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7   Input Methods

There are two groups of input methods for entering Chinese characters on Tru64 UNIX. One group of input methods supports traditional Chinese and the other group supports simplified Chinese.

Traditional Chinese has the following input methods:

Simplified Chinese has the following input methods:

In addition to these input methods, the operating system provides the dxim, dxhanziim, and dxhanyuim input servers. The dxhanziim input server supports the simplified Chinese input methods. The dxhanyuim input server supports the traditional Chinese input methods. dxim is a menu-driven input server that allows you to configure, manage, and use both the traditional and simplified Chinese input methods. dxim also provides a Phrase input method that is separate from the operating system Phrase Utility.

This chapter describes:

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7.1   Activating and Deactivating Chinese Input Methods

You must activate traditional and simplified Chinese input methods for response to the requirements of applications that are internationalized for the Chinese language. The steps you follow to activate Chinese input methods differ for character-cell terminals, DECwindows Motif and CDE environments, and the dxim input server. The following sections describe these activation steps.

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7.1.1   Chinese Input Methods and Character-Cell Terminal Applications

Traditional Chinese input methods for character-cell terminal applications are incorporated in Hanyu DECterm terminal emulation software. Simplified Chinese input methods for character-cell terminal applications are incorporated in the Hanzi DECterm terminal emulation software. Applications do not need to provide their own support for Chinese input. They can rely on the terminal or emulation software to provide the input method services.

Hanyu DECterm and Hanzi DECterm are considered DECwindows Motif applications and are activated and deactivated using the same methods as similar applications. See Section 7.1.2 for more information.

On the LK201-C, LK201-D, LK401-C, or LK401-D keyboards, select input mode by using the [Compose] key, which is labeled 中/英. See Chapter 6 for more information on keyboards.

Once the Chinese input mode is activated, the firmware of the terminal or the input methods incorporated in DECterm automatically compose Chinese characters and return the input data as appropriate.

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7.1.2   The dxhanziim and dxhanyuim Input Servers and DECwindows Motif Applications

For DECwindows Motif applications, Chinese input methods are implemented in the form of independent processes called input servers. These Chinese input servers are X client processes that can work on a standard X server provided the X server has the required Chinese fonts installed. This means that the Chinese input server can run on any system which can access your X display device, including the device itself.

The operating system provides a traditional Chinese input server dxhanyuim that is interoperable with all existing DECwindows Motif /Hanyu platforms, including OpenVMS DECwindows Motif /Hanyu and UWS/Hanyu. The operating system also provides a simplified Chinese input server dxhanziim that is interoperable with all existing DECwindows Motif /Hanzi platforms, including OpenVMS DECwindows Motif /Hanzi and UWS/Hanzi. Both input servers provide input method services to the R6 X library (Xlib) supported by Tru64 UNIX. You can write internationalized applications using the standard R6 application programming interface and communicate with these input servers. For details about developing internationalized software with X11R6, see Writing Software for the International Market.

Although the codesets returned by traditional and simplified Chinese input servers are fixed, Tru64 UNIX allows you to connect applications to the input servers using any valid Chinese locale. The operating system provides the required codeset conversion.

Before you can input Chinese data, you must start the appropriate Chinese input server on your workstation or any system on your network that can be accessed by your workstation.

English and Chinese user interfaces are provided, so be sure to set the correct session language before starting the input server. There are several ways to start the dxhanziim or dxhanyuim Chinese input server:

After you log into a session, start the Chinese input server as you would any other DECwindows application and select the Hanyu or Hanzi Input Method from the Applications menu of the Session Manager.

If you start up your session in one of the traditional Chinese locales, the Hanyu Input Method menu item is added to the Session Manager's Automatic Startup list by default. Likewise, if you start up your session in one of the simplified Chinese locales, the Hanzi Input Method item is added to the Session Manager's Automatic Startup list by default. When you log in, the appropriate input server starts automatically. If you do not want to auto-start the input server, use the Session Manager's Customize menu to remove this item from the Automatic Startup list.

To start the input server on a workstation, enter one of the following commands:

% /usr/bin/X11/dxhanyuim &
% /usr/bin/X11/dxhanziim &

To start the input server for the Hanyu Input Method on a remote system, enter the following command on that system:

% setenv DISPLAY <display-name>:0
% /usr/bin/X11/dxhanyuim &

To start the input server for the Hanzi Input Method on a remote system, enter the following command on that system:

% setenv DISPLAY <display-name>:0
% /usr/bin/X11/dxhanziim &

In these examples, <display-name> is the display name of your workstation.

After you invoke the Chinese input server, DECwindows Motif applications that have been internationalized to support Chinese can communicate with it to obtain input method services.


Applications that are started before the dxhanziim or dxhanyuim servers cannot connect to the input server. Therefore, the input method server should be the first item on the Automatic Startup list. However, if the application contains an XmText or XmTextField widget with the reconnectable resource set to True, the application is able to establish a connection with the input server if the application starts before the input server or when the application is running and the input server stops and restarts. For more information, see XmText(3X) and XmTextField(3X).

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7.1.3   The dxhanziim and dxhanyuim Input Servers and CDE Applications

For CDE applications, Chinese input methods are implemented by input servers. Before you can input Chinese data, you must start the Chinese input server on your workstation or on any system that can be accessed by your workstation through the network.

Both English and Chinese user interfaces are provided. Make sure you set up the correct session language before you start the input server.

There are two ways to start the Chinese input servers in CDE:

If a traditional or simplified Chinese language is selected on the CDE login menu, the appropriate Chinese input server starts automatically. When you log in, the following script runs:


The value of the DTSTARTIMS environment variable determines whether the script will automatically start the specified Chinese input server.

Enter one of the following commands to start the input server on a workstation you are using:

% /usr/bin/X11/dxhanyuim &


% /usr/bin/X11/dxhanziim &

Enter the following commands on a remote system to start the Hanyu Input Method server on that system:

% setenv DISPLAY <display-name>:0
% /usr/bin/X11/dxhanyuim &

Enter the following commands on a remote system to start the Hanzi Input Method server on that system:

% setenv DISPLAY <display-name>:0
% /usr/bin/X11/dxhanziim &

In these examples, <display-name> is the display name of your workstation.

After you invoke the Chinese input server, the CDE applications that are internationalized to support that specified Chinese language can communicate with it to provide input method services.


Applications that are started before the dxhanziim or dxhanyuim input method servers cannot connect to the input server. Therefore, the Hanyu or Hanzi Input Method should be the first item on the Automatic Startup list. However, if the application contains an XmText or XmTextField widget with the reconnectable resource set to True, the application is able to establish a connection with the input server if the application starts before the input server or when the application is running and the input server stops and restarts. For more information, see XmText(3X) and XmTextField(3X).

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7.1.4   Setting Default Input Method with the i18nconfig Utility

The Configure International Software utility (i18nconfig) is an option on the SysMan menu that you can use to select a default input method for locales, such as simplified or traditional Chinese, that support multiple input methods. To set a default input method with i18nconfig, you must be logged in as superuser and use the following steps:

To have the change take effect, log off the system then log back in.

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7.1.5 DXIM Input Server

Use the dxim input server to activate a traditional or simplified Chinese input method, which converts alphabetic keyboard entry to the appropriate Chinese characters and sends them to an X client application.

As with the dxhanziim and dxhanyuim input servers, the dxim input server is an X client process that runs on a standard X server. The dxim input server can run on any system that can access your X display device.

To run successfully, the dxim input server requires that you perform the following prerequisite steps:

Start the dxim input server as a background process with the following command:

% /usr/bin/X11/dxim &

If you want to start dxim from a remote system, log on to the remote system and enter the following command:

% setenv DISPLAY :0
% /usr/bin/X11/dxim &

In the field, enter the display name for your workstation. Section describes how to use the dxim menu interface to select and activate traditional and simplified Chinese input methods and establish a default input method for Chinese applications.

After you activate a Chinese input method, applications that have been internationalized to support that input method can communicate with the server to obtain input method services. You must start these applications after the input server starts.


Applications that are started before dxim cannot connect to the input server. However, if the application contains an XmText or XmTextField widget with the reconnectable resource set to True, the application is able to establish a connection with the input server if the application starts before the input server or when the application is running and the input server stops and restarts. For more information, see XmText(3X) and XmTextField(3X).

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The dxim input server is a multilingual input server because it gives you the means to use and manage input methods for Korean, as well as traditional and simplified Chinese. This manual focuses on dxim and the Chinese input methods. For additional information on the input server, see the dxim online help.

The dxim input server menu is a single menu system divided into two functional parts; Customizing Input Method Classes and Methods and Customizing Input Method Window. The Customizing Input Method Classes and Methods menus are described in Section 7.5.1 and allow you to do the following:

The Customizing Input Method Window menus are described in Section and allow you to do the following:

The dxim input server can support multiple clients working under different locales. When a client application connects to dxim, the input server determines the client's locale and, if compatible, uses the default input method. If the client locale is not compatible with the default, dxim searches for an active input method that is compatible. The input server uses the first compatible input method it finds.

For example, when you connect a zh_CH.dechanzi client application to dxim, the input server checks the application's locale and determines that either the simplified or traditional Chinese input method is available for use with the application. You then enter the invocation key for the Chinese input method and any keyboard input, which dxim converts and transmits to the application. If you attempt to enter the invocation key for Korean, which is inappropriate for this application, dxim ingnores it.

Systemwide default definitions for the dxim input server are stored in the resource file, /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/DXim, and in the configuration file, /usr/i18n/share/dxim/im_modules.conf. As superuser, the system administrator can modify these files to make systemwide changes. For example, the seek order that dxim uses in its search for an input method compatible with a client's locale is defined in /usr/i18n/share/dxim/im_modules.conf and can be modified by the system administrator.

Depending on the locale, the dxim input server does not restrict an application to a single input method. For example, an application under a Unicode locale, such as zh_CN.UTF-8 can be supported by all of the Korean and Chinese input methods.

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7.2   Switching Input Method

By default, a client application starts in English language input mode and, depending on which input server is active on your system (dxhanziim, dxhanyuim, or dxim), you use different key combinations to switch from English language input mode to Chinese or Phrase input mode.

The key sequences in this section can be customized by means of the dxhanziim and dxhanyuim Options menu or the dxim) Customize Input Method menu.

If the traditional or simplified Chinese input server (dxhanziim or dxhanyuim) is active on the system, select the Chinese input mode by using the key sequence shown in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1: Key Sequences that Invoke the traditional or simplified Chinese Input Methods

Terminal or Keyboard Type

Default Key Sequence

DECwindows Motif







[Alt/Space] for traditional Chinese
[Ctrl/Space] for simplified Chinese

Table 7-2 and Table 7-3 describe the key sequences for selecting a specific traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese input method once you are in the Chinese input mode.

Table 7-2: Key Sequences Used to Select Traditional Chinese Input Methods

Input Method

Default Key Sequence

Full-Form Alphabets


Tsang-Chi (倉頡)


Quick Tsang-Chi (倉頡)


Internal Code (內碼)


Phrase (片語)


Phonetic (注音)


Symbol Input (符號)

[Z] (in Tsang-Chi or Quick Tsang-Chi mode)

Table 7-3: Key Sequences Used to Select Simplified Chinese Input Methods

Input Method

Default Key Sequence

Intelligent ABC


Phrase Input 〔片语〕


5-Stroke 〔五笔画〕


Qu-Wei 〔国标区位码〕


Pin-Yin 〔拼音〕


Telex Code 〔电报码〕


5-Shape 〔五笔字型〕


If the dxim input server is active on your system, use the [Ctrl/Space] key sequence to shift from English language input to non-English language input. When you use [Ctrl/Space] to shift to non-English mode, keyboard character input is transmitted to dxim, which converts the input using a selected input method and transmits the converted input to the client application.

To select a traditional or simplified Chinese input method under dxim, use the appropriate key sequence from Table 7-4. Keep in mind that you do not repeat the invocation key for the input method class if you are switching input methods within that class. For example, use the [F1][F10] key sequence to invoke the 5-Shape input method under simplified Chinese, but to switch from 5-Shape to 5-Stroke within simplified Chinese, use only [F6].

Table 7-4: Key Sequences Used to Select dxim Input Methods

Input Method Class

Input Method

Default Key Sequence



Intelligent ABC


Symbol Input (符號)


5-Stroke 〔五笔画〕


Qu-Wei 〔国标区位码〕


Pin-Yin 〔拼音〕


Telex Code 〔电报码〕


5-Shape 〔五笔字型〕




Tsang-Chi (倉頡)


Quick Tsang-Chi (倉頡)


Symbol Input (符號)


Internal Code (內碼)


Phonetic (注音)


To select the Phrase input method, use the [F12] key.


In standard Motif, the function key [F10] is defined as the accelerator of the pull-down menu bar. In DECwindows Motif, the default menu accelerator is [Ctrl/F10] and [F10] is used to invoke the Phonetic Input Method. To make your DECwindows Motif applications Motif compliant (and change [F10] from Phonetic Input Method invocation to the menu accelerator), insert the following line in your $HOME/.Xdefaults file:

*menuAccelerator: Ctrl <Key> F10:

If you change [F10] to the menu accelerator, you must change the Phonetic Input Method invocation key to another key sequence to invoke that input method.

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7.3   Motif Interface Input Method

You can interact with the Chinese input server through a Motif-style user interface. This interface allows an input method to provide feedback about the data being edited, to help you compose a character, list choices for selection, provide options for customizing the input server, and so on.

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7.3.1  Input Areas

The X Input Method specification defines the three input areas shown in Table 7-5.

Table 7-5: Window Input Areas



Auxiliary area

An option menu that helps you customize the Chinese input methods and the input method window.

Status area

Displays critical information about the internal state of the Chinese input methods.

Preedit area

Displays the intermediate text that is being composed. Also displays a list of valid candidates for the input key sequences.

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7.3.2   Interaction Styles

The use of the input areas depends on the interaction style (or preedit style) selected for the application. The Chinese input method servers enable you to type multiple keystrokes to compose Asian characters. The process of composing characters from keystrokes is called preediting and the type of preediting used is called the interaction style.

The Chinese input server supports two interaction styles:

You can use the VendorShell resource XmNpreeditType to specify the priority of the interaction styles for DECwindows Motif applications. By default, the resource value priority order is set to "overthespot,offthespot,root,onthespot". The first style in the list is used in an input method. If that interaction style is not available, the second style in the list is use, and so on.

To set a preferred interaction style, you can do one of the following:

After you choose your preferred interaction style, the applications you invoke start up with the new setting.

Keep in mind that the dxim input server supports only Root window and Off-the-Spot interaction styles. If you use an unsupported interaction style, client applications will be unable to connect to the dxim input server.


Some applications, such as DECterm, may provide their own user interface to handle interaction styles. Those mechanisms may override the methods described here.

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Choose the Root window interaction style (see Figure 7-1)if you want to display the preedit data in an input window that is separate from the application window. You can scale and move the input to meet your preferences. If you want to free up more screen space, you can iconize the input method window. You can also choose to display preedit data in vertical or horizontal layout.

Figure 7-1: Chinese Root Window Interaction Style

Chinese Root Window Interaction Style

Figure 7-2: Chinese Input Window Icon

Chinese Input Window Icon

You can continue to input Chinese characters through a Chinese application window when the input window is iconized (Figure 7-2). The input state is displayed on the icon title, which is updated according to the input mode and the input focus. If you want to see the preedit data, you can double click the icon to redisplay the input window.

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To display the preedit data in a fixed location of the application window, choose the Off-the-Spot interaction style (Figure 7-3). With this interaction style, the Chinese input server creates the input window at the bottom of the application window. You need not refer to the Root window and you can iconize it to save screen area.

Figure 7-3: Off-the-Spot Interaction Style

Off-the-Spot Interaction Style

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7.4   Operations of the Chinese Input Servers

When you start a Chinese input server, no application is connected to it and the title bar displays "No Connection" in the status area.

If an application is internationalized, started in a Chinese locale, and brought to the foreground, the input state displayed in the status area and the title bar are updated accordingly. If you bring an noninternationalized application window to the foreground, the title bar of the input window changes to indicate there is no connection. (In some environments, bringing an application to the foreground is known as bringing it into focus.)

The input server can maintain an individual state of composition for different input contexts or application windows.

In addition, under the dxhanziim and dxhanyuim input servers running the Root window interaction style, each application window can be associated with its own attributes, such as font size, font style, layout, input window size, and position. You can set the input focus to an application window and then compose a Chinese character or customize the input window.

The input server retains the composing state and input window attributes. Thus, when you bring an application window into focus (that is, from the background to the foreground), the input server restores its original composing state and attributes. For example, if you are using an input window under the 5-Stroke Input Method, then shift focus to an input window under the Pin-Yin Input Method, when you bring the original window back in focus, the 5-Stroke Input Method will be active.

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7.5 Customizing the Chinese Input Servers

The dxim, dxhanziim, and dxhanyuim Chinese input servers have different levels and different methods of customization.

Under the dxim input server, the input window provides an options menu containing the following selections:

Under the dxhanziim and dxhanyuim input servers, the auxiliary area of the input window provides an options menu where you can customize the input server. You click on the Options button to view the customization pull-down menu.

The following sections describe the dxim, dxhanziim, and dxhanyuim customization menues. Keep in mind that each of these input servers has an extensive online help system that can provide you with details and examples of each option.

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7.5.1 Customizing the dxim Input Server

If you select Customize Class from the dxim options menu, it displays the dxim Input Method Class and Module Customization menu. This series of menus enables you to customize the following attributes:

If you select Customize Window from the dxim options menu, it displays the dxim Input Method Window Customization menu. This series of menues enables you to customize the following attributes:

If you log in as superuser to use the dxim input server customization menus, the changes you make are written to /.dxim/DXim and apply to root. If you log in as a non-root user, the changes you make are written to ~user/.dxim/DXim and apply to that user ID.

The following sections provide an overview of these menus. For a complete description of the menu options, see the dxim online help system.

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The Input Method Class and Module Customization menus enable you to activate, deactivate, and customize the simplified and traditional Chinese and Phrase input method classes and input methods within those classes. Keep in mind that you must use either the OK or Apply button in conjunction with the Save Current Settings pull-down menu option to save a customized setting for use by the dxim input server.

The Customize Class menu is the primary input method customization menu. The following table briefly describes each of the Customize Class menu options. For a full description of the menu options, see the dxim input server online help.

Menu Field


Active Class

Displays the input method classes that are currently active on the system. Select one or more of these classes to customize or delete.

Invocation Key

Displays the key sequence used to invoke the selected input method class. Use the checkboxes under the display to change the invocation key.

Bell Volume Slider

A bell rings when an error is made during character composition. Drag the slider to adjust the volume of the bell.

Options pull-down menu

Select Get System Default to reset the Customize Class menu.

Select Save Current Settings to save values for use by the dxim input server.


Opens a dialog box that allows you to select and activate a currently inactive input method class.


Deactivates a selected input method class. The class and its methods are made inactive and not available to applications.


Opens a dialog box that allows you to activate, deactivate, and customize the input method modules associated with a selected input method class. The Customize Input Method dialog box selections are similar to the Customize Class menu selections described in this table.

Set Default

Establishes the selected input method class as the default.


Saves the customizations to become effective the next time you start dxim. Closes the menu.


Same as OK, except that the menu does not close.


Closes the menu without making any changes.


Displays help on this menu.

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The Input Method Window Customization menus enable you to modify the dxim root input window characteristics. Keep in mind that you must use either the OK or Apply button in conjunction with the Save Settings as Defaults pull-down menu option to save a customized setting for use by the dxim input server.

The Customize Window menu is the primary input window customization menu. The following table briefly describes each of the Customize Window menu options. For a full description of the menu options, see the dxim input server online help.

Menu Field


Big Font/Small Font

Select the font size for displaying preedit data in the dxim root input window.

Foreground Color/Background Color

Select either foreground or background. A color mixing dialog box opens that enables you to customize the foreground or background colors of the root input window.

Line Spacing Slider

Drag the slider to specify the line spacing, in pixels, between the preedit data text lines.

Options pull-down menu

Select Restore System Defaults to reset the Customize Window menu.

Select Save Settings as Defaults to save values for use by the dxim input server.


Saves the customizations to become effective the next time you start dxim. Closes the menu.


Same as OK, except that the menu does not close.


Closes the menu without making any changes.


Displays help on this menu.

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7.5.2   Customizing the dxhanziim and dxhanyuim Input Servers

The dxhanziim and dxhanyuim input server options menu enables you to customize the following attributes:

The following sections describe each of these menu options.

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You can choose the vertical layout option only if the current layout is horizontal. When you choose this option, the input window and the layout of its contents immediately display in a vertical orientation. The vertical input window remains at the same origin.

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You can choose this option only if the current layout is vertical. When you choose this option, the input window and the layout of its contents immediately display in a horizontal orientation. The horizontal input window remains at the same origin.

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Select Phrase Input Class

You can use the Select Phrase option to customize the Phrase Input mode. DECwindows Motif shares the phrase databases that are created and managed by the base operating system Phrase Utility. After you create a phrase database and define your phrases, both character-cell terminal applications and DECwindows Motif applications can use the data for phrase input.

In order to use the phrase databases, the LANG environment variable must be set to reflect the required codeset (for example, zh_TW.dechanyu). For details about the Phrase Utility and phrase definition file, see Using International Software in the operating system documentation set.

The Select Phrase Input Class option allows you to focus on a particular class of phrases during phrase input. When you choose this option, a dialog box pops up and you can select the phrase class that you want to use.

To select all classes, you can choose the * (wildcard) option. If you choose this option, the phrase input method searches all classes of phrase definitions for the phrase code that you entered.

When there is more than one phrase that matches the phrase definition, a list box is displayed. To choose the right phrase definition, select the appropriate item in the list box.


The dxim input server uses a different Phrase input method and phrase database than the operating system Phrase Utility and phrase database described in this section. See Section 7.11.1 for a description of the dxim Phrase input method.

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   User Phrase Database

Use the User Phrase Database option to access your private user phrase database.

The Phrase Input Method allows you to access two phrase definition databases: the system phrase database and the private user phrase database. You create and maintain your own private phrase database for storing your frequently used phrases. This is called the user phrase database.

For details about creating a phrase database, see Using International Software.

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   System Phrase Database

The system phrase database is for public access by all users using your system. It should be created and modified by your system administrator. Use the System Phrase Database option to access the system phrase database.


The databases that you can access are the ones available on the system on which you start your Chinese input server.

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The Current Window option allows you to customize the attributes of a specific application window.


The Current Window option is available only if you chose Root window as your interaction style and an internationalized application input area is in the foreground. Otherwise, this option is dimmed out. If you choose the Off-the-Spot interaction style, the application determines the attributes.

When you choose this option, a dialog box pops up and the following options are displayed:

Choose the font size for displaying preedit data. Click on either the Big Font or Small Font toggle buttons.

Choose the font typeface to be used in the input window. To select the font typeface in a traditional Chinese input server, click on one of the following toggle buttons:

- Hei

- Sung

- Screen

To choose the font typeface in a simplified Chinese input server, click on one of the following toggle buttons:

- Heiti

- Songti

- Kaiti

- FangSongti

- Screen

You can define a typeface that does not exist in the options list in the Chinese input server resource file. This typeface will be displayed beside the Other: label in the customization window.

The Chinese input server can display preedit data on more than one text line. Usually, this happens when a list of items is displayed for your selection. You use the Line Spacing option to specify the spacing between text lines in pixels. To adjust the line spacing, drag the Line Spacing slider or move the pointer to the desired position on the slider and click MB1.

You can customize the foreground and background colors of the input window.

For monochrome display, the following options are provided:

- Dark Text, Light Background

- Light Text, Dark Background

For color display, you can choose from a palette of colors to design a visually pleasing input window. To customize the foreground or background color, first select the color that you want to change by clicking one of the following toggle buttons:

- Input Window Foreground Color

- Input Window Background Color

A color mixing window pops up in which you can mix the color using the three sliders, which represent the intensities of the primary colors. The modified color is displayed in the right half of the color box while the left half displays the original color.

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When you choose the Input Method Customization option, a dialog box displays in which you can customize the following attributes.

In the traditional Chinese input server, the customizable attributes are:

In the simplified Chinese input server, the customizable attributes are:

The following list describes each of the customizable attributes:

Use the Default Input Method option to choose the Chinese input method invoked by default when you activate the Chinese input server. The input methods you can choose in the traditional Chinese input server (dxhanyuim) are:

- Alphabetic

- Tsang-Chi

- Quick Tsang-chi

- Phonetic

- Internal code

- Phrase

The input methods you can choose in the simplified Chinese input server (dxhanziim) are:

- Alphabetic

- Phrase

- 5-Stroke

- Qu-Wei (Row-Column)

- Pin-Yin

- Telex Code

- 5-Shape

- Intelligent ABC

The Active Input Method option allows you to decide which input methods can be activated at run time. By default, all input methods, except for the simplified Chinese Telex input method, are active.

You use the Active Input Method list to add or remove an input method on the Active list. If you remove an input method from the Active list, you can no longer select that input method with an invocation key.

When you make an error while composing a Chinese character, the bell rings to alert you. To adjust the bell volume, drag the Bell Volume slider or move the pointer to the desired position on the slider and click MB1.

The traditional Chinese input server supports the input of both CNS 11643 and DTSCS (that is, EDPC) characters. However, you can choose to disable the input of EDPC characters, thus ensuring that the data that you enter contains only CNS 11643 characters. This option is useful if you need to prepare Chinese data and interchange it with systems supporting only CNS 11643.

To enable or disable the input of EDPC characters, click on the EDPC Characters Input button.

If you choose the Input Method Customization option while running the 5-Stroke, Pin-Yin, Qu-Wei, or Telex input methods on the simplified Chinese input server, a dialog box is displayed in which you can choose the Display 5-Shape Radicals option.

When you choose the 5-Shape Radicals option, the character candidates displayed in the 5-Stroke, Pin-Yin, Qu-Wei, or Telex input methods are associated with the 5-Shape key sequences required to enter those characters in the 5-Shape Input Method.

You can use this option as an instructional tool. For example, if this option is active and you enter a character using the Pin-Yin Input Method, the resulting display provides instruction on the 5-Shape Radical sequence required to produce that same Pin-Yin character in the 5-Shape Input Method.

If you choose the Input Method Customization option while running the Intelligent ABC input method on the simplified Chinese input server, a pull-down menu is displayed in which you can automatically adjust word frequency in repeated selections and specify Bixing input in repeated selections.

These property selections are described in Basic Input Methods.

The key sequences for invoking and switching Chinese input methods are set by default. You can change these default key sequences to meet your personal preference or working style. This option allows you to customize the following key sequences for both dxhanyuim and dxhanziim:

- Start Input Method

- End Input Method

- Phrase Input

- Invoke Next Input Method

- Full and Half Form Alphabetic Input Method

The following choices are for dxhanyuim only:

- Tsang-chi

- Quick Tsang-chi

- Internal Code

- Phonetic

The following choices are for dxhanziim only:

- 5-Stroke

- Qu-Wei (Row-Column)

- Pin-Yin

- Telex Code

- 5-Shape

- Intelligent ABC

You customize key sequences using the interface in the bottom part of the dialog box. Select a trigger key and toggle the on/off state of the Ctrl, Alt, and Shift modifiers. The trigger keys that you can choose include NoSymbol, [F1] through [F20], [Space], [Return], [Compose] and [A] through [Z]. If you choose NoSymbol, no invocation sequence will be provided for the selected action.

For each modifier key, you can select the on/off state with the toggle buttons defined in Table 7-6.

Table 7-6: Modifier State Customization


On State

Off State










The tilde (~) sign means that you should not press that modifier key when invoking the action. In addition to the on/off state, you can also deselect both of the states for a modifier key, so that neither state is selected. To do this, click the toggle button that is currently set on. If you deselect a modifier, the input server will accept the invocation key with or without holding the modifier key.

When you select an invocation key sequence, the state of the toggle switches and the trigger key displayed at the bottom of the dialog box is updated to reflect the current value, and the label at the bottom left-hand side changes.

Figure 7-4: Customization of Invocation Key Sequences in dxhanyuim

Customization of Invocation Key Sequences in dxhanyuim

Figure 7-5: Customization of Invocation Key Sequences in dxhanziim

Customization of Invocation Key Sequences in dxhanziim

For example, if you want to change the End Input Method key sequence to [Ctrl/Space], select the Ctrl, ~Alt and ~Shift buttons.

To reduce the number of keys required for selecting input methods, set the hot keys for all the input methods to "NoSymbol", and define a key sequence for the Choose Next Input Method option. This method releases the [F6] to [F10] function keys for use by other DECwindows applications. To switch the input method, press the key sequence for Choose Next Input Method and the Chinese input server will cycle through all supported input methods. For example, if you use the Tsang-Chi Input Method and you want to switch to the Internal Code Input Method, press the hot key twice.

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Help

The Help option provides the following menu items that you use to display help for the Chinese input server:

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Quit

Use the Quit option to terminate the input server. If you select this option, a dialog box pops up and asks if you really want to exit.

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Saving Your New Settings

All attributes that you customize with the Current Window and Input Method Customization menus can be saved into a resource file in your login directory. Each customization window provides the following options:

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7.6   Alphabetic Input Methods

There are two alphabetic input methods available under the English language mode: Half Form Alphabet and Full Form Alphabet.

The Half Form Alphabet Input Method allows you to enter uppercase and lowercase English characters, numerals, and symbols marked on the keyboard. Full Form Alphabet Input Method allows you to enter 2-byte alphabets, numerals, and symbols defined in the Chinese character sets.

To invoke the Full Form Alphabet Input Method, press [Shift/Space]. The string 全 形 (full form) is displayed in the status area, as shown in Figure 7-6. Once the prompt appears, all characters that you enter at the keyboard are sent as 2-byte characters.

To exit the Full Form Alphabet Input Method, press [Shift/Space] again.

Figure 7-6: Full Form Alphabet Input Method



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7.7   Tsang-Chi Input Method

To understand the Tsang-Chi Input Method you must understand the concepts of Tsang-Chi root radicals, auxiliary forms, and character-splitting.

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7.7.1   Tsang-Chi Root Radicals

The Tsang-Chi Input Method is based on the concept of root radicals. The input method requires a Chinese character to be broken down into various root radicals according to the character's shape.

Altogether 24 Tsang-Chi root radicals have been defined from which almost all existing Chinese characters can be composed. The root radicals are divided into four groups and assigned to the alphabet keys [A] - [Y] on the main keyboard (the [X] and [Z] keys are not defined). The following tables illustrate the classification of the root radicals, their corresponding English keys, their auxiliary forms, and the way that they are derived.

Table 7-8 is a quick reference to all of the root radical classifications.

Table 7-7: Tsang-Chi Root Radicals Classification

Philosophical classification

Tsang-Chi Root Radicals Classification, Philosophical

Stroke classification

Tsang-Chi Root Radicals Classification, Stroke

Human Body classification


Form classification

Tsang-Chi Root Radicals Classification, Form

Table 7-8: Quick Reference Table of the Tsang-Chi Root Radicals

Quick Reference Table of the Tsang-Chi Root Radicals

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7.7.2   Tsang-Chi Code Generation

To input a Chinese character using the Tsang-Chi Input Method, you must generate the character's Tsang-Chi code based on character decomposition. Most Chinese characters can be divided into two categories: the composite form (Table 7-9) and the connected form (Table 7-10). The composite formcan be split into a character head and a character body while the connected form cannot.

Table 7-9: Composition Form Characters

Composite Form


Left-right form

針 憶 轉 謝

Top-bottom form

哲 靈

Inclusion form

國 圓

Table 7-10: Connected Form Characters

Connected Form


Connected form

亞 兩 爾

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   General Rules

The general rules for generating Tsang-Chi codes are:

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Connected Characters

Connected characters are those which cannot be split due to the existence of crossed or connected strokes, such as , , . Each character can be input by entering at most four radicals. If more than four radicals can be derived, enter the first three radicals and the last to generate the Tsang-Chi code. Table 7-11 illustrates some examples of decomposing connected characters.

Table 7-11: Examples of Connected Character Decomposition

Examples of Connected Character Decomposition

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Composite Characters

Composite characters are those that can be split from top to bottom, left to right, and outside to inside, such as , , . You can decompose the character head into one to two radicals. If more than two radicals are generated, enter the first and the last radicals.

The character body can be decomposed into one to three radicals. If it is made up of three or fewer radicals, you should enter all the radicals. If it is made up of more than three radicals that are connected, enter the first two radicals and the last.

If the character body is itself a composite character, you can further decompose the character body into subhead and subbody. Enter the first and last radicals of the subhead, and the last radical of the subbody.

Table 7-12 illustrates examples of decomposing composite characters. In the "Shape" column, a solid square represents a character head while a square represents a radical of the character body.

Table 7-12: Composite Character Decomposition

Composite Character Decomposition

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Exceptional Characters

Approximately 95 percent of Chinese characters can be decomposed according to the rules described in Composite Characters. The remaining 5 percent are exceptional characters that need to be entered in different ways. The exceptional characters can be divided into the following groups:

The Tsang-Chi input method has defined nine compound characters. A compound can be a connected character, or the character head or body of a composite character. In any case, compound characters must be represented by their first and last radicals. Table 7-13 lists the compound characters.

Table 7-13: Compound Characters

Compound Characters

Difficult characters are those which are difficult to decompose in the Tsang-Chi input method. Usually, these characters are composed of some special root radicals that are neither the Tsang-Chi root radicals nor their auxiliary forms. Using the Tsang-Chi input method you can press the [X] key (which is labeled with and therefore will be referred to as the [] in this document) to access the special root radicals and use them to compose difficult characters. Table 7-14 lists the difficult characters.

The rules of decomposing difficult characters are:

Table 7-14: Difficult Characters

Difficult Characters

Some special characters are composed by superimposing the root radicals , 大, and on other strokes or radicals. To keep the decomposed radicals as simple as possible, enter the root radicals first, before the rest of the character is entered. Table 7-15 lists the special characters.

Table 7-15: Special Characters

Special Characters

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7.7.3   Invoking Tsang-Chi Input Method

When you invoke the Tsang-Chi input method, the Chinese string 倉頡 is displayed in the status area, as shown in Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7: Invocation of the Tsang-Chi Input Method


The radicals that you enter with the Tsang-Chi input method are displayed in the preedit area, as shown in Figure 7-8. To correct the data, do one of the following:

To signal end of input, press the Return key or Space bar.

Figure 7-8: Entering a Tsang-Chi Radical


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7.7.4   Tsang-Chi Multiple Candidates

If there is exactly one character represented by a Tsang-Chi code, the character is sent directly to the application. Sometimes, multiple candidates for a Tsang-Chi code are available for selection when the code represents more than one Chinese character. In this case, the candidates are displayed in the preedit area in the following order:

  1. Most frequently used
  2. Less frequently used
  3. Seldom used

The preedit area can display up to nine candidates at a time, as shown in Figure 7-9.

Figure 7-9: Multiple Candidates

1 XXX 4 XXX 7 XXX →

The numbers 1, 4, and 7 divide the nine characters into three groups so that you can easily select the desired candidate. To select a character that is displayed in the preedit area, press the corresponding numeric key on the main keyboard.

When there are more than nine candidates for selection, the indicators , →,←→ and are displayed in the preedit area. Table 7-16 lists the indicators and their definitions.

Table 7-16: Meaning of Arrow Characters



The current row is the first row and you can press [Space] or [Þ] to move to the next row.


The current row is somewhere between the first and the last row. You can press:

  • [Space] or [] -move to the next row
  • [] - move to the previous row
  • [] - move to the first row

The current row is the last row and you can press [] to move to the previous row or [] to the first row.

If you enter another Tsang-Chi code without selecting a candidate, the first candidate in the list is sent to the application.

If you do not want to select any candidate, but want to clear the Tsang-Chi code, press the Return key or the 倉頡 key (that is, F6).

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7.7.5   Tsang-Chi Repeat Character Input

If you want to repeat input of the same character, press the equals (=) key.

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7.7.6   Tsang-Chi Error Handling

If you input incorrect data, the bell will ring. If no character is generated after you enter a Tsang-Chi code, this indicates that there is no character for the code. The radicals already entered remain in the preedit buffer. To handle the error, do one of the following:

  1. Press the Delete key to erase the radicals, one at a time, and then reenter the correct radicals.
  2. Press the Return key or the [倉頡 ] key to erase all radicals in the preedit buffer, and then reenter the correct radicals.
  3. Enter new radicals without pressing the Return key. The radicals in the preedit buffer are replaced by the newly entered radicals.

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7.8   Quick Tsang-Chi Input Method

The Quick Tsang-Chi input method, also known as the Quick input method or the Easy input method, is a variant of the Tsang-Chi input method and follows the same principles and rules for decomposing characters into radicals as described in General Rules. However, the process for entering radicals is simplified and requires only the first and the last radicals.

For example, the character is decomposed into the following:

This section discusses the mechanism of the Quick Tsang-Chi input method. For details about character decomposition, see Section 7.7.

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7.8.1   Quick Tsang-Chi Code Generation

As in the Tsang-Chi input method, the character decomposition in Quick Tsang-Chi is based on whether a character is of the composite form or the connected form. However, the Quick Tsang-Chi input method requires only the first and the last radicals regardless of the number of radicals obtained.

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7.8.2   Invoking Quick Tsang-Chi Input Method

When you invoke the Quick Tsang-Chi input method, the Chinese string 速成 is displayed in the status area, as shown in Figure 7-10.

Figure 7-10: The Quick Tsang-Chi Input Method


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7.8.3   Entering Quick Tsang-Chi Code

The radical that you enter is displayed in the preedit area, as shown in Figure 7-11. To correct the data, press the Delete key and reenter the correct radical. Alternatively, you can press the [速成] key (that is, F7 on a standard LK201 or LK401 keyboard) to erase all radicals in the preedit buffer. If only one radical is required to input a character, press the Return key or Space bar to signal the end of input.

Figure 7-11: Entering a Quick Tsang-Chi Code


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7.8.4   Quick Tsang-Chi Multiple Candidates

If exactly one character is represented by a Quick Tsang-Chi code, the character is sent directly to the application. Frequently, multiple candidates for a Quick Tsang-Chi code are available for selection when the Quick Tsang-Chi code represents more than one Chinese characters. In this case, the candidates are displayed in the preedit area.

To clear the Tsang-Chi code and not select any candidate, press the Return key or the 速成 key (that is, F7).

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7.8.5   Quick Tsang-Chi Repeat Character Input

If you want to repeat the input of the same character, press the equals (=) key.

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7.8.6   Quick Tsang-Chi Error Handling

If you input incorrect data, the bell will ring. If no character is generated after you enter a Quick Tsang-Chi code, the bell indicates that there is no character for the code. The radicals you entered remain in the preedit buffer. To handle the error, you can do one of the following:

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7.9   Phonetic Input Method

The Phonetic input method is based on Chinese phonetic symbols (bopomofo) that represent the pronunciation of Chinese characters.

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7.9.1   Phonetic Symbol Categories

Phonetic symbols can be divided into three categories: consonants, vowels, and tone marks. There are 21 consonants, 16 vowels, and 5 tone marks. The 5 tone marks for Chinese pronunciation are the first, the second, the third, the fourth and the light tones. Chinese phonetic symbols are assigned to the alphanumeric keys on the main keyboard. Table 7-17 is a summary of all consonants, vowels, and tone marks.

Table 7-17: Phonetic Symbols

Phonetic Symbols


The vowels , ㄨ, and are also called semi-vowels.

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7.9.2   Phonetic Code Generation

The pronunciation of a Chinese character is composed of consonants, vowels, and tone marks. Therefore, a phonetic code can be generated according to the following rules:

Table 7-18: Examples of Phonetic Input

Code Format

Phonetic Symbols


Consonant + vowel + tone mark


Consonant + [vowel] + tone mark

知, 織

Vowel + tone mark

安, 庵

Consonant + semivowel + vowel + tone mark



Semivowel + vowel + tone mark


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7.9.3   Invoking Phonetic Input Method

When you invoke the Phonetic input method, the Chinese string 注音 is displayed in the status area, as shown in Figure 7-12.

The example in Figure 7-12 shows how to input the character by entering the phonetic symbols ㄐㄧˊ (RU6) at the main keyboard.

Figure 7-12: Entering the Phonetic Symbols for

吉 [ 注音] :ㄐㄧˊ 1 及吉吃 4 即急級 7 集極擊

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7.9.4   Entering Phonetic Code

The phonetic symbols that you enter are displayed in the preedit area. To correct the data, press the Delete key and re-enter the correct symbol. Alternatively, you can press the 注音 key (that is, F10 on a standard LK201 or LK401 keyboard) to erase all phonetic symbols in the preedit buffer.

You can press various termination keys to signal that you are done entering the phonetic symbol. Table 7-19 shows the results of entering phonetic symbols with different termination keys.

Table 7-19: Phonetic Symbols with Different Termination Keys







Lists characters with the same consonant or vowel in the order of the first, second, third, fourth, and light tone marks.

Type ㄓ, then press the Space bar, , ㄓ 之 支...,

直 姪 值..., 止

只 旨..., 至 志 ...

will be listed.



Lists characters of the second tone.

Type ㄋㄧㄢ,

年 黏 哖... will be listed.



Lists characters of the third tone.

Type ㄌㄧㄠˇ,

了 暸 瞭... will be listed.



Lists characters of the fourth tone.

Type ㄌㄧㄝ,

列 劣 冽... will be listed.



Lists characters of the light tone.

Type ㄕ˙, 匙... will be listed



Characters corresponding to the phonetic symbols are displayed according to the order of tone marks. If only a consonant is entered before pressing Return, characters corresponding to any valid combinations of this consonant and other vowels are also displayed.

Type ㄓ,, then press the Return key, characters corresponding to the order ㄓ ㄓ ㄓ

ˇ ㄓˋ ㄓㄚ ㄓㄚ

...,ㄓㄜ ㄓㄜ

...,ㄓㄨㄚ... will be listed.

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7.9.5   Phonetic Symbol Multiple Candidates

If a phonetic string matches exactly one character, the character is sent directly to the application. Frequently, a phonetic string matches multiple Chinese characters. In this case, the candidates are displayed in the preedit area.

If you do not want to select any candidate, but want to clear the phonetic code, press the Return key or the 注音 key (that is, F10).

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7.9.6   Phonetic Symbol Repeat Character Input

If you want to repeat the input of the same character, press the equals (=) key.

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7.9.7   Phonetic Symbol Error Handling

If you input incorrect data, the bell will ring. If no character is generated after you enter a phonetic code, this indicates that there is no character for the code. The phonetic symbols you entered remain in the preedit buffer. To handle the error, you can do one of the following:

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7.10   Internal Code Input Method

Each character in DEC Hanyu has been assigned a unique internal code, just like the ID number of a company employee. For a complete list of the characters and their internal codes, see The DEC Chinese Code Book (Part Number EK-VT38D-CB-001).


In this Tru64 UNIX release, the Internal Code input method supports only the DEC Hanyu internal code. The internal codes for Taiwanese EUC and Big-5 are not supported. Even if you set the locale to one of the Taiwanese EUC or Big-5 locales, this input method still requires you to specify the DEC Hanyu internal code.

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7.10.1   Internal Code Input Procedure

When you invoke the Internal Code input method, the Chinese string 內碼 is displayed in the status area.

To enter an internal code, you can optionally enter a character set number to be followed by a 4-digit hexadecimal number that specifies the position of the character with respect to the character set. The character set number can be 1 for the CNS11643-1986 character set, or 2 for the DTSCS character set.

If you omit the character set number and enter only the 4-digit hexadecimal code, you must press the Return key or the Space bar to signal the end of input. If you enter the character set number and the 4-digit hexadecimal code, the respective character is sent automatically without pressing the Return key. Figure 7-13 shows the input of using the Internal Code input method.

Figure 7-13: Input of Using the Internal Code Input Method


 〔內碼〕: 1CBF

The internal code that you enter is displayed in the preedit area. To correct the data, press the Delete key and re-enter the correct code. Alternatively, you can press the 內碼 key (that is, F8 on a standard LK201 or LK401 keyboard) to erase all characters in the preedit buffer.

Since internal codes are unique for any symbols or Chinese character in DEC Hanyu, there are no multiple candidates for an internal code.

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7.10.2   Internal Code Repeat Character Input

If you want to repeat the input of the same character, press the equals (=) key.

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7.10.3   Internal Code Error Handling

If you input incorrect data, the bell will ring. If no character is generated after you enter an internal code, this indicates that there is no character for the code. The internal code you entered remains in the preedit buffer. To handle the error, you can do one of the following:

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7.11   Phrase Input Method

The Phrase input method enables you to define a database of frequently used phrases and store that database in a user or systemwide directory. Each frequently used phrase is identified by a phrase code. To input a phrase, enter its phrase code. The Phrase input method converts the code to the respective phrase.

There are two Phrase input methods available on the Tru64 UNIX operating system; a Phrase input method available by means of the dxim input server and a Phrase input method available by means of the dxhanziim and dxhanyuim input servers. These two Phrase input methods use different databases and different user interfaces, as described in the following sections.

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7.11.1 dxim Phrase Input Method

The dxim Phrase input method allows you to define a database of frequently used phrases and store that database in a user or systemwide directory.

You associate each of the phrases in the phrase database with a unique phrase code. The phrase code can be any alphabetic label. The associated phrase can be any string of characters that is appropriate to the application’s locale. You create the phrase database as a simple text file containing phrase codes and phrases and store it in a user directory or a system directory on a path that is locale dependent.

For example, if you create a phrase database file for use with applications running in the zh_CN.dechanzi locale, you copy the file to one of the following directories:

Use the following rules when populating the phrase database:

To invoke the Phrase input method, you must use dxim to activate the input method and use the default key sequence (or an invocation key sequence that you have defined). For example, if the Phrase input method is active and the client application locale supports it, press the default invocation key, [F12], or a redefined invocation key to invoke the Phrase input method.

When you use the Phrase input method and enter a phrase code as input to the application, dxim searches your personal database file, if it exists, and the systemwide database file along the locale-dependent path. If dxim finds the same phrase in both databases, it uses the definition in your personal database.

When you enter a phrase code, it appears in the preedit area. To correct erroneous input, use the [Delete] key and re-enter the code. Press the [Return] key to signal the end of phrase code input.

If you enter an incorrect code, the error bell rings. The message, Requested phrase does not exist, may also display. To correct the problem, make sure that the phrase is in the database file and that the file path and application locale are consistent.

For additional information on the dxim Phrase input method, see the online help for dxim.

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7.11.2   dxhanziim and dxhanyuim Phrase Input Methods

The Tru64 UNIX operating system provides a Phrase Utility that you use to create phrase databases for use with dxhanziim and dxhanyuim. For details, see Using International Software in the Tru64 UNIX documentation set.

In addition, the firmware of the VT382-D traditional Chinese terminal is designed to allow you to download phrases into its built-in memory. For DECwindows Motif applications, you do not need to download phrase definitions because the Chinese input servers can directly access the phrase databases. In addition, you can select the phrase database being used.

When you invoke the Phrase input method, the Chinese string 片語 is displayed in the status area of dxhanyuim, and 片语 in the status area of dxhanziim. Figure 7-14 shows an example of entering a phrase in dxhanyuim and Figure 7-15 shows an example of converting the phrase code to the phrase.

Figure 7-14: Entering a Phrase Code




63, Chung Shan N. Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei

名稱: _

〔片語〕: ASIA

Figure 7-15: Converting a Phrase Code to a Phrase



地址: 台北市中山北路二段63號

63, Chung Shan N. Rd., Sec. 2, Taipei



The phrase code that you enter is displayed in the preedit area, as shown in Figure 7-14. To correct the data, press the Delete key and reenter the correct code. Alternatively, you can press the 片語 key (that is, F9 on a standard LK201 or LK401 keyboard) to erase all characters in the preedit buffer.

The phrase code can consist of at most eight characters. If it has fewer than eight characters, press the Return key or the Space bar to signal the end of input. If it has exactly eight characters, the respective phrase is sent automatically without having to press the Return key after you enter the last character.

The Phrase input method is different from other input methods in the sense that once a phrase is entered, the input mode switches back to the original input mode from which the Phrase input method was invoked. To input another phrase, press [片語] again and then enter another phrase code.

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7.11.3   Phrase Error Handling

If the data that you input is incorrect, the bell will ring. Errors can occur if the requested phrase can not be found of if there is a problem with the phrase definition file. The following sections discuss these error conditions.

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Requested Phrase Does Not Exist

If the message 此片語不存在 (Requested phrase does not exist) is displayed when you enter a phrase code, you can check the following:

If the phrase has been defined but it does not exist in the in-memory phrase database, reload or reselect the phrase definition file.

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Error in the Phrase Definition File

Errors can occur in the phrase definition file. If you cannot solve the problem using the procedures in Section, you can do one of the following:

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7.12   Symbol Input in traditional Chinese

The Symbol input method is an intuitive way to input 2-byte symbols, such as punctuation marks, table and mathematical symbols, foreign characters, phonetic symbols, and traditional Chinese control characters.

You can invoke the Symbol input method only from the Tsang-Chi or the Quick Tsang-Chi input method. You can use it to input more than 600 symbols, including the following:

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7.12.1   Invoking Symbol Input Mode

To enter the Symbol input mode, press the Z key when invoking Tsang-Chi or the Quick Tsang-Chi input method. When you invoke the Symbol input mode, the Chinese string 符號 is displayed in the status area.

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7.12.2   Rules of Symbol Input

Use the following rules when entering symbols:


Input Code

Key Sequence












Input Code



vertical parenthesis


vertical parenthesis


horizontal parenthesis


horizontal parenthesis


Key Sequence







Key Sequence
















Key Sequence














Key Sequence







Key Sequence











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7.12.3   Entering Symbol Code

You can input a symbol by entering its symbol code and then pressing the Return key or Space bar to signal the end of input.

The following example describes how to enter the full form alphabet :

  1. Press the Z key to invoke the Symbol input mode.

  2. Press the A key.

  3. A

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7.12.4   Symbol Code Multiple Candidates

If a symbol code matches exactly one character, the character is sent directly to the application. However, sometimes a symbol code matches multiple candidates. In this case, the candidates are displayed in the preedit area. To continue the preceeding example:

  1. In the preceding example, press the Return key to signal the end of input.

    〔符號〕:A      1A日曰
  2. Press the 1 key to select




After the symbol is input, the input mode switches back to the original input mode.

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7.12.5   Symbol Code Error Handling

If no symbol is input after you enter a symbol code, the symbol code is invalid and the input mode switches back to the original input mode. You can press the Z key to invoke the Symbol input mode again and reenter the correct symbol code.

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7.13   Input of User-Defined Characters in DECwindows Motif

Tru64 UNIX supports the input of User-Defined Characters (UDC) through the Tsang-Chi and Quick Tsang-Chi input methods. When you invoke the Chinese input server, the Tsang-Chi dictionaries are loaded. When you enter an input key sequence, the Tsang-Chi and Quick Tsang-Chi input methods search these dictionaries for a match, in the following order:

  1. The private UDC Tsang-Chi dictionary that you create
  2. The system-wide UDC Tsang-Chi dictionary
  3. The system default Tsang-Chi dictionary

You can use the cedit utility to invoke the UDC Manager Utility and define the input sequences of user-defined characters. You then use the cgen command with the -iks option to produce a UDC Tsang-Chi dictionary for the Chinese input server. You should also define the corresponding font glyphs (both 18 X 16 and 24 X 24 size fonts). After you define the user-defined characters and their corresponding information in the system or user database, restart the input server to reread the database. For details, see cgen(1) and cedit(5).


Use the dxterm terminal emulator to run the UDC Manager Utility. The dtterm terminal emulator does not support cedit functions and the UDC Manager Utility may hang under dtterm.

By default, the Chinese input server puts your private UDC Tsang-Chi dictionary in the ~/.iks/dwimdb-dechanyu directory. You can use the USER_UDC_DICT environment variable to override this default location.

The system-wide UDC Tsang-Chi dictionary is, by default, placed in the /var/i18n/iks/dwimdb-dechanyu directory. If the dictionary is located elsewhere on your system, you can use the SYSTEM_UDC_DICT environment variable to override the default location. If you are a system administrator, you can install a UDC Tsang-Chi dictionary by placing it at the default location and setting proper access mode for system-wide use.

The system default Tsang-Chi dictionary, which is shipped with Tru64 UNIX, is placed in the /usr/i18n/hanyu/hanyu_tsangchi.dic directory. If it is installed at a different location, you can use the HANYU_SYSTEM_DICT environment variable to specify the location.

The Chinese input server supports UDC input key sequences only in the DEC Hanyu codeset.

To display UDC in DECwindows Motif applications or the Chinese input server, UDC fonts should be available on your system. For instance, the Chinese input server will display UDC using one of the following fonts:

If you define your own UDC fonts, you can override the system UDC fonts by adding the directory in which the UDC fonts are located to the font path. For example, if your private UDC fonts are located in the ~/fonts directory, enter the following command to update the font path:

% xset +fp ~/fonts

Use the UDC Manager Utility cedit to define UDC font glyphs (both 18 X 16 and 24 X 24 size fonts) and use the cgen utility to generate fonts for use in DECwindows Motif. For details, see Writing Software for the International Market.

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7.14   5-Stroke Input Method

The 5-Stroke input method makes use of the basic strokes to construct the Chinese characters. A stroke is a segment of continuous line or curve that constitutes a Chinese character. Table 7-20 describes the five categories of strokes.

Table 7-20: Stroke Categories



Horizontal strokes or 横 〔一〕

Horizontal lines and left-to-right ticks 〔提〕

Vertical strokes or 竖 〔丨〕

Vertical lines and right-to-left hooks 〔竖左钩〕

Slash or 撇 〔丿〕

Slanting lines and curves drawn towards lower-left

Backslash or 捺 〔丶〕

Dots 〔点〕, slanting lines, and curves drawn towards lower-right

Zip-zap curves or 折 〔乙〕

Including different types of joints or corners which can be drawn in single continuous strokes

Using the 5-Stroke input method you can input single Chinese characters and Chinese terms. Approximately 5,000 terms can be input using this method.

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7.14.1   5-Stroke Input Mechanism

To input a Chinese character using the 5-Stroke input method, enter its 5-Stroke code through the numeric keypad according to the writing order. Table 7-21 shows the codes representing the five categories of strokes.

Table 7-21: 5-Stroke Code















Figure 6-5 shows the numeric keypad layout for entering 5-stroke codes.

The following are the general rules of writing order for Chinese characters:

  1. Write from top to bottom.
  2. Write from left to right.
  3. Write from outside to inside.
  4. Write the inside radical before drawing the last stroke of the outside radical (for example, the last stroke of is ).

[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Single Character Input

If a Chinese character is composed of exactly five strokes, enter the strokes according to the writing order. If the character is composed of fewer than five strokes, press the [KP0] key to signal the end of input. If the character is composed of more than five strokes, enter the first four strokes and the last stroke. Table 7-22 shows some examples of using the 5-Stroke input method.

Table 7-22: Input of Single Characters with the 5-Stroke Input Method


No. of Strokes

Write Order

5-Stroke Code

Key Sequence


丿, 乙, 一,一, 丨




一, 丨, 乙, 一




丶, 丿, 丨, 乙,丶



If you are uncertain about the type of strokes or the writing order of strokes, press the wildcard key [KP6] in place of the strokes. For details, see Section 7.14.5.

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The 5-Stroke input method can be used to input terms. Eight strokes are required for entering terms. Press the [KP7] key before inputting strokes. The [KP7] key signals the system that the subsequent key strokes are for composing a term instead of a character.

The number of strokes input for each character in a term depends on the number of characters composing the term, as shown in Table 7-23.

Table 7-23: Input Terms with the 5-Stroke Input Method

No. of Characters in Term

Strokes to be Input


First 4 strokes of each character


First 2 strokes of the first two characters and the first 4 strokes of the last character


First 2 strokes of each character

> 4

First 2 strokes of the first three characters and the last character

If a character is composed of fewer strokes than required, press the [KP6] key for the outstanding strokes. If this character is the last character, press the [KP0] key to signal the end of input.


No. of Characters


No. of Strokes

Req'd Strokes

5-Stroke Code

Key Sequence











































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7.14.2   5-Stroke Input Procedure

When you invoke the 5-Stroke input method, the string 五笔画 is displayed in the status area. When you input the 5-Stroke code, all the Chinese characters that match the code sequence are displayed in the 26th line of the terminal or the preedit area of the display. Each character is associated with a number and you can select the character immediately using the corresponding numeric key on the main keyboard.

For example, if you press the [KP1] key, all characters starting with a horizontal stroke are displayed in the preedit area.

五笔画:1 1DEF 2FBN 3GOI 4GFK 5GHI

If you press the [KP2] key, all Chinese characters with starting 5-Stroke code 12 are displayed in the preedit area.

五笔画:12 1地FBN 2下GHI 3可SKD 4机SMN 5本SGD +

You can use the Delete key to correct the 5-Stroke code. When you delete digits in the 5-Stroke code, the characters displayed in the preedit area change to match the remaining 5-Stroke code.

For example, press the Delete key once:

五笔画:1 1有DEF 2地FBN 3来GOI 4于GFK 5下GHI +

Press the Delete key once more:


Alternatively you can press the Return key without selecting any character. The preedit area is refreshed and you can enter a new 5-Stroke code.

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7.14.3   5-Stroke Multiple Candidates

Because the same 5-Stroke code can represent more than one Chinese character, multiple candidates are sometimes available for selection when you enter a 5-Stroke code. For example:


五笔画: 12345 1机SMN 2榜SUPY 3概SUCQ 4棍SJXX 5杭SYMN +

To select a character that is displayed in the preedit area, press the corresponding numeric key on the main keyboard. In the example, press numeric key 3 to select . If the desired character is displayed at the first position (in this case, the character), you do not need to press the 1 key to select . Enter another 5-Stroke code and the character will automatically be selected. This character is called the default character.

If there are too many candidates for selection, the candidates are displayed in two or more rows and a plus (+) sign is displayed to signal this. Press the Space bar or the [KP9] key to display the next row of characters. To display the previous row of characters, press [Shift/Space] or the [KP8] key.

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7.14.4   5-Stroke and the Association Mode

To enhance input efficiency, the Chinese input method maintains a list of built-in phrases in memory. If you select a character from the candidate list (see Section 7.14.3) and there is a built-in phrase whose first character matches this character, the Association Mode is automatically activated. For example:


联 想 → 1―分

The string 联想→ is displayed in the status area. You can select one of the built-in phrases in Association Mode. After you select the phrase, you automatically exit Association Mode.

If there are many built-in phrases, they are displayed in two or more rows and a plus (+) sign is displayed to signal this. Press the Space bar or the [KP9] key to view the next row of phrases. To move backwards, press [Shift/Space] or the [KP8] key.

If you do not want to use any of the associated phrases, enter another 5-Stroke code to automatically exit Association Mode.


Association Mode is only active during single character input. It cannot be activated during term input.

Association Mode is activated only if you press a numeric key to select a single character. However, the 1 key, which is one of the ways to enter a default character, is a special case. If you do not press the 1 key to select the default character, the Association Mode is not activated though the default character is entered.

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7.14.5   5-Stroke Wildcard Key

The [KP6] key is a wildcard key, which can replace any strokes about which you are uncertain.

For example:

字 - 丶, ?, 乙, 乙, 一

This example assumes you are uncertain about the second stroke and so press [KP4], [KP6], [KP5], [KP5], [KP1].

Another example:

化 - 丿, 丨, ?, ?

This example assumes you are uncertain about the third and the fourth strokes and so press [KP3], [KP2], [KP6], [KP6], [KP0].

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7.15   5-Shape Input Method

The 5-Shape input method is a high performance input method that composes root radicals 〔字根〕 to form Chinese characters. Using the 5-Shape input method, you can enter one to four root radicals to input thousands of Chinese characters and terms.

In addition to character input, the 5-Shape input method also supports term input. The 5-Shape input method supports approximately 5,000 terms, each of which can be defined by four radicals.


When using a VT382-C terminal with SoftODL enabled, you can use a user-defined key sequence in the 5-Shape input method to input a user-defined character (UDC). This assumes the key sequence does not apply to other existing characters. Use cedit to create UDCs and their corresponding key sequences.

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7.15.1   Distribution of 5-Shape Radicals

There are 130 root radicals defined on 25 keys on the main keyboard. (See Figure 6-3 and Figure 6-4 for the layout of LK201-C and LK401-C keyboards). The 25 keys are divided into five groups, each containing five keys, as shown in Table 7-24.

Table 7-24: Shape Code


Key 1

Key 2

Key 3

Key 4

Key 5

Group 1






Group 2






Group 3






Group 4






Group 5






Figure 7-16: Distribution of Radicals

Distribution of Radicals

Figure 7-17: 5-Shape Radical Keys

5-Shape Radical Keys

Figure 7-16 and Figure 7-17 show that the distribution of radicals has three characteristics:

  1. The root radicals and the Chinese key name are similar in shape. For example:

    The key name of Key [11] is while its radicals include, and so on.
  2. The code for the first stroke of a root radical is the same as the group number, while the code for the second stroke is the same as the key number. For example:

    The first stroke of the radicals on key [41] such as 文, 方 and 广 is , which is the same as the group number. The second stroke is , which is the same as the key number.
  3. The key number denotes the number of strokes for constructing the root radicals. That is, the key number equals the number of strokes of the radicals. For example:

    The group number of is 1. Therefore, is located on key [11], is located on key [12], and is located on key [13].

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7.15.2   5-Shape Decomposition of Chinese Characters

The 5-Shape input method decomposes Chinese characters according to their root radicals. The decomposition can be categorized as follows:

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7.15.3   5-Shape Distinction Code

If a character is composed of fewer than four root radicals, you must enter a code that represents the decomposition type and the type of the last stroke, which is called the distinction code. Figure 7-18 illustrates the 5-Shape input method distinction code.

Figure 7-18: Distinction Code for the 5-Shape Input Method

Distinction Code for the 5-Shape Input Method

For example, the codes for 汀, 洒 and are all [43][14]. To distinguish among them, you must enter the distinction code.


Last Stroke


Distinction Code


Left-Right (1)



Left-Right (1)



Left-Right (1)


The root radicals available on the main keyboard do not require a distinction code. Although the characters which are key names (such as ) and radical names (such as ) are composed of fewer than four radicals, no distinction code is required. For example, can be decomposed into 一 and 丿.

For those characters that do not have a unique writing order, such as ,, , and , you can use zip-zap stroke code (5) for the last stroke. For example, can be decomposed into and , and you may add the distinction code [51].

For those inclusion type characters, such as , , , , and , you should take the last stroke of the interior radical. For example, the distinction code for is [23] because the last stroke is [2].

Single dots located near a radical, such as the point in and , belong to decomposition type 3. For example, the distinction code of is [43].

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7.15.4   Principles of 5-Shape Character Decomposition

The following four principles can be used for decomposing Chinese characters:

  1. Writing order.

    For example, should be decomposed into 二, 儿, and instead of , 二, and 儿.

  2. Priority for larger radicals.

    Among the different ways of decomposition, choose the one that results in larger radicals. For example, should be decomposed into and instead of and .

    Another interpretation of this principle is that you should choose the decomposition method that creates fewer radicals.

  3. Separated structure.

    If a character can be decomposed as a separated structure or a cross structure, choose the separated structure. For example, should be decomposed as and instead of and .

  4. Intuition.

    If you cannot choose a character decomposition method based strictly on one of the previous principals, apply a reasonable approach based on a combination of your experience and the previous three principals.

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7.15.5   5-Shape Input Mechanism

The 5-Shape input method allows for single character input and term input.

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Each Chinese character can be composed of one to four root radicals. If the character is available on the keycap as a keyname, press the key four times. For example:

言 - press [41][41][41][41].

If the character is a root radical, press the key for the radical and enter the first, second and last strokes. If the character is defined with fewer than four codes, press the Space bar to signal the end of input. For example:


Decomposed Radicals

Number of Radicals

Key Sequence


西, 一, 丨, 一



厂, 一, 丿



There is one exception for the five basic strokes. The characters , , 丿, , and are single-stroke characters and they require two codes for input. To avoid multiple candidates for the same code, the 5-Shape input method requires adding two more codes ([24] [24]) to the two required codes. Table 7-25 shows the key sequences for entering these basic strokes.

Table 7-25: Entering Basic Strokes

Basic Stroke

Key Sequence







If the character does not appear on the keycap, follow the decomposition principles described in Section 7.15.4. If the character is composed of exactly four root radicals, enter the root radicals according to the writing order. If it is composed of more than four root radicals, enter the first, second, third, and last root radicals. If it is composed of less than four radicals, enter the radicals together with the distinction code. If the number of codes is still less than four, press the Space bar to signal the end of input.

For example:


Decomposed Radicals

Distinction Code

Key Sequence

, , ,



木, X, X, 手



氵, 又



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Approximately 5,000 built-in terms are defined in the Chinese input methods. You can use the 5-Shape input method to input multiple character terms by entering four root radicals, as shown in Table 7-26.

Table 7-26: Input of Terms with the 5-Shape Input Method

Number of
Characters in Term

Root Radicals to be Entered


The first two root radicals of each character


The first root radicals of the first two characters and the first two root radicals of the last character


The first root radical of each character

> 4

The first root radicals of the first three characters and the last character

Consider the following:


Number of


Number of Req'd
Root Radicals

Root Radical

5-Shape Code











木, 几












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7.15.6   5-Shape Input Procedure

When the 5-Shape input method is invoked, the string 五笔字型 is displayed in the status area. You can enter a 5-Shape code through the main keyboard and the data is displayed in the preedit area. When a complete 5-Shape code is entered, the character that matches the code is sent. For example:



To correct the input data, press the Delete or Return key to erase the data.

If there is no valid character for the 5-Shape code, the bell rings to signal an error and you can enter another code.

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7.15.7   5-Shape Multiple Candidates

If input codes match multiple candidates, valid candidates are displayed in the preedit area.

五笔字型:bnh_ 1了BNH 2卩BNH 3阝BNH 4凵BNH

The mechanism for selecting candidates is similar to that for the 5-Stroke input method. For details, see Section 7.14.

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7.15.8   5-Shape and Association Mode

As with the 5-Stroke input method, Association Mode is activated automatically when you select a character from the candidate list. For details, see Section 7.14.

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7.15.9   5-Shape Simple Code Characters

There are three levels of simple code characters; Frequently-Used Characters (Level 1), Level 2, and Level 3.

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Among the 6,000 Chinese characters defined in GB2312-80, there are 25 very frequently used characters. These are defined on the keys [11] to [55]. To input these characters, press the key associated with the character (such as [11], [25]) and then press the Space bar.

The 25 frequently used characters are:












[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Level 2 Simple Code

The 5-Shape input method has about 600 Level 2 Simple Code Characters. To input a Level 2 Simple Code Character, enter the first two radicals and then press the Space bar. For example, the 5-Shape code for is [13][31][52][21] (that is, DTBH). But since it is a Level 2 Simple Code Character, you can press [13][31] and the Space bar to input the character.

The Level 2 Simple Code Characters include:






































[Contents] [Previous Chapter] [Previous Section] [Next Section] [Next Chapter] [Index] [Help]   Level 3 Simple Code

Approximately 4,000 Chinese characters defined in GB2312-80 are classified as Level 3 Simple Code Characters. To input these characters, enter the first three radicals and then press the Space bar.

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7.15.10   5-Shape Wildcard Key

The Z key on the main keyboard is the wildcard key for the 5-Shape input method. When inputting a single character, the Z key can replace any root radicals about which you are uncertain.

For example, if you are not sure whether should be decomposed into , , , and (TVFH) or , , , and (TVHF), you can enter [31][53][Z][Z] and all characters with starting root radicals [31] and [53] will be displayed for your selection. For example:

五笔字型:tvzz_ 1很TVEY 2律TVFH 3笋TVTR 4魏TVRC +

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7.15.11   Entering 5-Shape Code Through the Numeric Keypad

The 25 keys on the main keyboard are usually used to enter 5-Shape code. But you can also enter 5-Shape codes through the numeric keypad.

For instance, the 5-Shape code of is [11][[25][34][43] (GMWI). To enter , you can press [KP1][KP1][KP2][KP5][KP3][KP4][KP4][KP3] on the numeric keypad. The function of the KP0 key is similar to the function of the Space bar.

To enter the wildcard code through the numeric keypad, press the [KP6] key twice.

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7.16   Pin-Yin Input Method

The 6,000 Chinese characters defined in GB2312-80 are sorted according to the Pin-Yin (phonetic) representation. Each character has its own Pin-Yin representation that you can use to input the character. To use this input method, you should have basic knowledge of Putonghua (Mandarin) and Chinese pronunciation.

The Pin-Yin input method requires each character to be entered by using one to six Roman characters and one tone mark (-, /, v, \, or o).

Only single characters can be entered using the Pin-Yin input method. Term input is not supported. But you can activate Association Mode when selecting a character.

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7.16.1   Pin-Yin Input Mechanism

Each Chinese character has a phonetic representation that can be specified in a sequence of syllables. To enter the pronunciation, enter the syllables through the main keyboard (keys A - Z). To enter the tone marks, press the key with preassigned tone marks as defined in Table 7-27.

Table 7-27: Pin-Yin Tone Marks

Tone Mark


Key Label

First tone



Second tone



Third tone



Fourth tone



Light tone



For example, the phonetic representation of is "ri". Press [R][I].

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7.16.2   Pin-Yin Input Procedure

When you invoke the Pin-Yin input method, the string 汉语拼音 is displayed in the status area. When you enter the phonetic representation, the data is displayed in the preedit. All characters that match the representation are displayed.

For example, when you press the A key, all characters with phonetic representations starting with "a" are displayed in the preedit area:

汉语拼音:a_ 1呵KSKG 2吖KUHH 3啊KBSK 4锕QBSK +

When you press the N key, all characters with phonetic representations starting with "an" are displayed:

汉语拼音:an_ 1AFPV 2SPVG 3DGT 4DJNG

If the phonetic representation is invalid, the bell rings. You can correct the data by using the Delete key or press Return to clear the data.


If the phonetic representation has only one character, you must still press the 1 key to select the character.

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7.16.3   Pin-Yin Multiple Candidates

If a Pin-Yin string matches multiple candidates, the candidates are displayed in the preedit area. To select one, press the corresponding numeric key. For details, see Section 7.14.

To reduce the number of candidates, you can enter a tone mark after the phonetic representation. The input method displays only those characters with the specified tone.

For example, the phonetic representation of is "niu". Eight characters are displayed for selection after you press [N][I][U]:

汉语拼音:niu_ 1妞VNFG 2牛RHK 3扭RNFG 4钮QNFG +

If you press the / key after [N][I][U], there will be only one candidate for selection:

汉语拼音:niu2_ 1RHK


If you enter a tone mark after entering a phonetic representation, you do not need to press the [1] key to select the character in the first position. The first candidate is selected automatically when you enter another phonetic representation.

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7.16.4   Pin-Yin and Association Mode

Similar to the 5-Stroke input method, Association Mode is activated automatically when you select a character from the candidate list. For details, see Section 7.14.

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7.16.5   Pin-Yin Multiple Phonetic Representations

It is possible to have multiple phonetic representations for the same character. For example, can be pronounced as "diao" and "tiao". Therefore, you can enter either [D][I][A][O] or [T][I][A][O] for .

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7.16.6   Pin-Yin Radical Characters

Approximately 20 radical characters are defined in GB2312-80. To input those characters using the Pin-Yin input method, input the phonetic representation of the first character of the radical name. For example, the radical name of is "cao zi tou" 〔草字头〕. Thus, you would enter [C][A][O].

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7.17   Qu-Wei Input Method

The Qu-Wei code is the representation of Qu (row) and Wei (column) in the DEC Hanzi codeset. For example, is placed in the first column of the sixteenth row. Its Qu-Wei code is 1601. To input , press [1][6][0][1].

Use the Qu-Wei input method to input any characters from the GB18030 and Unicode standards.

Because each Qu-Wei, Hexadecimal, or Unicode code or entity name in the GB18030-2000 standard unambiguously defines one Chinese character, the Qu-Wei input method does not support term input or Association Mode.

The Qu-Wei input method accepts the following input formats:

When you invoke the Qu-Wei input method the string 国标区位 is displayed in the status area. The input methods for the various codes are:

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7.17.1   DEC GB2312 Characters

The character, is defined in the DEC GB2312 character set and its Qu-Wei code is 1601. To input , enter [0][1][6][0][1] or [1][6][0][1] from the main keyboard, and press the Space bar to complete the input.

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7.17.2   Extended GB Characters

The Qu-Wei codes of characters in the extended GB character set start with "1". For example, if you press [1][1][6][0][1], the user-defined character in the first column of the sixteenth row is entered.

If you make a mistake during input, you can correct the data by pressing the Delete key to erase the last key stroke, or the Return key to clear the entire code.

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7.17.3   Entity Names and Unicode Values

The Qu-Wei input method allows you to input Unicode values. The following table describes character entity names and their corresponding Unicode values, as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium, that may be helpful to you.

Entity NameUnicode ValueEntity NameUnicode ValueEntity NameUnicode ValueEntity NameUnicode ValueEntity NameUnicode ValueEntity NameUnicode Value

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7.18   Telex Code Input Method

Telex Code is a 4-digit code used to define:

Telex Code is based on the Standard Telex Code (标准电码本) published by the People's Republic of China. The Telex Code input method is simple and straightforward. You can input characters, terms, or symbols by entering their corresponding Telex Code from the keyboard.

When you invoke the Telex Code input method, the string 电报码 is displayed in the status area. Use the numeric keys 0 - 9 on the main keyboard to enter the codes for characters, terms, or symbols.



Telex Code

Key Sequence











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7.19   Intelligent ABC Input Method

Intelligent ABC (ItABC) input method is one of the most popular Chinese input methods because it is easy to learn and usually faster than other input methods. Intelligent ABC supports full and mixed input of words, phrases, and short sentences (Quanpin and Jianpin), coordinated input of Chinese characters and other marks (Hunpin), character shape input (Bixing), and combined input of pronunciation elements and Chinese character shapes (Yinxinghunhe).

The following sections describe the various types of input, the input process, and useful features of Intelligent ABC. For a full description of Intelligent ABC and examples of how best to use this and other input methods of the simplified Chinese input server, see the online help for the dxhanziim input server.

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7.19.1   Basic Input Methods

The Intelligent ABC input method offers you five types of input; Quanpin, Jianpin, Hunpin, Bixing, and Yingxinghunhe.

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7.19.2   Input Process

The input process you use can take one of the following forms:

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7.19.3   Intelligent ABC Input Method Features

The Intelligent ABC input method provides the following features. The online help for the simplified Chinese input server, dxhanziim, fully describes the use of these features.

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7.19.4   Intelligent ABC Usage Notes

Consider the following when using the Intelligent ABC input method. These usage notes are covered in detail by the dxhanziim online help.

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7.20   Symbol Input in simplified Chinese

When you press [Ctrl/0] in the 5-Stroke, 5-Shape, or Pin-Yin mode, the string 符号 is displayed in the status area. All letters and numerals that you enter will be converted to 2-byte letters and numerals.

To return to the original input mode, press [Ctrl/0] again.

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7.21   Conversion Between Input Servers and DECwindows Motif Applications

If you need to work with both simplified and traditional Chinese data, you can use DECwindows Motif to enter simplified Chinese data with the traditional Chinese input server, and vice versa.

To set up the environment for entering simplified Chinese data with the traditional Chinese input server, you should:

  1. Set the session language to Chinese China.
  2. Set the XMODIFIERS environment variable to select the Chinese input server:


Hereafter, applications start in simplified Chinese and are connected to the traditional Chinese input server. You can enter simplified Chinese data using the input methods provided by the Chinese input server, such as the Tsang-Chi input method.

If you do not set this modifier and both simplified and traditional Chinese input servers are running, a Chinese application connects to the first input server that is started.

The data in the preedit area of the Chinese input server is displayed in simplified Chinese.

Those Chinese characters that cannot be converted to simplified Chinese characters, are represented by a reverse question mark. If two or more user-defined characters have the same input key sequence, two or more reverse question marks might appear near the end of the line. In that case, you should try each one to find the character you want.

Use the UDC Manager (cedit) to define the user-defined characters and their corresponding input key sequences. Since a VT382-D terminal is a DEC Hanyu terminal, you can create an input key sequence file only under the DEC Hanyu locale. Generation of an input key sequence file under the Taiwanese EUC and BIG-5 locales is not supported in this release.


Use the dxterm terminal emulator to run the UDC Manager Utility. The dtterm terminal emulator does not support cedit functions and the UDC Manager may hang under dtterm.

To set up the environment for entering traditional Chinese data with the simplified Chinese input server:

  1. Set the session language to Chinese Taiwan.
  2. Set the XMODIFIERS environment variable to select the simplified Chinese input server:


Hereafter, applications start in Chinese and are connected to the simplified Chinese input server. You can enter Chinese data using the input methods provided by the simplified Chinese input server, such as the 5-Shape and the 5-Stroke input methods.

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