FILES_INFO, UTILITIES, Display all processes that have a particular file open FILES_INFO V2.0-000 FILES_INFO accepts a filename on the DCL command line and displays all the processes that have the file open for reading/writing. Warning: elevated privileges are required; this program does contain kernel-mode code to access system data structures. To build an executable, either execute @LINK.COM or go to the [.SOURCE] subdirectory and rebuild it using MMK. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files in this directory: AAAREADME.DOC This file AAAREADME.TOO Revision history FILES_INFO.ALPHA_OLB FILES_INFO object library (Alpha AXP) FILES_INFO.ALPHA_OPT FILES_INFO linker options file (Alpha AXP) FILES_INFO.OLB FILES_INFO object library (VAX) FILES_INFO.OPT FILES_INFO linker options file (VAX) LINK.COM Command procedure to link the executables Files in [.SOURCE]: DESCRIP.MMS Description file for building FILES_INFO. FILES_CLD.CLD DCL command definition source. FILES_INFO.ALPHA_OPT FILES_INFO linker options file (Alpha AXP) FILES_INFO.C C source for FILES_INFO main routine. FILES_INFO.OPT FILES_INFO linker options file (VAX) FILES_MACRO.MAR MACRO support routines for FILES_INFO.C. LOCK_NONPAGED_CODE.MAR Routine to lockdown code pages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTING THE AUTHORS Comments, suggestions, and questions about this software can be directed to the authors at one of the following addresses: Mail: Edward A. Heinrich E-mail: heinrich@BYU.EDU -------------------- Mail: Hunter Goatley E-mail: goathunter@GOATLEY.COM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE This software is COPYRIGHT © 1994, The LOKI Group, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Permission is granted for not-for-profit redistribution, provided all source and object code remain unchanged from the original distribution, and that all copyright notices remain intact. DISCLAIMER This software is provided "AS IS". The authors and the LOKI Group, Inc. make no representations or warranties with repsect to the software and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.