ANALYTICALC - LICENSE AGREEMENT READ THIS CAREFULLY. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, return the product with seals unbroken and your money will be refunded. Breaking the seal of the diskettes indicates your acceptance of these conditions. LICENSE You may: 1. Use the program on a single machine; 2. Copy the program into any machine readable format or printed form in support of your use of the program on the single machine; 3. Transfer the program and license to another party PROVIDED the other party agrees to accept the conditions of this agreement. You must transfer or destroy all copies of the software, whole or partial, which you have made to effect the transfer. 4. Move the software from one computer you use to another, provided you move all copies of the software from the first to the second or destroy them. 5. Furnish evaluation copies to individuals or companies of the software PROVIDED no fee is charged for this and provided you inform them that the software is an evaluation copy only. You must however delete all project planning software (files PPLN*.*) from the distribution prior to furnishing copies of the rest of the distribution to others. You must reproduce the copyright notice on any copy of the program. You may not copy, modify, or transfer the software in whole or in part except as provided for explicitly herein. If you transfer the software in violation of this agreement, your license is automatically terminated. TERM The license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it by destroying all copies of the software, or it may terminate due to other conditions as noted herein. LIMITED WARRANTY This program is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk for the quality and performance of the program is with you. G.C.E. does not warrant the program to be error free. You must determine its suitability for any particular use by testing; G.C.E. does not and cannot warrant that they will meet your needs for a particular purpose. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the exxclusion may not apply to you. G.C.E. will replace defective media if they are returned within 30 days of purchase. User must make his own backups to prevent losses after that. LIMITATION OF REMEDIES G.C.E.'s entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be: 1. Replacement of any defective media within 30 days of purchase upon return of the original (defective) media, or 2. If G.C.E. is unable to deliver replacement media free of materials defects, you may terminate this agreement by returning the program and your money will be refunded. In no event will G.C.E. be liable to you for any damages, including lost profit, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program even if G.C.E. has been advised of the possibility of such damage, or for any claim by any other party. GENERAL You may not assign or transfer the license except as provided herein. This agreement will be governed by the laws of New Jersey. You acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms, and further agree that it is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between us which supersedes any other communications or agreements between us regarding this matter. INTRODUCTION to ANALYTICALC AnalytiCalc is delivered on three (3) DSDD disks in PCDOS 2.0 format. To reduce the cost to distribute the software (and hence cut the cost to you), all manuals are on diskettes. The diskettes contain both the 256K and the 320K versions of the program, and the documents and some other utilities and associated programs. Copy the distribution disks and keep the originals in a safe place. Then print the README.1ST file from Distribution Disk 2 and follow its directions. You will find that several files, including the manual for AnalytiCalc, are delivered in "squeezed" form. You will need to use the Unsqueeze program USQ (which is provided on Diskette 2) to restore them to their expanded form for printing. This must be done on a nearly empty diskette. The documentation files will give details on how to do this. G.C.E. is continually improving AnalytiCalc, and will make major version upgrades available to legitimate purchasers at a nominal cost as they become available. We appreciate any communications about problems, and will try to address them. We are a small company, however, and do not as yet offer maintenance contracts. Let us know if you have a specific problem and we will try informally to help, however, provided the problem is a real one and we can reproduce it on our machines for testing. AnalytiCalc comes in a 256K version and a 320K version. The 256K version is overlaid, with different "unusual" functions in different overlays. This can slow down evaluation of certain types of spreadsheets. for example, a spreadsheet containing date math and matrix algebra will be slowed due to overlay activity and will run much better on a memory disk if one can be contrived. The "recalculate manual" mode may be used to reduce the impact of this. The 320K version is not overlaid, and additionally has a powerful macro facility built in. This can use any cell to hold a macro definition (including the cells in the scratch Row 0) for any purpose desired. An 8087 or 80287 will be automatically detected and used if present. CAUTION When sufficient memory is available to run secondary applications under AnalytiCalc, most MSDOS/PCDOS programs may be run under control of AnalytiCalc as they might be from DOS. Some programs use, but do not save and restore, locations in low memory for their own purposes. These may conflict with AnalytiCalc needs, and where this happens, system hangs or crashes may occur. Therefore as a safety measure, test any program you intend to run from within AnalytiCalc in a dry run without live data on the spreadsheet before doing so with live data. The data you save may be your own. This is an application code problem, and happens with any "multitasking" systems for the 8088. Some language compilers produce such code, so an author may be unaware of the effect. Most programs, however, can be run safely. (We do not now have any examples of an unsafe program, but it is to your benefit to be cautious.) STEP BY STEP 1. Use DISKCOPY and copy both distribution disks. Keep the originals in a safe place. Be sure there are no magnetic fields near them; they can erase diskettes. 2. Read and follow the instructions on PKGINS.DOC to make up a bootable first distribution disk from the copy you just made. You need a system that has BIGANSI.SYS loaded and initialized by typ- ing AUXKPD.TXT to run AnalytiCalc most conveniently; this is the reason for making a bootable system. You also need to unsqueeze the help file before use. 3. Read the README.1ST document and then the ACSTART.DOC document to find out what all the files are and how to proceed. Print these files out for later reference. 4. At this point, edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT and/or the CONFIG.SYS files if you need to do so (with care if your machine has only 256K). 5. Boot the bootable copy of Distribution Disk 1 6. Try the program out (start by typing ANALY) and run through the short exercise in ACSTART.DOC to get a feel for the program quickly. 7. Print out ANALY.TUT and look it over. If you have time, run through it on your machine; it will help you learn AnalytiCalc. 8. Finally unsqueeze and print the manual ANALY.MAN (the supplied file is ANALY.MQN, which must be unsqueezed on a separate disk.) The manual is over 100 pages long, so have plenty of paper in your printer. Because it is online, you can use an editor or the supplied free program LST to examine it or search for specific topics. 9. If you must have a hardcopy manual, it is available from G.C.E. (in a slightly different format) for $15.00. Hard copies of the tutorial are $5.00. These are offered as a service to our customers, and are sold only to customers who have bought the program. AnalytiCalc is completely compatible with DEC PDP11 and VAX spreadsheet programs PortaCalc and AnalytiCalc; worksheets can be moved and used freely between the systems. A number of "extra" programs are included on disk which are marked as not part of the AnalytiCalc distribution proper. These may be copied or moved as you like and are not subject to the license restrictions above. They are provided at no extra cost as a way of making computer users more efficient. An editor, a calendar, and a communications program are among the included items. They come with no guarantees at all, but we use them and find they work at our sites. Again, thank you for buying General Cybernetic Engineering's AnalytiCalc package. We hope you will enjoy using it. General Cybernetic Engineering P.O. Box 748 Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 USA