DECThreads NNTP, Web_Tools, NNTP Server for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha DEC Threads NNTP Server for OpenVMS - is RFC977 compliant, compact, and "light weight" news server for OpenVMS. It uses: DEC Threads, MadGoad NETLIB for network I/O, RMS for storing messages in database. It works with LYNX, Netscape Navigator and other. To build and execute DNNTP you should have: Digital VAX,mVAX or Alpha minicomputer , Digital OpenVMS 6.2 or later, DEC C 5.6 or later, TCP/IP support (UCX,MULTINET,TCPWare), MadGoat Make utility (MMK), MadGoat NetLib 2.2. Sincerely yours, Ruslan R. Laishev MailTo: Http://