LINCITY-109, GAMES, A free SimCity game for X11 Copyright (c) I J Peters 1995,1997. Please read the file 'COPYRIGHT'. WHAT IS LinCity? ================ LinCity is an SVGALIB (Linux only) and X based city/country simulation game for Linux and other Unix platforms - Solaris, FreeBSD, HP_UX, AIX, SCO and IRIX. There is also a Win32 version (win95 and NT) available as a separate package at or follow the Win32 link from the LinCity home page XLin City V 1.09 port under OpenVMS December 1997 =================================== Xlincity is a city simulation game, very similar to Simcity, available for Linux and various Unix systems, and now for OpenVMS VAX & Alpha. Installation: ------------ To load and save scenes (cities), you need gzip installed on your VMS system (however, without gzip you can play with xlincity but you cannot save your cities). Scene files are very big (near 1 Mbyte each, and the compression is very efficient on such files). Xlincity needs some logical names to work: LINCITY_DIR, a system wide rooted logical name pointing the location where Xlincity data files are located. LINCITY_SAVE_DIR and LINCITY_SAVE_OLD, two user logical names in the process table. You need to define them at login time. SETUP_VMS.COM DCL procedure gives you an example of an automatic definition of these logical names (if you invoke this procedure, you can use Xlincity using the provided distribution, the save directories are located under your SYS$LOGI directory). To make a regular installation of Xlincity, you must copy the four subdirectories [.HELP], [.ICONS], [.MESSAGES] and [.OPENING] under LINCITY_DIR:[000000] and also copy the colour table file: Example (you are located into the lincity distribution): $ define/sys/trans=conc lincity_dir disk:[toto.lincity.] $ backup/log [.help]*.* lincity_dir:[help]* $ backup/log [.icons]*.* lincity_dir:[icons]* $ backup/log [.messages]*.* lincity_dir:[messages]* $ backup/log [.opening]*.* lincity_dir:[opening]* $ copy colour.pal lincity_dir:[000000]* $ set prot=(w:re) lincity_dir:[000000...]*.* Example of definition of user logical names under the home directory (put the code in LOGIN.COM or SYLOGIN.COM): $ mydir = f$trnlnm("SYS$LOGIN") $ mydir = f$extract(0,f$locate("]",mydir),mydir) $ def LINCITY_SAVE_DIR 'mydir.LINCITY] $ def LINCITY_SAVE_OLD 'mydir.LINCITY_OLD] Rebuild: ------- You need DEC C++ 5.2 and DEC C 5.2 to rebuild Xlincity under OpenVms 6.2 or higher. It is probably possible to build under previous versions of VMS and previous versions of DEC C and DEC C++ (at least 5.0) but you need to provide some unix functions not available with these prehistoric versions (at least getopt). You recompile with COMPILE_DECCXX.COM procedure. Object files are provided for these who just want to relink (use LINK_{VAX|AXP}.COM procedure. Running: ------- The standard screen is rather small and not easy to read. You can double the size (in X and Y) to fill a 1280x1024 screen with -d option: $ xlincity -d When running xlincity for the first time, you are prompted for the creation of the LINCITY_SAVE_DIR directory. Enjoy !! Patrick Moreau