%replace file_constant_size by 450; /* envir is not included */ %replace file_constant_revision by 3; %replace linenumber_offset by 48; %replace pagenumber_offset by 50; declare 1 file_constant based, 2 next pointer, 2 previous pointer, 2 error fixed bin(31), 2 attr(0:31) bit, 2 dttr(0:31) bit, 2 buffer pointer, 2 buffer_end pointer, 2 buffer_pointer pointer, 2 rfa(2) fixed bin(31), 2 revision fixed bin(15), /* initialize to file_constant_ revision */ 2 linesize fixed bin(15), 2 pagesize fixed bin(15), 2 column fixed bin(15), 2 line fixed bin(15), 2 page fixed bin(15), 2 prn char(4), 2 kcb pointer, 2 numkcbs fixed bin(7), 2 extra(3) fixed bin(7), 2 identifier char(32) var, /* init to symbol name of file */ 2 rab, 3 rab$b_bid fixed bin(7), /* init to 1 */ 3 rab$b_bln fixed bin(7), /* init to 68 */ 3 rab$w_isi fixed bin(15), 3 rab$l_rop(0:31) bit, 3 rab$l_sts fixed bin(31), 3 rab$l_stv fixed bin(31), 3 rab$w_rfa(2) fixed bin(31), 3 rab$l_ctx fixed bin(31), 3 rab$w_extra fixed bin(15), 3 rab$b_rac fixed bin(7), 3 rab$b_tmo fixed bin(7), 3 rab$w_usz fixed bin(15), 3 rab$w_rsz fixed bin(15), 3 rab$l_ubf pointer, 3 rab$l_rbf pointer, 3 rab$l_rhb pointer, 3 rab$l_kbf pointer, 3 rab$b_ksz fixed bin(7), 3 rab$b_krf fixed bin(7), 3 rab$b_mbf fixed bin(7), 3 rab$b_mbc fixed bin(7), 3 rab$l_bkt fixed bin(31), 3 rab$l_fab pointer, 3 rab$l_extra fixed bin(31), 2 fab, 3 fab$b_bid fixed bin(7), /* init to 3 */ 3 fab$b_bln fixed bin(7), /* init to 80 */ 3 fab$w_ifi fixed bin(15), 3 fab$l_fop(0:31) bit, 3 fab$l_sts fixed bin(31), 3 fab$l_stv fixed bin(31), 3 fab$l_alq fixed bin(31), 3 fab$w_deq fixed bin(15), 3 fab$b_fac(0:7) bit, 3 fab$b_shr(0:7) bit, 3 fab$l_ctx fixed bin(31), 3 fab$b_rtv fixed bin(7), 3 fab$b_org fixed bin(7), 3 fab$b_rat(0:7) bit, 3 fab$b_rfm fixed bin(7), 3 fab$l_jnl fixed bin(31), 3 fab$l_xab pointer, 3 fab$l_nam pointer, 3 fab$l_fna pointer, 3 fab$l_dna pointer, 3 fab$b_fns fixed bin(7), 3 fab$b_dns fixed bin(7), 3 fab$w_mrs fixed bin(15), 3 fab$l_mrn fixed bin(31), 3 fab$w_bls fixed bin(15), 3 fab$b_bks fixed bin(7), 3 fab$b_fsz fixed bin(7), 3 fab$l_dev fixed bin(31), 3 fab$l_sdc fixed bin(31), 3 fab$l_extra(2) fixed bin(31), 2 nam, 3 nam$b_bid fixed bin(7), 3 nam$b_bln fixed bin(7), 3 nam$b_rss fixed bin(7), 3 nam$b_rsl fixed bin(7), 3 nam$l_rsa pointer, 3 nam$w_extra fixed bin(15), 3 nam$b_ess fixed bin(7), 3 nam$b_esl fixed bin(7), 3 nam$l_esa pointer, 3 nam$l_rlf fixed bin(31), 3 nam$t_dvi char(22), 3 nam$w_did fixed bin(15), 3 nam$w_did_seq fixed bin(15), 3 nam$w_did_rvn fixed bin(15), 3 nam$l_wcc fixed bin(31), 3 nam$l_fnb(0:31) bit, 2 esa char(128), 2 fcb_condit(5) fixed bin(31), 2 fcb_end fixed bin(7); /* envir starts here */ /* bit offsets for attr */ %replace atr_v_eof by 0; %replace atr_v_opened by 1; %replace atr_v_comma_exp by 2; %replace atr_v_recur by 3; %replace atr_v_update by 4; %replace atr_v_output by 5; %replace atr_v_input by 6; %replace atr_v_print by 7; %replace atr_v_keyed by 8; %replace atr_v_direct by 9; %replace atr_v_seql by 10; %replace atr_v_stream by 11; %replace atr_v_record by 12; %replace atr_v_scalvar by 13; %replace atr_v_app by 14; %replace atr_v_recidacc by 15; %replace atr_v_indexed by 16; %replace atr_v_bfall by 17; %replace atr_v_currec by 18; %replace atr_v_delete by 19; %replace atr_v_write by 20; %replace atr_v_app_comma by 21; %replace atr_v_blockio by 22; %replace atr_v_string by 23; %replace atr_v_vcha by 24; %replace atr_v_virgin by 25; /* constants and bit offsets for fab */ %replace fab$v_mxv by 1; %replace fab$v_sup by 2; %replace fab$v_tmp by 3; %replace fab$v_tmd by 4; %replace fab$v_dfw by 5; %replace fab$v_sqo by 6; %replace fab$v_rwo by 7; %replace fab$v_pos by 8; %replace fab$v_wck by 9; %replace fab$v_nef by 10; %replace fab$v_rwc by 11; %replace fab$v_dmo by 12; %replace fab$v_spl by 13; %replace fab$v_scf by 14; %replace fab$v_dlt by 15; %replace fab$v_nfs by 16; %replace fab$v_ufo by 17; %replace fab$v_ppf by 18; %replace fab$v_inp by 19; %replace fab$v_ctg by 20; %replace fab$v_cbt by 21; %replace fab$v_jnl by 22; %replace fab$v_rck by 23; %replace fab$v_nam by 24; %replace fab$v_cif by 25; %replace fab$v_ufm by 26; %replace fab$v_esc by 27; %replace fab$v_tef by 28; %replace fab$v_ofp by 29; %replace fab$v_kfo by 30; %replace fab$v_put by 0; %replace fab$v_get by 1; %replace fab$v_del by 2; %replace fab$v_upd by 3; %replace fab$v_trn by 4; %replace fab$v_bio by 5; %replace fab$v_bro by 6; %replace fab$v_exe by 7; %replace fab$v_shrput by 0; %replace fab$v_shrget by 1; %replace fab$v_shrdel by 2; %replace fab$v_shrupd by 3; %replace fab$v_mse by 4; %replace fab$v_nil by 5; %replace fab$v_upi by 6; %replace fab$c_seq by 0; %replace fab$c_rel by 16; %replace fab$c_idx by 32; %replace fab$c_hsh by 48; %replace fab$v_ftn by 0; %replace fab$v_cr by 1; %replace fab$v_prn by 2; %replace fab$v_blk by 3; %replace fab$c_rfm_dflt by 2; %replace fab$c_udf by 0; %replace fab$c_fix by 1; %replace fab$c_var by 2; %replace fab$c_vfc by 3; %replace fab$c_maxrfm by 3; %replace fab$c_bid by 3; %replace fab$c_bln by 80; /* constants and bit offsets for rab */ %replace rab$c_bid by 1; %replace rab$c_bln by 68; %replace rab$c_seq by 0; %replace rab$c_key by 1; %replace rab$c_rfa by 2; %replace rab$v_asy by 0; %replace rab$v_tpt by 1; %replace rab$v_uif by 4; %replace rab$v_mas by 5; %replace rab$v_fdl by 6; %replace rab$v_hsh by 7; %replace rab$v_eof by 8; %replace rab$v_rah by 9; %replace rab$v_wbh by 10; %replace rab$v_bio by 11; %replace rab$v_loa by 13; %replace rab$v_lim by 14; %replace rab$v_loc by 16; %replace rab$v_wat by 17; %replace rab$v_ulk by 18; %replace rab$v_rlk by 19; %replace rab$v_nlk by 20; %replace rab$v_kge by 21; %replace rab$v_kgt by 22; %replace rab$v_nxr by 23; %replace rab$v_rne by 24; %replace rab$v_tmo by 25; %replace rab$v_cvt by 26; %replace rab$v_rnf by 27; %replace rab$v_pta by 29; %replace rab$v_pmt by 30; %replace rab$v_cco by 31; /* constants for nam */ %replace nam$c_dvi by 16; %replace nam$c_bid by 2; %replace nam$c_bln by 56;