Directory deletion program. Requirements ------------- The DELTREE help is generated using TEXT2C, but in principle (and unless you modify it) it is already generated. TEXT2C is available at This software requires either MMK or MMS for compilation. MMS is © Digital Equipment Corporation, All right reserved. MMK is © MadGoat Software. All Rights Reserved. Platform -------- It has been tested on VAX OpenVMS 6.1, Alpha OpenVMS 6.2 and 7.2 using respectively VAXC V3.2-044, DECC V6.0-001 and DECC V6.2-003. I have also compiled and tested this package using GCC 2.8.0 on AXP but the messaging utility was behaving chaotically (i.e. shows messages but not related to what is declared in .MSG). For the moment, we include a GCC hack and print messages to std-error instead of using VMS message facility __BUT__ If someone figures out how to get it to work properly with GCC, I'll be delighted to know about it. *** GCC VAX UN-SUPPORTED due to rather poor support and implementation. You may try it and succeed (and I'd be glad to know about it) but for the moment, I've added a #error in the code so the compilation will abort and warn you about it. Compilation & Test ------------------ o Use MAKE.COM, a short DCL script interface to MM{S|K}. Compilation : $ @MAKE {DECC|VAXC|GCC} Test : $ @MAKE "" TEST Installation ------------ (1) Installing the EXEcutable First, copy the appropriate DELTREE.EXE* into your software path directory (it can be SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]). Let's suppose that you copied it in dev:[dir]. Then, you can either - Define a foreign symbol DELTREE :== $dev:[dir]DELTREE.EXE OR - Be sure that the executable is somewhere in DCL$PATH (VMS 6.2 and up) OR - Insert the following in DCLTABLES define verb DELTREE image dev:[dir]DELTREE.EXE cliflags(foreign) WARNING : This will render any symbol such as rm :== del/confirm ambiguous i.e. any symbols using "del" instead of DELETE will be ambiguous. You may have to reshape your already existing command files ... OR - Finally, I also used a modification of the DELETE verb as described in the [.MISC] directory. This is a a less-traditional way of installing DELTREE but will allow you to use /TREE as a new qualifier for the DELETE command : DELETE/TREE will activate DELTREE. (2) Installing the Help Remember to also install the help file where it should be, for example $ LIBRARY/REPLACE SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB DELTREE.HLP Personally, I have a different help library (named VMSAPPS.HLB) in which I insert all freeware help. In any cases, if you don't want to, help is available on-line at Author ------ Jérôme LAURET ; History : --------- ??-???-1998 Added the .*;* files. Remains the deep tree problem 20-JAN-1999 Made it GCC compatible. Now tested with DECC & GCC (Alpha), VAXC. 29-JAN-1999 Added Cli interface and options. 09-APR-1999 Added deep tree mechanism. 28-JUN-1999 GCC small cleanup. 19-JUL-1999 Oups ! I found a bug (a strcpy() to an unallocated pointer. 05-AUG-1999 Some message changed from -W- to -I- from -I- to -S- 13-AUG-1999 Added extended path syntax + multiple argument list. 20-AUG-1999 Added /VERSION and /DETACH 27-AUG-1999 Added /PRIV 11-SEP-1999 Changed .OUT in .LOG 28-OCT-1999 Added some fixes to get DELTREE to smoothly compile on 7.2 . Thx to Martin. 06-JAN-2000 /NOTIFY added. Fixed the problem with /PRIO and priority > base-prio. 11-Feb-2000 Addded 255 levels support for OpenVMS7.2 and up. 16-Feb-2000 Problem with OpenVMS7.2 fixed (returned file name are lowercased now). 19-Feb-2000 Fixed DECC problem on VAX. MSG interface detach routine. Some bug fixes and useless variable cleaned. 05-Mar-2000 Clean up messages + added a more robust chdir("[.XXX]") in case logicals XXX is defined (lead to catastrophe) + lib$ return value check. 02-Apr-2000 Gained 10% speed. Misc bug fixes one of those being the rather poor choice of lowercase logical impossible to undefine ... Acknowledgement --------------- Thanks to - for reporting some compilation problems under OpenVMS7.2 and providing a template for MAKE.COM . - R.A. Byer for providing an OpenVMS 7.2 (VAX and Alpha) account which made possible the discovery of a major missfeature related to RTL behavior change somewhere between 6.2 and 7.2 as well as a problem with VAX compilation using DECC.