: Tin is able to read your mail providing it is stored in MH style folders (ie you have a directory for each mail folder and one numbered file per message). You must have built tin with the --enable-mh-mail-handling configure option. Your mail folders will be automatically merged in with your regular newsgroups on the main screen. Setup: You need a mail active file. The default location of this is ~/.tin/active.mail It contains one line per mail folder, each line has 4 fields. 1) Mail group name. This must be the pathname of the mailbox relative to field #4 with / changed to . 2) Max num. Just put a large number here, something higher than the highest message in the mailbox 3) Min num. Put 0 here. 4) Path of mail spool directory. This must be the full pathname to the root of the mail folder area. eg: Mail.inbox 10000 00000 /home/foo Mail.outbox 10000 00000 /home/foo This allows access to the 'inbox' and 'outbox' folders of user foo. They are accessed via /home/foo/Mail/inbox and /home/foo/Mail/outbox Usage: Start tin as normal. You'll have to subscribe to your mailgroups the first time you use them.