DESCRIPTION: FORTRAN example of how to use $GETJPI and $PROCESS_SCAN to Select Process Information by Username, IMAGE, or NODENAME. This program uses SHOW_USERS_V12.CLD to define the command environment. USAGE: This is from the comments at the top of the program. C Parameters Descreiption C ---------- ----------------------------------------- C P1 The user name to search for (PREFIX) C C Qualifiers Description C ---------- ------------------------------------------ C CONFIRM Confirm the processes to be C KILLed or FOREXited. C IMAGE=image Search for an active image. (WILDCARD) C FORCEX Force an image run-down. C KILL Kill (stop/id) C NODE[=nodename] Search only the specified node. (EXACT) C SYSTEM Display JPI on the system C processes as well. C TOTAL Display total items found. C EXAMPLES: $ dispusers bri System: TALIN Pid Username Process name Pr CPU Login time Image 20400067 BRIVAN BRIVAN 4 66590 16-FEB 08:37 System: BARFBAG Pid Username Process name Pr CPU Login time Image 206008E4 BRIVAN BATCH_713 4 832 28-FEB 14:53 COPY 20600069 BRIVAN BRIVAN 4 473524 16-FEB 08:37 TYPE - or - $ dispusers bri/image=type System: BARFBAG Pid Username Process name Pr CPU Login time Image 20600069 BRIVAN BRIVAN 4 473524 16-FEB 08:37 TYPE