------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @dev:[dir]MANGLE options... FILES={filespec} Specifies which files will be selected. Use standard VMS wildcards. ITEM={NAME|TYPE} Specifies whether you want to mangle the filename or filetype. CHOP={n} Chops {n} characters off the front. TRIM={n} Trims {n} characters from the end. REMOVE={string} The first occurrence of the specified {string} will be removed. ADD={string} The specified {string} will be appended. PREFIX={string} The specified {string} will be added to the front. REPLACE={oldstring} WITH={newstring} The first occurrence {oldstring} will be replaced with {newstring}. INSERT={string} AFTER={m} BEFORE={n} Inserts {string} after the {m}th character or {n} characters before the end of the item. DELETE={m} AT={n} Deletes {m} characters starting at {n}. DIRECTORY={string} Will move the renamed files into the specified directory. SWAP Will swap the file name and file type after all other processing has been done. TEST Will NOT perform the changes but display what would have happened. It is usually a good idea to use mangle test just to see if it all looks ok first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes, Warnings etc.: --------------------- NO spaces are allowed when specifying arguments e.g. "FILE=*.EXE" is ok, but "FILE = *.EXE" will result in an error. If you are mangling the filetype, it is generally not wise to use something like "FILES=mumble.*", or if mangling the filename, do not use something like "FILES=*.mumble". If this is not obvious after a few moments thought, DO NOT USE IT. There are some basic checks for this type of error but they can be easily bypassed. The general idea is to mangle the item so that it no longer matches the original selection criteria... Input files are assumed to be in the current directory. Regardless of what you specify in the FILES argument, only the filename and filetype are used to select the input files. Output files can be "moved" by using something of the form DIRECTORY= where is something valid that will work with a RENAME command. Directives are processed in the following order: chop, delete, insert, trim, remove, replace, prefix, add, swap [end] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------