# 10-OCT-1995 # This configuration file contains the rules for setting various parameters # and options for the server, such as logfile name. # # Set network parameters: hostname and port. If you leave the following # rules commented out the server will use the hostname set by the # environment variable http_default_host and the port number specified # on the command line that started the server. # #hostname www.xyxxy.com #Port 8000 #localaddress nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn # # If you are running a multi-homed host, use the extended format of # the localaddress rule to assign a hostname to each interface address you # want to the server to listen on. # # localadress localhost # localaddress kcgl23.eng.ohio-state.edu # map /web/* /www/* # localaddress # close localaddress block ############################################################################## # # Set trace level to current value of environment variable http_log_level. # Since second argument in TraceLevel rule is null, trace data will go # to error log file. The trace level governs the amount of debugging # information the server will write to the trace file during its execution, # common trace levels: # 0 - No trace, errors only (default). # 1 - Show connect open and close and URL path info requested. # 6 - Trace script execution # 11 - Trace rule file translation steps. # TraceLevel http_log_level # # Enable access log (common format), entries will be appended to file access.log # AccessLog sys$Login:access.log # # Disable reverse host lookup. When enabled, hostnames appear in log file # rather than IP addresses. # DNSLookup off ############################################################################### # # Comment out the following line to disable searches. The argument is # the script name (default www_system:.exe) to execute. # search demo_node::"0=DEMOWWWX"www_root:[bin]index_search.exe #search www_root:[bin]dtsearch.com # # Comment out the following line to disable the authenticator sub-process. # The authenticator must be running in order for any 'protect' rules to # function properly. # authenticator www_system:cel_authenticator # ############################################################################### # # Enable statistics counters to track number of connections (clients) and\ # host classes. Note that DNSLookup must be on for non-numeric host masks. # EventCounter Clients ############################################################################### # # Turn on directory browsing (on by default) so files that don't have # directories will get list of files formatted into HTML. # Note: The Welcome and DirAccess rules only apply when the internal browser # is being used, they don't apply if http_suffixes defines an external # browser (presenation rule for text/file-directory). # DirAccess on # # Define list of welcome files (index files) to search for when only a # directory is specified in the URL, 1 file per welcome directive. # Welcome index.html Welcome index.htmlx Welcome welcome.html