SD, UTILITIES, Powerful and Robust SET DEFAULT SD is a powerful and flexible alternative to the DCL command "SET DEFAULT". It has the capability to . quickly set default to the default login directory (SYS$LOGIN); . quickly set default to any user's default login directory (privileged use); . set default to logical directory names, wildcarded directory names and complex directory specifications; . store a history of "visited" directories in a "Last In First Out" (LIFO) directory stack; . set default to any given directory in the directory stack; . display the contents of the directory stack; . allow different styles of stack display; . manipulate the contents of the directory stack; . set the maximum size of the directory stack; . re-initialize the directory stack; . write the directory stack to a disk file for later re-loading of the stack; . read a previously dumped directory stack from a disk file to re-load the stack; . change the session prompt to reflect the current default directory; . allow flexible specification of the format of the new session prompt; . provide direct access to help information from the command line; The author of SD is Jonathan Ridler, Information Technology Services, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, AUSTRALIA, 3052. Email: SD is written entirely in DEC Pascal and has been built and tested on OpenVMS VAX v7.1 (DEC Pascal v5.6) and OpenVMS Alpha v7.1 (DEC Pascal v5.7).