IMAKE, Build_Tools, makefile generator I. Summary: Imake is a port of an X Windows tool that generates Makefiles, a set of cpp macro routines, and an Imakefile input file from a single source file. Imake permits the separation of the operating system dependencies from the build scripts. Imake works in conjunction with -- it does not replace -- a makefile tool such as MMS. This freeware kit contains everything necessary to use Imake on OpenVMS systems. Use the following command to restore this directory tree: $ BACKUP/LOG IMAKE.BCK/SAVE [...]*.*; This BACKUP comand will duplicate the Imake directory tree starting at your current directory. After restoring the Imake.sav saveset, you will need to invoke the command procedure. This command file will establish the necessary symbols and logical names used elsewhere in the Imake environment. The following command shows how this might be done: $ @imake_login II. Directories: [IMAKE] This is the top level Imake directory. [IMAKE.BINARY] This subdirectory holds the finished Imake tools, executables, and Imake configuration files for a OpenVMS environment. The Imake.Rules file is a monster file of slight variations of Imake rules for building all sorts of program targets. You only really need a couple of these rules, but they exist in all their splendor to show how you can create an Imake rule to build any OpenVMS type program target that you might ever need. [IMAKE.CPP] This is the C preprocessor that Imake uses. [IMAKE.IMAKE This is the build directory and documentation for Imake. [IMAKE.MAKEDEPEND] This is the build directory for the makedepend image. [IMAKE.MAKEINCLUDE] This directory holds a command file to process output from makedepend and insert it into an MMS makefile. [IMAKE.UTILS] This directory holds a command file to stream/lf an OpenVMS text file that is not. TPU creates files that by default are not stream/lf. You may be able to configure TPU to do so. III. Prerequisite Software: OpenVMS VAX or Alpha MMS DEC C IV. Conclusion: The object modules and executable images in this saveset were built on an OpenVMS Alpha V7.2 system using DEC C V6.0. Some adjustments of the compilation commands will be necessary, depending on the particular package. The CPP and IMAKE build areas have a bootstrap makefile.ini if you can't happen to run the existing images. You build CPP first then Imake itself. There are readme files in most of the build directories to help you along. These readme files describe some of the things that had to be done to get Imake working. The license release for all this software is found in the Imake.c module in []imake.c. It is a very nice tool. May you find it useful!