Changes made for FT3 of UCX Majordomo V1.93: 1) Cent sign hack Date into CMS: 10-Nov-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Change '¢' to '"'. This allows the -C option in the listname-DIGEST forwarding entry to be passed via the PIPE% mechanism to the VMS Majordomo digest script with its case intact. ******************************************************************************** Changes made for FT4 of UCX Majordomo V1.93: 2) Minor diagnostics procedural change Date into CMS: 12-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko If UCX$PIPE_MAILSHR_DEBUG logical is >= 20 then it won't delete the .TMP files it creates. This is similar to behavior of UCX$MAJORDOMO_DEBUG logical. ******************************************************************************** Changes made for FT6 of UCX Majordomo V1.93: 3) Security/Privilege changes Date into CMS: Engineer: Karol Zielonko Use new SYS$SYSTEM:PIPE_MAILSHR_REGISTRY.DAT to see if a particular username can pipe to a particular .COM file in a username. Require user that we are piping *from* to have the proper privileges (actually it's just CMKRNL) explicitly turned on. CMKRNL is required when the pipe to username is not the same as the pipe from username. The old code did require CMKRNL so if a user with no privs tried to run the PIPE code directly (ie. send to PIPE%"file someotherusername") they'd get an error. However with the old code if the piping user had CMKRNL priv but didn't have it turned on the PIPE_MAILSHR code would turn it on automatically, and then not turn it off. The new code simply expects that the caller has the right privileges *and* that they are turned on. If the username we are piping to is the same as the one we are piping from then no CMKRNL priv is required. This allows unprivileged users to send to PIPE% directly as long as they aren't piping to another username. (Note that in order to do this the protection on the PIPE_MAILSHR_REGISTRY.DAT file must allow world read.) If the username is left out of the PIPE% "address" string then we now default it to the username of the process we are piping from.(The old default was to the UCX$MAJORDOM account.)