This AAAREADME.TXT file was written by Hunter Goatley . This file and the files in [.HUNTER] were not part of Wolfgang's original distribution. ZT4AXP020 is Wolfgang Moeller's ZT remote tape driver. ZT allows a tape drive connected to one system to be served to other VMS systems via DECnet. This version runs on OpenVMS VAX V5.x and higher and on OpenVMS AXP (both V1.5 and V6.1 and higher). To build ZT, just execute the following command procedure: $ @zt-make That should be executed on each version of VMS on which you intend to run ZT. For the discussion below, assume you have one VMS node named TAPE and one named NOTAPE. Node TAPE is the system to which the tape drive is connected. There are three programs needed to make ZT work: ZTDRIVER.EXE, ZT2.EXE, and ZTNS2.EXE. ZTDRIVER.EXE and ZT2.EXE must reside on the remote system, NOTAPE. ZTNS2.EXE runs on node TAPE. To simplify matters considerably, you might want to use the command procedures in [.HUNTER]. If you want to do everything by hand, you can look at those procedures to determine the steps. Steps 1--4 only need to be performed once. 1. Ensure that ZTDRIVER.EXE and ZT2.EXE are accessible from each desired remote system (NOTAPE). 2. Edit the command procedures in [.HUNTER] to specify the correct device and directory names for the executables (look for lines marked with "!!LOCAL"). The .COM file REMOTE_TAPE_OBJECT should be copied to node NOTAPE. 3. On NOTAPE, the following line(s) should be added to your system startup procedure (SYSTARTUP_V5.COM and SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM in SYS$MANAGER:) or should be executed by hand after each reboot: $ sysgen :== $sys$system:sysgen $ sysgen connect zta0:/noadapter/driver=dev:[dir]ztdriver.exe That loads the ZT device driver and creates device ZTA0:, which appears as a tape drive on node NOTAPE. Any device name can be specified, as long as the unit number is 0. For example, ZTB0:, TZB0:, ITA0:, etc., are all valid. If you use anything besides ZTA0:, you must modify REMOTE_TAPE_OBJECT.COM to specify the device name on the MCR command line. 4. On node NOTAPE, define the following DECnet object in NCP: $ MCR NCP NCP>set object remote_tape number 0 file dev:[dir] NCP>def object remote_tape number 0 file dev:[dir] where "dev:[dir]" is the device and directory in which the .COM resides. 5. On node TAPE, physically mount the first tape on the tape drive. This tape is MOUNTed by the command procedure below, so it *must* be physically mounted before it can be used. 6. On node TAPE, run the procedure START_REMOTETAPE.COM. The best way to run it is in a batch queue, since this procedure executes for the duration of the remote tape access. $ submit start_remotetape/parameter=(remote-node,tape-drive) The default tape drive is MUA0:. For example, to start everything on remote node NUKE, use: $ submit start_remotetape/par=nuke START_REMOTETAPE.COM runs ZTNS2.EXE, which starts a remote DECnet object running ZT2.EXE. The procedures aren't especially robust---to ensure that all is working properly, check for a process "RemoteTape Serv" on node TAPE and process "ZT Tape Server" on NOTAPE. 6. Once both programs are running, you can log in to node NOTAPE and use device ZTA0: as a normal tape drive: $ init zta0: label/density=6250 $ mount/for zta0: $ backup/image dua0: zta0:dua0.bck/save $ backup/rewind/list zta0: [...] 7. When you have completed the tape access on node NOTAPE, execute the following commands on NOTAPE to stop the server processes: $ stop "ZT Tape Server" Or use STOP/ID=pid if it is running under a different username. When "ZT Tape Server" is killed, the "RemoteTape Serv" process on node TAPE is automatically terminated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZT Author info: Wolfgang J. Moeller, Tel. +49 551 201516 or -510, GWDG, D-37077 Goettingen, F.R.Germany PSI%(0262)45050352008::MOELLER Disclaimer: No claim intended! | This file and the .COM files in [.HUNTER]: Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU)