Free software BY Robin Miller This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Robin Miller. Robin Miller assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Northern Telecom Inc. Network Support Systems Division P.O. Box 649, Airport Road Concord, New Hampshire 03301 (603) 224-6511 X2024 Program: VMODEM Author: Robin Miller Language: VAX-11 C Date: Spring 1986 Description: VMODEM is the VMS version of the UMODEM program which uses the XMODEM protocol used on many micros. I've included this program because the VAXNET program now supports this protocol and you may wish to use this program instead of the SNDRCV program for file transfers. The XMODEM protocol has better error checking than the SNDRCV protocol but only allows sending or receiving a single file at a time. It also has the advantage of running on UNIX where the SNDRCV program does not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August 24, 1985 by Robin Miller. This version of VMODEM has been significatly rewritten to be more reliable and more efficient. Previously when sending files, the program used single character writes. Now the transmit buffer is constructed and written with one write. The main reason for this rewrite was due to the capability added to the native mode MISH program which generates files in binary format via the /XMODEM quailifier to be used with VMODEM. Also, the start of the send and receive routines have been modified so the user can abort VMODEM by typing CTRL/X (CAN). Previously, certain conditions would make it impossible to abort the VMODEM program.