EMU User Guide

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Each parameter in the EMU database has an associated record describing how to format it, the privileges needed to view it and how the alert mechanism reacts if it is added, deleted or modified.

Each parameter is associated with a protocol and a table. In some cases where there are multiple tables within a protocol, the table names are also in this file and can be modified similarly to parameter names.

3.5.3 Operations

The start the program:
A menu appears with 2 items: Parameters

You may list, add modify or delete parameters. In all cases selecting an item takes you through a menu structure of the protocols and tables to find a particular parameter. PARAMTBL Summary

This utility is very useful for customising your system at low levels. With a few keystrokes you can change the way data is displayed across the system and using the security facility, limit access to a very fine degree. With power comes responsibility; Be sure of what you are doing before you do it. As a safety, backup the file EMU5_DAT:MAPPER.DAT before you make changes. If it all goes horribly wrong, restore your backup.

3.5.4 MIB compiling and Registration

MIBs (Management Information Base) are readable files produced by the manufacturer of a device that supports SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). At this writing SNMP is supported only in the IP world. The MIB defines the parameters that the device supports, how to access them, the format of the parameters and (often) a short explanation of what it means.

MIBS must be compiled before they are usable by the system. EMU provides a compiler in 2 parts for a number of reasons:

The private definitions EMU defines are as follows. Note that they are defined using the ASN.1 tags reserved for private data types and therefore will not interfere with any existing or future definitions contained in a valid implementation of SNMP.

Table 3-3 EMU ASN.1 Private DataTypes
EMU Symbol Tag Value DataType
SNMP_ASN1E_MACADDR 193 Mac address
SNMP_ASN1E_DISPSTR 194 Printable string
SNMP_ASN1E_TBLTOP 195 Table top ¹
SNMP_ASN1E_TBLENT 196 Table entry¹
Note 1: These 2 types are used internally only. They should never be edited into a MIB at any stage.

There are a number of enhancements included in this compiler that are not present in industry standard ones: Usage Instructions

To compile a MIB and make it available for use follow these instructions:
  1. Ensure the MIB you want to compile is in EMU5_MIB: directory. MIBs can normally be obtained by contacting the manufacturer of the device via either the Web or FTP. EMU supplies many of the more common MIBs precompiled and registered. To find which MIBs are already available run PARAMTBL, Select Internet and the resulting menu will display all registered MIBs. Other MIBs are simply supplied and are located in EMU5_MIB:.
  2. Run EMU5_EXE:MIB_COMPILE1.The program will ask for the MIB name. Enter it. This compile phase:
  3. Run EMU5_EXE:MIB_COMPILE2.The program will ask for the MIB name. Enter it. This compile phase:
  4. Run EMU5_EXE:MIB_REGISTER.The program will ask for the MIB name. Enter it. The program will determine if the MIB is already registered and if so, you may replace it with the new definitions. Otherwise it advises the number assigned to this MIB and includes all definitions in EMU5_DAT:MAPPER.DAT. The MIB is now available for the system to use on any device that supports it.
  5. After making any required adjustments to the system' usage of the parameters just registered (see below for a hint), you then tell the system which nodes to use this MIB on by: You can test this MIB with another utility that is also useful in browsing the network: MIBWALKER.

    Note that by default all IP addresses are assumed to support MIB-II - the basic MIB that most SNMP devices support - at least in part. Internally to the system this is MIB number 1. DO NOT CHANGE THIS DEFINITION. If this is the only MIB a device supports or the only MIB you want to act upon a device then no action is necessary.

    3.5.5 MIBWALKER

    A MIBWALKER is a generic program that allows you to retrieve and display the results of data from a node supporting SNMP. A number of conditions must be met before this will work: To run the MIB walker type 'MIBWALKER' at the DCL prompt. This system wide symbol is set up at EMU start time. Note that EMU is not required to be running in order to execute this routine.
    Running the program displays a menu on the screen: All the functions are independent. That is you can set the MIB and switch between addresses or vice versa. It is often a good idea to run this program after compiling and registering a MIB and noting which parameters should be adjusted using PARAMTBL. For many MIBS you may not want all the parameters (by default all will be collected) or you may want to alert when additions, deletions or modifications are detected on some parameters. By default no alerts are generated.

    3.6 Errors and Omissions

    This is the beta release of software. Some functions described in the user guide are not implemented and others may not perform exactly as expected. It is the purpose of this release to find these errors, note the usefulness of the system as it stands and to collect feedback for it's further development. This section describes the known errors and some possible workarounds. These are given in no particular order:
A file EMU5_DAT:EMUBUG.DAT contains all known errors and fixes at release time.
Please send any additions to this list to:

3.7 Hints

This section is included to impart some uses of the system that may not be immediately obvious.

3.7.1 Further processing of Reports

Reports are always generated as flat files and can be easily formatted and manipulated using simple DCL procedures. Some useful things to note: EMU does not currently provide an interface capable of extracting data conditionally. That is there is no way to say "Get all nodes with names beginning with "TST" and having at least 1 IP address that does not begin with "171". This is however easily accomplished by generating a report with all occurrences of the parameters and writing a simple procedure (about 10 lines) to apply the logic.

3.7.2 Seeding the IP database

There is no direct way to add an address to EMU but in the IP section this can be done indirectly by 'pinging' the address. If the node answers, it will be added to the database as the IP module listens for and receives all ICMP frames (A 'ping' uses an ICMP echo request and response sequence). It may be useful to keep a procedure containing ping commands to important IP addresses and run it at system startup as this will speed up finding further IP addresses.

3.7.3 Finding a MOP console user

If, when using TSM to access a server and the connection fails, it is often because another system is using the console port. The message returned does not help to make this obvious. Within EMU, find the server you are trying to connect to and force an update using the hidden menu. Wait about 30 seconds and redisplay. Assuming the update has been successful, (note the last update time at screen top), the MAC address of the system connected to it will be displayed as 'Console User'. Find this MAC address to identify the system that 'owns' the console.

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