Kronos notification requirements: 1. Critical. This condition indicates imminent loss of data, system integrity violation, severe or critical breach of security, or other condition which requires active attention and which can not be ignored. Action - inform list of primary users via terminal messages - repeat until someone replies (record who replies). Mail report to all other users on the list. If primary users don't respond within a specified time period, try secondary list - mail report to users on primary list. 2. Very Important. This condition indicates that loss of data is possible, loss of data will occur - but not immediately, noncritical breach of security, a condition has occurred which (if left untreated) will result in system integrity problems, or other condition which must be handled, though not necessarily immediately. Action - inform list of users via terminal message; ask for a reply. If no reply within a specified time, try secondary users. Mail report to users on primary list. 3. Important. This condition indicates that action is necessary to prevent occurrences which do not involve catastrophic system failure or loss of data or which might be indicative of security problems. Also, notification of unsuccessful automated recovery from important conditions. Examples: disks becoming too full, changes to operating system utilities, or stalled print queue. Action - mail report to users on list. 4. Somewhat Important. This condition indicates a situation that the system staff should know about, but probably doesn't require action. Also, verification of successful automated recovery from important condition or unsuccessful automated recovery of unimportant condition. Example: excessive number of users logged on or remote nodes unreachable on network. Action - send message to terminals of users on list. 5. Informative. Information gathered for capacity planning or other statistical analysis. Also, verification of important actions by Kronos or successful automated recovery from unimportant conditions. Action - record in file, only. 6. Debug/Status. Same as Informative, but only turned on during debugging. Action - record in file, only.