Before Starting, an agressive note ---------------------------------- !!! Your are NOT helping the VMS community if you do not report bugs !!! If the procedure described herein does not work, please report by sending an Email to with the following information : - Your Operating system version (including the flavor AXP or VAX) - A copy of you DELETE.CLD file Description ----------- This directory contains files to generate a replacement CLD file for the DELETE DCL command. The steps are as follow 1) Esure that you do have a SYS$COMMON:[SYSUPD]DELETE.CLD file If not, you can use the VREB utility (if installed) to extract the DELETE command to a CLD file. 2) Execute GENCLD.COM What it does : o Patches DELETE.CLD as follow define verb DELETE image DELETE ... qualifier TREE, syntax=DELETE_TREE, nonnegatable ... ... define syntax DELETE_TREE image VMSAPPS:DELTREE.EXE cliflags(foreign) o Creates a new DELETE.HLP for your help library. o Ask you if you want to "proceed". If you answer "Y", the steps described in (3) and above are executed. ****************************************************************** THE FOLLOWING STEPS CAN BE EXECUTED BY SYSTEM MANAGERS OR PRIVILEGED USERS ONLY. BEFORE DOING ANY OF THOSE STEPS, BE SURE YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE INSTRUCTIONS AND THE WARNINGS ABOVE. ****************************************************************** 3) Assuming you have a modified DELETE.CLD file produced by GENALL.COM, use $ SET COMMAND/REPLACE DELETE.CLD - /TABLE=SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE - /OUTPUT=SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE to replace the DELETE command in your command table. 4) On all node within a cluster, installing it by doing $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE /HEADER/OPEN/SHARE 5) A replacement help file will be created. You may want to insert it after review $ LIBRARY/REPLACE SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB DELETE.HLP You can now use DELETE/TREE as part of the delete command. WARNING ------- If you have a mixed architecture OR OpenVMS version cluster, you __MUST__ follow the steps (1) to (3) + (optionally) (5) described above on __ALL__ bootnodes the step (4) on all node within a cluster. The patched DELETE.CLD file assumes that DELTREE will be installed in a directory named VMSAPPS:. If your plan is to install it in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE], edit the patched DELETE.CLD file and remove the path information. Otherwise, adjust the path description to fit your site specific installation or define, once for all, VMSAPPS to point to that area where you have all of your freeware installed.