DWREMTERM, SYSTEM MANAGEMENT, Start X-Window displays on remote machines This command procedure is designed to allow users flexability in using DECwindows across a large number of machines connected together by a Local Area Network. It allows users to create LAT or DECnet windows locally or to create remote DECwindow sessions. The decwindows commands RDT, RFV and RDW are actually network process's and therefore do not count as an interactive login. DWremterm can be run in two modes: MENU MODE: commands are entered from a Small Menu Window. COMMAND MODE: commands are entered from the DCL command line. Valid command are:- HELP, DWHELP, LAT, DECNET, RDT, RFV, RDW, DWRT and $. Parameters listed are [] brackets is optional. HELP: Gives details on how to receive Brief or Expanded Help DWHELP: Provide detailed Help on DWremterm LAT: Creates a Local DECterm Window using a SET HOST/LAT command. Only valid in Menu mode. LAT nodename DECNET: Creates a Local DECterm Window using a SET HOST command. Only valid in Menu mode. DECNET nodename RDT: Creates a Remote Decterm Window. RDT nodename [init_state] [title] [dcl_command] [display] [transport] [x:y] RFV: Creates a Remote Fileview Window. RFV nodename [init_state] [display] [transport] RDW: Runs a Remote Remote Decwindows Application. RDW nodename command [display] [transport] DWRT: Starts a second DWremterm Window. DWRT nodename [init_state] [display] [transport] $: Executes a local DCL command For further details refer to sys$library:dwremterm.hlb. A unique window title and icon name is chosen by referencing the user's process name. If the login sequence changes the process name then duplicate window and icon names may occur. Refer to SYS$HELP:DWREMTERM.HLP for further help by typing:- @VUE$LIBRARY:DWREMTERM DWHELP. DWremterm consists of two files: SYS$COMMON:[VUE$LIBRARY.USER]DWREMTERM.COM SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]DWREMTERM.HLB The file DWREMTERM.COM needs to exist on both the local and remote nodes and requires the user to either specify node access control or for the remote account to be set up for proxy access. DWremterm can simply reside in sys$login on the remote node, which requires each user to have their own copy -or- DWremterm can be defined as a DECnet object, requiring each system to have only one copy. To install DWremterm as a network object the system manager should enter the following commands: $ MCR NCP NCP> DEFINE OBJECT DWREMTERM NUMBER 0 FILE - SYS$COMMON:[VUE$LIBRARY.USER]DWREMTERM.COM PROXY BOTH NCP> SET OBJECT DWREMTERM ALL NCP> EXIT $ If DWremterm is not installed as a network object then by default no other setups are required. However if the DECnet object task has been modified to disable proxy access then DWremterm will fail. In this case the system manager should enter the following commands: $ MCR NCP NCP> DEFINE OBJECT TASK PROXY BOTH NCP> SET OBJECT TASK ALL NCP> EXIT $ LATmaster must be installed to use the LAT command then. This software is optional under VMS 5.4-x and has been integrated into VMS 5.5. If LATmaster is installed on VMS 5.4-x then CSCPAT_0511 patch should be also be installed. If LATmaster is not installed then the LAT command cannot be used. PROXY accounts allow one user direct access to another users account without having to specify username and password. The system manager can set up proxy account access from within AUTHORIZE. Example: $ MCR AUTHORIZE> UAF> ADD/PROXY MVAX::KINGSMILL KINGSMILL/DEFAULT UAF> ADD/PROXY MVAX::KINGSMILL OLSENK UAF> EXIT $ This examples allows user KINGSMILL on node MVAX into the local KINGSMILL and OLSENK account. The default switch enables you to specify just the nodename when addressing this node:- eg. $ DIRECTORY TVAX:: If Default access is not specified then you need to specify the nodename and username when addressing this node:- eg. $ DIRECTORY TVAX"OLSENK":: If you do not have proxy access then you need to specify the nodename, username and password when addressing a remote node:- eg. $ DIRECTORY TVAX"SYSTEM password":: The Factory Defaults prohibit a remote users from displaying their output to your workstation. To authorize other users or remote nodes to use your workstation display you should: 1. Choose Security... from Session Manager's Options menu. 2. Type the nodename, the username, and the method of transport, of the user you want to authorize. Entering * * * will allow any user on any node with any transport to display output on your workstaton. 3. Click on the Add button and the Clock OK. Refer to the DECwindows user guide for further information. CONFIGURATION SETUPS: The following logicals can be used to alter default DWremterm behaviour. DWREMTERM_INHIBIT_COPY to prevent a user being asked whether a new version of DWremterm should be copied. The WINDOW POSITION and INITIAL STATE can be altered from the default by editing the resource file. Details on how to do this is given within the following resource files. Default DWremterm window: - decw$user_defaults:dwremterm$default_v*.dat DWRT DWremterm window: - decw$user_defaults:dwremterm$dwrt_default_v*.dat This is on the remote node/users account. You can also override the DWRT resource file window position by defining the logical names DWREMTERM_DWRT_X and DWREMTERM_DWRT_Y under your local user account. These values are then passed to the remote node/users account. LAT$DISCONNECT_CHARACTER defines the character that you can use to disconnect from a remote session. Default character is Ctrl+\. TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS: o Ensure that Security has been set up to enable a remote node to display output on your workstation. See installation section above for further details. o The following logicals can be used to aid in troubleshooting These can be defined before starting DWremterm or during a DWremterm Session by using the $ command. DWREMTERM_VERBOSE to display the progress of both local and remote events. If verbose is enabled then a full sized menu window will be displayed. This can also be enabled by prefixing the version with an "X". DWREMTERM_VERIFY to turn on verify and verbose. o NETSERVER.LOG on the remote node may also aid in troubleshooting. o DWREMTERM_'pid'*.COM temporary file on the remote node shows the created command file. o DWREMTERM.LOG temporary file on on the remote node showing the output from dwremterm_'pid'.com o If you have problems creating DECterms then get the latest DECterm patch from your CSC.