MPACK, MUNPACK, Files/Compression/Mail/News/Mime, Mime / Base64 Encode/Decode This is part of the MPACK 1.5 distribution: it's just the parts that are needed for OpenVMS. Nearly all of the code comes from Carnegie Mellon University with no author listed; and some of the VMS specific additions are by David Mathog. I found that I got lots of errors when I tried to compile it using DEC C 4.0 and OpenVMS 7.0, there were linker errors, and the resulting executables didn't work. I've added some additional function prototypes and invocations of header files, and in a few places conditionalized to use the RTL definitions (for example, malloc) instead of their prototypes. I didn't change any executable code: I just added some references to keep the compiler happy, and I use the GETOPT which is built into the RTL instead of their local code. The programs now compile for me with only a couple of informational warnings (which are annoying, but not serious), and the executables work. Bart Z. Lederman