Description: Announcing PROJECT - a program to help manage project access Announcing an *important* new tool: PROJECT. PROJECT is intended to aid anyone working on a project to manage that project more efficiently. Before I explain PROJECT, however, I'd like to give you a little background. Here at Smiths Industries, projects are implemented on the Engineering VMScluster by using logical names, disk quotas, and things called ACLs and identifiers. When a project requests disk space, the VMS system manager creates a disk logical name for that project and defines it to be the physical device where the project files will reside. Next, the system manager creates something called a "resource identifier". This resource identifier is an entity that can own files, just like a person's account. Additionally, the identifier can be assigned or "granted" to a person. Once the identifier is created, a quota on the project disk is given to it and the project directory is created. Then, the VMS system manager creates an "access control list", or ACL, that allows access to the project files by anyone whose account has the identifier granted to it. Finally, the identifier is granted to everyone who will need access. Up until now, when someone began to work on a project, it was the responsibility of the project engineer or project manager to contact one of the VMS system managers and request that the new person be granted the project identifier, thus enabling access to the project files. Likewise, when a person moved on to another project, it was the duty of the project manager or project engineer to contact one of the VMS system managers and request that the project identifier be "revoked" from that person's account; that is, break the linkage between the person's account and the project identifier, thus disabling access to the project files. That's the end of the history lesson. Now for the introduction to PROJECT. The process I've described above has been quite workable, but there are some major drawbacks to it that make it less efficient than it could be: 1. People who begin to work on a project must contact the project engineer or project manager, and they may not know who that person is. 2. Project managers or project engineers must contact a VMS system manager in order to enable or disable access for a person. 3. Project managers and project engineers can't keep track of who currently has access to the project files. 4. People working on a project can't find out who else is working on the project. PROJECT is an effort to address these deficiencies. By using PROJECT, project managers will be able to enable and disable project file access without the need to contact a VMS system manager. People working on a project will be able to determine on their own who controls access to project files and which other engineers have access. PROJECT will even allow people to construct electronic mail distribution lists so that they can send mail to everyone working on a project. The format of the PROJECT command is straightforward. It consists of the verb "PROJECT" followed by an action to be performed, such as "GRANT" or "REVOKE", the project identifier, and the username of the person on whose account the action is to be performed. The PROJECT command can also be entered alone, which will cause the program to prompt for multiple commands, in a fashion similar to VMS Mail. Some examples of PROJECT command are: $ project grant sfdr_sw tillman $ project PROJECT> revoke scns_sw ruse PROJECT> list scns_sw PROJECT> exit $ project list scns_sw_admin The first line above tells PROJECT to grant the identifier SFDR_SW to username TILLMAN, thus enabling access for TILLMAN to the SFDR Software files. The second line tells PROJECT to begin prompting for commands. The third line revokes the SCNS_SW identifier from username RUSE, thus disabling access for RUSE to the SCNS Software files. The fourth line tells PROJECT to show all usernames holding the SCNS_SW identifier. The fifth line exits the PROJECT program. The sixth line tells project to display the list of all people who hold the SFDR_SW_ADMIN identifier. This last example is noteworthy. In order to make PROJECT work, the VMS system management staff created a new set of identifiers, all of which end in "_ADMIN". We then granted each of these identifiers to the people responsible for managing the project represented by the identifier formed by dropping the "_ADMIN" string. Thus, for example, the administrators for the SFDR_SW project all hold the SFDR_SW_ADMIN identifier. So, if you want to get access to the SFDR_SW project, you can use PROJECT to show you who holds the SFDR_SW_ADMIN identifier. You can then contact one of these people and they can give you access. No need to find a VMS system manager. Naturally, if you prefer to contact a VMS system manager, be our guest. Use of the PROJECT command is not mandatory. We'll be glad to help you gain access, as we've been doing all along. Just keep in mind that we'll still require one of the project administrators to authorize your access by contacting one of us. We want to make sure that the project administrators are aware of who has access to the project data. While there is no hard copy documentation for PROJECT, help is available at the DCL prompt by entering HELP PROJECT. Additionally, once you start PROJECT, help is available at the PROJECT> prompt. I've tried to make the help clear and comprehensive. Questions and suggestions, however, are always welcome. Contact me at