ATG_EVE V2.04 ------------- The extra functions (on top of the EDT keypad) are: GOLD . Insert special marker. Inserts a marker of the form "~~/\~~" into the text that GOLD / can locate. You can define the symbol "atg$x_text_marker" in your initialisation file to some other string, if you wish. GOLD / Locate and remove special marker. GOLD $ Spawn a sub-process. Suspends the editing session and transfers control of the terminal to the sub-process. When you log out, the editing session resumes. GOLD ^ Execute a single DCL command and include the output in the current buffer. Very useful for including DIRECTORY output etc. GOLD B Switch to specified buffer. If the buffer does not exist, it is created. If you type to the prompt, you will be given a menu of available buffers to switch to (see GOLD S below). GOLD I Include a file into the named buffer. The default for the buffer name is the FILENAME.TYPE of the included file. If a "." is specified at the end of a buffer name, then the file is included at the current editing position in that buffer, otherwise the file is included at the start of the buffer. You may specify wildcards in the include specification. GOLD L Switch to last used buffer. Very useful for "toggling" between buffers. GOLD M Switch to the "MAIN" buffer. GOLD O Output the specified buffer to a file. The default is to use the current buffer. The defaults for the filename are SYS$DISK:[]BUFFERNAME. GOLD P Protect the specified buffer. Using GOLD P toggles the "un-modifiable" bit on the specified buffer. GOLD Q Quit from the editor. If you have modified any writeable buffers, then you will be asked if you really mean to quit. GOLD R Make buffer read-only. The default is to use the current buffer. This prevents the specified buffer from being written to a file when the editor exits. Use with caution. GOLD S Show buffer list. The list of available buffers is displayed as a menu. You can use the UP-ARROW (or PREV_SCREEN) and DOWN-ARROW (or NEXT_SCREEN) keys to select a buffer, and SELECT, ENTER or RETURN to switch to that buffer. The default menu position is to select the current buffer. The selected buffer name is highlighted as you move the menu position. The first three characters in the menu line are: Character Meaning R Buffer is read-only (will not be written when the editor exits). W Buffer will be written when the editor exits. M Buffer contents has been modified since it was created. = Buffer is the "current" buffer. If the filename field contains a name in brackets, eg. (USER_ROOT:[NICK]LOGIN.COM), then the name is that of the last file included into the buffer (eg. with GOLD I), otherwise the filename field contains the name of the file, if any, that will be generated when the editor exits. GOLD V Show the version of ATG_EVE. GOLD W Make buffer writeable. The default is to use the current buffer. You will be asked for the name of the file that you wish the specified buffer to be written to when the editor exits. The default filename is SYS$DISK:[]BUFFERNAME. eg. if your buffer is called FRED.FLINT, then the file generated will be SYS$DISK:[]FRED.FLINT GOLD CTRL/G Replace the SELECT region with the contents of the specified buffer. CTRL/G Paste the specified buffer into the current buffer (include it at the current position). GOLD CTRL/P Cut the SELECT region to the specified buffer. CTRL/P Copy the SELECT region to the specified buffer. GOLD CTRL/W Toggle screen width between 80 and 132 columns. The editor comes up in 132 column mode by default. Include the line "tpu atg$set_screen_width(80)" in your EVE initialisation file (normally called SYS$LOGIN:EVE$INIT.EVE). Alternatively include "atg$set_screen_width(80)" in your TPU command file (normally called TPU$COMMAND.TPU). See below for a discussion on how to find out more about EVE and TPU initialisation files. If you are on VAXstation using UIS$EMULATORS for your TPU window, you can specify any width to "atg$set_screen_width()" (within reason!). F7 As CTRL/G (insert buffer) GOLD F7 As GOLD CTRL/G (replace select with buffer) F8 As CTRL/P (copy select to buffer) GOLD F8 As GOLD CTRL/P (cut select to buffer) F17 Make the next window the current window (if there is more than 1 window on the screen). This is the same as the EVE NEXT WINDOW command. GOLD F17 Toggle between 1 or 2 windows on the screen. This does an EVE SPLIT_WINDOW 2 command if there is only one window on the screen, else it does an EVE ONE WINDOW command. F18 Insert EVE style named marker. This differs from GOLD . in that you are asked for the name of the mark. The mark can lie in any buffer, and any number of marks can co-exist. If you enter a name that is already in use, the previous mark for that name is deleted. Note that marks entered via F18 are lost when the editor is left. Similar to an EVE MARK name command. GOLD F18 Locate and move to an EVE style named marker. This command also locates marks entered by key F18. The buffer that the mark is located in is mapped to the current window. Similar to an EVE GO TO name command. F19 Insert the current date in the form "DD-Mmm-YY". If the day is in the range 1 to 9, a leading "0" is included. GOLD F19 Insert the current time in the form "HH:MM". F20 Locate position in buffer. Displays a line of the form "Line n of m (p%)" Note that using GOLD HELP or GOLD PF2 will give an on-line list of keys including those specified above, and that HELP (or PF2) will generate a keypad diagram including the above additions. ATG_EVE is an EVE "product" that is built using EVE$BUILD under VMS V5 as follows (this command is in ATG_EVE.COM): $ Edit /Tpu /NoDisplay /Section=EVE$SECTION - /Command=SYS$EXAMPLES:EVE$BUILD /NoInit ATG_EVE The resulting section is invoked as follows: $ Edit /Tpu /Section=dev:[dir]ATG_EVE - [/Command=init-file.TPU] - [/INITIALIZATION=init-file.eve] file-name.type or, for old die-hards... $ Edt == "Edit /Tpu /Section=dev:[dir]ATG_EVE" $ Edt filename.type We place the EDT definition in the SYS$SYLOGIN command file, and always move the section to SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]. For more information on TPU and EVE initialisation command files, refer to the VMS V5 manual: "Volume 5B (General User) Processing Text, VAXTPU Program Development", section 5.4 (VAXTPU Startup Files) and section 5.4.4 (EVE Initialisation Files).