MTOOLS, TOOLS, Mtools utilities for OpenVMS/Alpha This is port of Unix mtools utilities for OpenVMS Alpha (I didn't test it with OpenVMS VAX). Now mtools has CLI interface for following commands (check MMD.CLD): mcd, mdir, mdel, mread, mwrite, mcopy, mlabel, minfo, mattrib, mmd, mrd, mmove, mren, mbadblocks, mformat The old interface via symbols should work too: copy mtools.exe as separate mXXXXX.exe files contains example of symbol definitions Compilation: If you have MMS installed on your machine, just type MMS to build optimized/non-debug version of mtools and MMS/MACRO=(DEBUG=1) - if you want to know how it works. ;) For users without MMS there are two command procedures to build mtools: COMP.COM and LINK.COM. You would need to modify first line of each file to select proper build command. I successfully built mtools on OpenVMS Alpha V7.1, DEC C V5.7-006 (included mtools.exe) and tested with floppy drive on AlphaStation 200/233. By default, drive A: assigned to DVA0:. You can modify mtools.conf config file to point to correct device. VMS FOREVER! Sergey Tikhonov Solvo Ltd.