***** WArning(s)/ERror(s) found in compilation unit "trydcc.c" ***** */ void __assert (char *__expr, char *__file, int __line); ___^ ERror line 49 of file "assert.h": ';' expected at end of declaration started line 3 of file "trydcc.h". ###### static char *errMsg[] = { "...", _______^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 17: 'const'/'volatile' mismatch in pointers for operator '='. ###### "..." /*~zif __index() != __extent(ErrNb) "Missing message(s) in 'errMsg[]'" */ __________________________________________________________________________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 20: 'zif' not false; message: "Missing message(s) in 'errMsg[]'". ###### char *tryAtDcc(void) { ^ WArning (lvl. 1) line 24: Variable/function "tryAtDcc": missing 'static' attribute ? ###### { unsigned int a, b=0, d=b, *pi=malloc(sizeof(pi)); __________________________________________________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 25: Wrong 'sizeof' argument? ###### Flags fl = {TRUE, FALSE /*~zif !__member(fl3) "Incorrect initialization " "of flQual" */}; /* Exemple too simple to be really significant, ________________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 29: 'zif' not false; message: "Incorrect initialization of flQual". ###### Flags fl = {TRUE, FALSE /*~zif !__member(fl3) "Incorrect initialization " "of flQual" */}; /* Exemple too simple to be really significant, __________________^ WArning (lvl. 1) line 29: Initialization of compound automatic objects should be avoided. ###### char buf[10], c; _____________^ WArning (lvl. 1) line 33: Bound of array "buf" should be a named constant. ###### char buf[10], c; short s = 32768; _________________^ WArning (lvl. 1) line 34: Numeric constants (except 0, 1, -1) should be named. ###### char buf[10], c; short s = 32768; _________________^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 34: Operator '=': overflow. ###### short s = 32768; a = a - TWO; __^ WArning (lvl. 1) line 35: Statements should be separated from declarations by white line(s) (or use ";;"). ###### short s = 32768; a = a - TWO; ____________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 35: Local variable "a" not initialized. ###### short s = 32768; a = a - TWO; _____________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 35: Ill-parenthetized macro body or parameter ? (operator '+'). ###### a = a - TWO; a = _min(a++,b); ________________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 36: Side effect via macro parameter used more than once (operator '++'). ###### a = a - TWO; a = _min(a++,b); _________________^ WArning (lvl. 1) line 36: Previous value of variable "a" not used. ###### a = _min(a++,b); if (b = 0); ___________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 37: Missing '==' ? ###### a = _min(a++,b); if (b = 0); ____________^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 37: Empty loop or 'if'/'else' arm; if really meant, replace ';' by empty block. ###### if (b = 0); else _changeSign(a, b); _______________________^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 38: Second statement included in loop or 'if'/'else' arm? (if so, use a block, else put second statement on next line). ###### else _changeSign(a, b); tryAtDcc; b; __________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 39: Missing parenthesis after function name ? ###### else _changeSign(a, b); tryAtDcc; b; _____________^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 39: Value of expression not used. ###### tryAtDcc; b; x = 0; ___^ ERror line 40: Identifier "x" undeclared. ###### x++; /* 'UndecldVar' message not repeated (except if '+zae' option used) */ c = *errMsg[sizeof(errMsg)]; ____________________________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 42: Index value (12) greater or equal to bound (3). ###### c = *errMsg[sizeof(errMsg)]; if (a<=0 || a-b>d || a&BIT2==BIT2) return &buf[0]; ____________^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 43: Operator '<=': unsigned value cannot be negative. ###### c = *errMsg[sizeof(errMsg)]; if (a<=0 || a-b>d || a&BIT2==BIT2) return &buf[0]; _____________________^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 43: Operator '>': comparing expressions involving subtraction of 'unsigned' (difference never negative !); rather add to other operand or, if correct, use /*~CastTo */ d-pragma. ###### c = *errMsg[sizeof(errMsg)]; if (a<=0 || a-b>d || a&BIT2==BIT2) return &buf[0]; ___________________________________^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 43: Operator '&': incompatible operand types. ###### c = *errMsg[sizeof(errMsg)]; if (a<=0 || a-b>d || a&BIT2==BIT2) return &buf[0]; ___________________________________________________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 43: Attempt to return pointer on 'auto' object. ###### for(;;) c = 128; ___________^ WArning (lvl. 1) line 45: Numeric constants (except 0, 1, -1) should be named. ###### for(;;) c = 128; ___________^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 45: Operator '=': bad expression type. ###### for(;;) c = 128; ___________^ WArning (lvl. 1) line 45: Previous value of variable "c" not used. ###### c = 128; pi = pv = &fl; ____^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 46: Unreachable statement. ###### c = 128; pi = pv = &fl; _______________^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 46: Operator '=': bad expression type. ###### c = 128; pi = pv = &fl; _______________^ WArning (lvl. 1) line 46: Previous value of variable "pi" not used. ###### pi = pv = &fl; if (pi == NULL) pi = cpi; __________________________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 47: 'const'/'volatile' mismatch in pointers for operator '='. ###### case 0: case 1: b=1; default: b = 0;} __________^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 50: Missing 'break'? (if really meant, use /*~NoBreak*/ d-pragma). ###### WArning (lvl. 1): (Final) value of variable "s" not used (variable defined line 34 or just before). ###### WArning (lvl. 1): (Final) value of variable "c" not used (variable defined line 33 or just before). ###### WArning (lvl. 1): Variable "buf" useless (defined line 33 or just before). ###### WArning (lvl. 1): (Final) value of variable "pv" not used (variable defined line 27 or just before). ###### WArning (lvl. 1): (Final) value of variable "pi" not used (variable defined line 25 or just before). ###### WArning (lvl. 1): (Final) value of variable "b" not used (variable defined line 25 or just before). ###### default: b = 0;} } ^ WArning (lvl. 3) line 51: No 'return' at end of function "tryAtDcc". ###### static int tstTypCmbn(int *pi) { ^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 57: Functions should return information type (e.g. "Position"). ###### if (pi == NULL) p = v*v; _________________________^ WArning (lvl. 1) line 60: No /*~TypeCombination*/ provided for "Volt*Volt". ###### if (pi == NULL) p = v*v; return AlrdQual+ArrToPtr; __________________________^ WArning (lvl. 2) line 61: Operator '+': illegal operand types. ###### WArning (lvl. 1): (Final) value of variable "p" not used (variable defined line 58 or just before). ###### WArning (lvl. 1): Function "tstTypCmbn": pointer "pi" should point on 'const' element. ###### WArning (lvl. 1): Function "tstTypCmbn" not used. ###### WArning (lvl. 1): Enum constant "ArrExptd" not used (defined on line 15 or just before), or missing /*~NotUsed*/ d-pragma ? ###### WArning (lvl. 1): Enum constant "AlrdDefId" not used (defined on line 15 or just before), or missing /*~NotUsed*/ d-pragma ? ###### WArning (lvl. 2): External variable/function "transfCoo" declared but not defined.