ColorMap, MOTIF_TOYS, Shows current number of color's available in colormap. This directory contains the source, build procedure and executables for OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX. They include a BUILD_demo.COM and a START_demo.COM that run on both OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP. You may need to edit the START_demo.COM to suit your demo's needs. The build procedure assumes a native environment. Cheers, Ed Smith [SPEZKO::SMITH] ----------------------------------------------------------------- This demo shows the current number of color's available in the colormap. ** NOTE ** You must have the logical name DEMOS defined to point to the top level directory that contains the COLORMAP directory. All command procedures rely on this being defined. For example if all the COLORMAP files are in WORK:[SMITH.COLORMAP] then you need a logical name defined as follows: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE DEMOS WORK:[SMITH.] ** Ensure you include the "." after the last directory name ** To build... ----------------------------------------------------------------- $ @DEMOS:[COLORMAP]BUILD_COLORMAP.COM This will build either a OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS AXP image based on what architecture it is run on. To run... ----------------------------------------------------------------- $ @DEMOS:[COLORMAP]START_COLORMAP.COM This will start up the appropiate architecture version of COLORMAP. COLORMAP options... ----------------------------------------------------------------- You may specify any standard options: $ COLORMAP :== "$ DEMOS:[COLORMAP]COLORMAP_AXP" $ COLORMAP -geom WxH+X+Y -icon