From: root@[] Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 9:19 AM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: PQMGR.COM - RE: Any LP-Plus (Unix) type VMS printer queue utilities available ? (Charlie Morrell) wrote in <>: >We are really looking for something that is very simplistic for all >users, such as the LP-Plus product is for all of our Unix users. >Thanks. > I don't know LP-plus but you might as well try some stuff I wrote a few years back. Nothing fancy, but useful at the time. Ricket ------------------------Snip and save in file named PQMGR.COM------------- $ ! PQMGR.COM $ ! $ ! Written by Eric Defferard, February 1994 $ ! Copyright ?, anything you want but sell it. $ ! $ ! Notes: $ ! $ ! Features limited to what was available in VMS 6. $ ! $ ! Simple terminal based print queue manager. $ ! Implements all queue operations except retention, which had a couple of $ ! problems at that time. Didn't have the opportunity to check out $ ! new VMS features since then. $ ! $ ! Implementation is simple, straightforward DCL. $ ! $ ! User of this program needs appropriate printer operator privileges or $ ! ownership of queue(s) to manage. See the VMS doc for your version. $ ! $ ! This program is meant to be executed only interactively. $ ! $ ! Limitations: $ ! - Number of queues and forms which can be managed alltogether depends on $ ! the max size of a DCL symbol. (255 chars ?). This was a simple $ ! implementation (see "Global symbols used" below) decision because I didn't $ ! have more than 20 or so queues to manage from one same printer operator $ ! console. $ ! In any case, if you have to view more queues than this version supports, $ ! it shouldn't be quite hard to setup the list using logical names or files. $ ! $ ! - Does not support QUEUE CHARACTERISTICS. Again, I sticked to my main goal, $ ! managing a farm of heavy duty line printers, spread out in several $ ! locations, and operated by non-techies. Also, I didn't use PATHWORKS. $ ! So for those needing to switch between chars, again, you don't need to be $ ! a wizard to implement it. $ ! $ ! - Timeouts were figured by trial and error, depends on your printers, $ ! printer connection, etc... $ ! $ ! Parameters: $ ! P1 = comma separated list of queues to manage $ ! P2 = comma separated list of forms to manage $ ! $ ! Global symbols used: $ ! pqmgr_queue_list, not required, but if defined, used like P1 $ ! pqmgr_form_list, not required, but if defined, used like P2 $ ! $ ! Logical names used : $ ! W_PRT: directory where form test files are located $ ! the form test files are expected to be named 'formname'.TST $ ! $ ! Required files: form test files for alignment purposes. See VMS doc. $ ! $ ! $start: $ ON CONTROL_Y THEN GOTO ctrl_y $ ! $ ! Environment variables $ q_list_refresh_timeout = 16 $ job_list_refresh_timeout = 16 $ choice_timeout = 20 $ change_paper_timeout = 180 $ q_unstable_status_timeout = 8 $ q_aligning_wait_timeout = "00:00:04" $ q_pausing_wait_timeout = "00:00:08" $ q_stopping_wait_timeout = "00:00:04" $ q_function_unavailable_timeout = "00:00:02" $ q_error_message_timeout = "00:00:03" $ func_menu_prompt = "Command: " $ last_requeue = "" $ form_test_dir = "W_PRT:" $ ! $ ! $ ! Misc constants $ wo := WRITE SYS$OUTPUT $ ! $ clear_home := TYPE/PAGE NL: $ ! $ ! Get queue list $ IF (f$type(pqmgr_queue_list) .EQS. "") .OR. (p1 .EQS. "ALL") THEN - GOSUB get_all_queue_list $ q_list = "''pqmgr_queue_list'" $ ! $ ! Get form list $ IF (f$type(pqmgr_form_list) .EQS. "") .OR. (p1 .EQS. "ALL") THEN - GOSUB get_all_form_list $ form_list = "''pqmgr_form_list'" $ ! $ ! Bit values for queue and job status detection $ QUEUE_ALIGNING_VAL = 1 $ QUEUE_IDLE_VAL = 2 $ QUEUE_LOWERCASE_VAL = 4 $ QUEUE_OPERATOR_REQUEST_VAL = 8 $ QUEUE_PAUSED_VAL = 16 $ QUEUE_PAUSING_VAL = 32 $ QUEUE_REMOTE_VAL = 64 $ QUEUE_RESETTING_VAL = 128 $ QUEUE_RESUMING_VAL = 256 $ QUEUE_SERVER_VAL = 512 $ QUEUE_STALLED_VAL = 1024 $ QUEUE_STARTING_VAL = 2048 $ QUEUE_STOPPED_VAL = 4096 $ QUEUE_STOPPING_VAL = 8192 $ QUEUE_UNAVAILABLE_VAL = 16384 $ QUEUE_CLOSED_VAL = 32768 $ ! $ JOB_ABORTING_VAL = 1 $ JOB_EXECUTING_VAL = 2 $ JOB_HOLDING_VAL = 4 $ JOB_INACCESSIBLE_VAL = 8 $ JOB_REFUSED_VAL = 16 $ JOB_REQUEUE_VAL = 32 $ JOB_RESTARTING_VAL = 64 $ JOB_RETAINED_VAL = 128 $ JOB_STARTING_VAL = 256 $ JOB_TIMED_RELEASE_VAL = 512 $ JOB_SUSPENDED_VAL = 1024 $ JOB_PENDING_VAL = 2048 $ JOB_STALLED_VAL = 8192 $ ! $ pend_check_exec_queues = 0 $ pend_char_mismatch = 1 $ pend_job_size_max = 2 $ pend_job_size_min = 4 $ pend_lowercase_mismatch = 8 $ pend_no_access = 16 $ pend_queue_busy = 32 $ pend_queue_state = 64 $ pend_stock_mismatch = 128 $ ! $ ! Don't want to squash the recall buffer $ OPEN keyboard SYS$COMMAND $ ! $ GOSUB ck_params $ screen_object = "QUEUE" $ context_switch = 1 $ current_q_name = "" $ ! $main_loop: $ IF screen_object .EQS. "QUEUE" THEN GOSUB q_scr $ IF screen_object .EQS. "JOB" THEN GOSUB job_scr $ IF screen_object .EQS. "EXIT" THEN GOTO simple_exit $ GOTO main_loop $ ! End of main $ ! $ ! Parameter verification sub $ ! $get_all_queue_list: $ pqmgr_queue_list == "*.*" $queue_loop: $ queue_name = f$getqui("display_queue","queue_name","*","symbiont") $ if queue_name .eqs. "" then goto end_queue_loop $ if pqmgr_queue_list .nes. "" $ then $ pqmgr_queue_list == pqmgr_queue_list + "," + queue_name $ else $ pqmgr_queue_list == queue_name $ endif $ goto queue_loop $end_queue_loop: $ RETURN $ ! $get_all_form_list: $ pqmgr_form_list == "" $form_loop: $ form_name = f$getqui("display_form","form_name","*","symbiont") $ if form_name .eqs. "" then goto end_form_loop $ if pqmgr_form_list .nes. "" $ then $ pqmgr_form_list == pqmgr_form_list + "," + form_name $ else $ pqmgr_form_list == form_name $ endif $ goto form_loop $end_form_loop: $ RETURN $ ! $ck_params: $ ! Check the params passed to this proc $ck_q_list: $ ! Check the queue name list. $ ! Extract each queue from the list and check if it exists. $ ! If a queue exists, create a table variable with it's name $ ! q_name_(i). $ ! $ n_q = 0 ! number of existing queues $ i_q = 0 ! queue extraction counter $ ! $extr_q_from_list: $ q_name := 'F$ELEMENT(i_q,",",q_list)' $ i_q = i_q + 1 $ IF q_name .EQS. "," THEN GOTO end_extr_q_from_list $ q_exists = "''F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE","QUEUE_NAME",q_name)'" .NES. "" $ IF q_exists THEN GOTO q_does_exist $ ! $q_does_not_exist: $ wo "" $ wo "WARNING: the print queue ''q_name' does not exist." $ wo "Please contact your system manager." $ wo "" $ GOTO extr_q_from_list $ ! $q_does_exist: $ n_q = n_q + 1 $ q_name_'n_q' := 'q_name' $ GOTO extr_q_from_list $ ! $end_extr_q_from_list: $ IF n_q .NE. 0 THEN GOTO end_ck_q_list $ wo "" $ wo "WARNING: no print queues defined." $ wo "Please contact your system manager." $ wo "" $ GOTO simple_exit $end_ck_q_list: $ ! $ck_form_list: $ ! Check the form name list. $ ! Extract each form from the list and check if it exists. $ ! If a form exists, create a table variable with it's name $ ! form_name_(i). $ ! $ n_form = 0 ! number of existing forms $ i_form = 0 ! form extraction counter $ ! $extr_form_from_list: $ form_name := 'F$ELEMENT(i_form,",",form_list)' $ i_form = i_form + 1 $ IF form_name .EQS. "," THEN GOTO end_extr_form_from_list $ form_exists = "''F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_FORM","FORM_NAME",form_name)'" .NES. "" $ IF form_exists THEN GOTO form_does_exist $ ! $form_does_not_exist: $ wo "" $ wo "WARNING: the form ''form_name' does not exists." $ wo "Please contact your system manager." $ wo "" $ GOTO extr_form_from_list $ ! $form_does_exist: $ n_form = n_form + 1 $ form_name_'n_form' := 'form_name' $ GOTO extr_form_from_list $ ! $end_extr_form_from_list: $ IF n_form .NE. 0 THEN GOTO end_ck_form_list $ wo "" $ wo "WARNING: no forms defined" $ wo "Please contact your system manager." $ wo "" $ GOTO simple_exit $end_ck_form_list: $ ! $end_ck_params: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! Main screens $ ! $q_scr: $ ! Display a list of the queues, updating continually their status. $ ! Ask for the number of the queue to manage. $ ! $ ! When a queue number is specified, branch to the menu matching the $ ! queue's status. $ ! $ ! $ IF .NOT. context_switch THEN GOTO q_scr_use_current $ context_switch = 0 $ clear_home $ GOSUB display_q_list $ wo " J List of all jobs" $ wo " Q Quit" $ prompt_str = " ID number of printer to manage ? " $ IF current_q_name .NES. "" $ THEN $ prompt_str = "''prompt_str'" + "( = ''current_q_name') " $ ENDIF $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='q_list_refresh_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=q_scr_refresh_list - /END=q_scr_exit_pgm $ ! $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "J" THEN GOTO q_scr_job_list $ IF choice .EQS. "Q" THEN GOTO q_scr_exit_pgm $ IF choice .EQS. "" THEN GOTO q_scr_use_current $ ! $ ! Not a keyword, check out queue number $ i_q = 'F$INTEGER(choice)' $ IF (i_q .LE. 0) .OR. (i_q .GT. n_q) THEN GOTO q_scr_refresh_list $ current_q_name = q_name_'i_q' $ ! $q_scr_use_current: $ ! If no current queue has been chosen yet, redisplay the list of all queues $ IF current_q_name .EQS. "" THEN GOTO q_scr_refresh_list $ ! $ ! Update and test the status of current queue chosen. $ ! Display the appropriate menu depending on status of queue. $ ! $q_scr_q_menu_loop: $ q_name = current_q_name $ GOSUB get_q_chars $ ! $ IF (q_status_stalled) THEN GOTO q_scr_q_stalled $ ! $ IF (q_status_aligning) THEN GOTO q_scr_q_aligning $ ! $ IF ((q_status_resetting) .OR. - (q_status_resuming) .OR. - (q_status_starting) .OR. - (q_status_stopping)) THEN GOTO q_scr_status_unstable $ ! $ IF (q_status_pausing) THEN GOTO q_scr_ck_pausing_stalled $ ! $ ! Careful, gotta branch to paused_menu before stopped_menu. $ ! Reason is: $ ! a queue may be Paused and Stop pending meaning a job is executing; $ ! if Paused and Stopped, but idle, just switch the stopped status. $ IF ((q_status_paused) .AND. (q_status_stopped) .AND. (q_status_idle)) THEN - START /QUEUE 'current_q_name' $ IF ((q_status_paused) .AND. (.NOT. q_status_idle)) THEN - GOTO q_scr_call_paused_busy_menu $ IF ((q_status_paused) .AND. (q_status_idle)) THEN - GOTO q_scr_call_stopped_menu $ IF ((q_status_stopped) .AND. (.NOT. q_status_idle)) THEN - GOTO q_scr_call_stopped_menu ! GOTO q_scr_call_stop_pending_menu $ IF ((q_status_stopped) .AND. (q_status_idle)) THEN - GOTO q_scr_call_stopped_menu $ ! $ ! At this point, we know the queue is started (not paused nor stopped) $ ! and no stop request submitted. $ ! $ IF (q_status_idle) $ THEN $ GOSUB q_started_idle_menu $ ELSE $ GOSUB q_started_busy_menu $ ENDIF $ GOTO end_q_scr $ ! $q_scr_status_unstable: $ clear_home $ GOSUB display_q_chars $ wo "" $ wo "Status of printer ''q_name' is transitory." $ wo "Please wait a few seconds ..." $ wo "" $ prompt_str = "( to return to the list of printers)" $ READ keyboard ack - /TIME_OUT='q_unstable_status_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=q_scr_q_menu_loop - /END=q_scr_refresh_list $ GOTO end_q_scr $ ! $q_scr_refresh_list: $ context_switch = 1 $ GOTO end_q_scr $ ! $q_scr_q_stalled: $ ! Queue is stalled (state initiated by printer) $ GOSUB q_stalled_menu $ GOTO end_q_scr $ ! $q_scr_q_aligning: $ ! Queue is aligning $ WAIT 'q_aligning_wait_timeout' $ GOTO end_q_scr $ ! $q_scr_ck_pausing_stalled: $ WAIT 'q_pausing_wait_timeout' $ GOSUB get_q_chars $ IF .NOT. q_status_pausing THEN GOTO end_q_scr $ ! Queue is stalled "Pausing", try unstalling it $ GOSUB q_stalled_menu $ GOTO end_q_scr $ ! $q_scr_call_paused_busy_menu: $ GOSUB q_paused_busy_menu $ GOTO end_q_scr $ ! $q_scr_call_stopped_menu: $ GOSUB q_stopped_menu $ GOTO end_q_scr $ ! $q_scr_call_stop_pending_menu: $ GOSUB q_stop_pending_menu $ GOTO end_q_scr $ ! $q_scr_job_list: $ GOSUB job_func $ GOTO end_q_scr $ ! $q_scr_exit_pgm: $ GOSUB exit_func $ GOTO end_q_scr $ ! $end_q_scr: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $job_scr: $ ! Display a list of all the jobs in all the queues specified in the $ ! queue list passed as arg. $ ! Continually update the list. $ ! $ ! Ask for the no of the job to be managed, using the vms job number $ ! and branch to menu sub. $ ! $ clear_home $ GOSUB display_job_list $ wo "" $ wo " P Printer queue list" $ wo " Q Quit" $ prompt_str = " ID number of job to control ?" $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='job_list_refresh_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=job_scr - /END=job_scr $ ! $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "P" THEN GOTO job_scr_q_list $ IF choice .EQS. "Q" THEN GOTO job_scr_exit_pgm $ IF choice .EQS. "" THEN GOTO end_job_scr $ ! $ ! Not a keyword, check out job number $ job_entry_no = 'F$INTEGER(choice)' $ IF job_entry_no .LE. 0 THEN GOTO end_job_scr $ ! $ ! Check if job number entered exists $ job_exists = - "''F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY","ENTRY_NUMBER",job_entry_no)'" .NES. "" $ IF .NOT. job_exists THEN GOTO end_job_scr $ ! $ GOSUB job_menu $ GOTO end_job_scr $ ! $job_scr_q_list: $ GOSUB q_func $ GOTO end_job_scr $ ! $job_scr_exit_pgm: $ GOSUB exit_func $ GOTO end_job_scr $ ! $end_job_scr: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $ ! $ ! Main context switching functions $ ! $job_func: $ screen_object = "JOB" $ context_switch = 1 $ RETURN $ ! $q_func: $ screen_object = "QUEUE" $ context_switch = 1 $ RETURN $ ! $exit_func: $ screen_object = "EXIT" $ context_switch = 1 $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $ ! $ ! Queue info display functions $ ! $display_q_list: $ ! Display a queue characteristics with the most up to date status $ clear_home $ wo "PRINTERS" $ wo "" $ wo "Nr PrinterQ Name Stock Stat Description" $ ! $ i_q = 0 $display_q_loop: $ i_q = i_q + 1 $ q_name = q_name_'i_q' $ GOSUB get_q_chars $ GOSUB set_q_display_status $ i_q_string = F$STRING(i_q) $ display_rec = F$FAO("!3AS !20AS !18AS !3AS/!7AS !20AS", - i_q_string,q_name,q_stock_mounted,q_avail_status,q_display_status,q_descr) $ wo display_rec $ IF i_q .EQ. n_q THEN GOTO end_display_q_loop $ GOTO display_q_loop $end_display_q_loop: $ wo "" $ RETURN $ ! $set_q_display_status: $ ! Set the text displayed according to different status of queue $ q_display_status = "Norm" $ IF q_status_resetting THEN q_display_status = "Rstg" $ IF q_status_resuming THEN q_display_status = "Resu" $ IF q_status_starting THEN q_display_status = "Star" $ IF q_status_stopping THEN q_display_status = "Stpg" $ IF q_status_aligning THEN q_display_status = "Alig" $ IF q_status_closed THEN q_display_status = "Clos" $ IF q_status_stopped THEN q_display_status = "Stop" $ IF q_status_paused THEN q_display_status = "Paus" $ IF q_status_pausing THEN q_display_status = "Psng" $ IF q_status_stalled THEN q_display_status = "Stal" $ IF q_status_unavailable THEN q_display_status = "Unav" $ IF q_status_idle THEN q_avail_status = "Idle" $ IF .NOT. q_status_idle THEN q_avail_status = "Busy" $ RETURN $ ! $display_q_chars: $ ! Displays the current queue name, it's complete queue status and $ ! the form mounted. $ wo "Printer : ''q_name' ''q_descr'" $ wo "" $ wo "Form : ''q_form_mounted'" $ wo "Paper : ''q_stock_mounted'" $ status_str = "" $ IF q_status_aligning THEN - status_str = "Status : Printing alignment pages [ALIGNING]" $ IF q_status_idle THEN - status_str = "Status : Idle (no current job) [IDLE]" $ IF q_status_paused THEN - status_str = "Status : Stopped (current job suspended) [PAUSED]" $ IF q_status_pausing THEN - status_str = "Status : Stopping (suspending current job) [PAUSING]" $ IF q_status_resetting THEN - status_str = "Status : Reinitializing [RESETTING]" $ IF q_status_resuming THEN - status_str = "Status : Resuming current suspended job [RESUMING]" $ IF q_status_starting THEN - status_str = "Status : Starting previously stopped queue [STARTING]" $ IF q_status_stopped THEN - status_str = "Status : Stopped (last job completed) [STOPPED]" $ IF q_status_stopping THEN - status_str = "Status : Stopping (completing current job) [STOPPING]" $ IF q_status_unavailable THEN - status_str = "Status : *BROKEN* [UNAVAILABLE]" $ if status_str .eqs. "" then - status_str = "Status : Printing current job [BUSY]" $ wo status_str $ ! $ IF q_exec_job_entry_no .EQS. "" THEN GOTO end_display_q_chars $ wo "" $ wo "Job entry number : ''q_exec_job_entry_no'" $ wo "Username : ''q_exec_job_username'" $ wo "Job name : ''q_exec_job_name'" $ wo "File : ''q_exec_job_file_specif'" $ wo "Blocks completed : ''q_exec_job_completed_blocks'/''q_exec_job_size'" $end_display_q_chars: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! Queue info retrieval functions $ ! $get_q_chars: $ ! Get different characteristics of a queue which name is in symbol q_name $ q_generic = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE","QUEUE_GENERIC","''q_name'") $ IF .NOT. q_generic $ THEN $ q_form_mounted = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE","FORM_NAME","''q_name'") $ q_stock_mounted = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE","FORM_STOCK","''q_name'") $ ELSE $ q_form_mounted = "-" $ q_stock_mounted = "-" $ ENDIF $ q_descr = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE","QUEUE_DESCRIPTION","''q_name'") $ q_device = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE","DEVICE_NAME","''q_name'") $ GOSUB get_q_status $ ! $ ! Get the specifications of file being printed $ dummy = F$GETQUI("") $ dummy = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE","QUEUE_NAME","''q_name'*") $ exec_job_entry_no = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","ENTRY_NUMBER",,"EXECUTING_JOBS") $ q_exec_job_entry_no = F$STRING(exec_job_entry_no) $ IF q_exec_job_entry_no .EQS. "" THEN GOTO get_q_chars_no_exec_jobs $ q_exec_job_name = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","JOB_NAME",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,EXECUTING_JOBS") $ q_exec_job_username = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","USERNAME",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,EXECUTING_JOBS") $ exec_job_completed_blocks = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","COMPLETED_BLOCKS",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,EXECUTING_JOBS") $ q_exec_job_completed_blocks = F$STRING(exec_job_completed_blocks) $ exec_job_size = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","JOB_SIZE",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,EXECUTING_JOBS") $ q_exec_job_size = F$STRING(exec_job_size) $ q_exec_job_file_specif = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_FILE","FILE_SPECIFICATION",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,EXECUTING_JOBS") $ ! $get_q_chars_no_exec_jobs: $ dummy = F$GETQUI("") $end_get_q_chars: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $get_q_status: $ ! Get different status of a queue which name is in symbol q_name $ q_status = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE","QUEUE_STATUS",q_name) $ q_status_aligning = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_ALIGNING_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_ALIGNING_VAL $ q_status_closed = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_CLOSED_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_CLOSED_VAL $ q_status_idle = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_IDLE_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_IDLE_VAL $ q_status_paused = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_PAUSED_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_PAUSED_VAL $ q_status_pausing = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_PAUSING_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_PAUSING_VAL $ q_status_resetting = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_RESETTING_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_RESETTING_VAL $ q_status_resuming = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_RESUMING_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_RESUMING_VAL $ q_status_stalled = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_STALLED_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_STALLED_VAL $ q_status_starting = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_STARTING_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_STARTING_VAL $ q_status_stopped = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_STOPPED_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_STOPPED_VAL $ q_status_stopping = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_STOPPING_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_STOPPING_VAL $ q_status_unavailable = - (q_status .AND. QUEUE_UNAVAILABLE_VAL) .EQ. QUEUE_UNAVAILABLE_VAL $ ! $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $ ! $ ! Queue menu functions $ ! $q_stalled_menu: $ clear_home $ GOSUB display_q_chars $ wo "" $ wo "Printer ''current_q_name' is stalled." $ wo "" $ wo "Check: printer is powered ON, printer is ""ON-LINE"" or ""READY""," $ wo "paper is available, printer is not jammed, paper is properly mounted." $ wo "" $ wo " Check printer has restarted" $ wo "" $ wo " P Printer queue list" $ wo " J Job list" $ wo " Q Quit" $ wo "" $ ! $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''func_menu_prompt'" - /ERROR=end_q_pausing_menu - /END=end_q_pausing_menu $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "P" THEN GOSUB q_func $ IF choice .EQS. "J" THEN GOSUB job_func $ IF choice .EQS. "Q" THEN GOSUB exit_func $ GOTO end_q_pausing_menu $end_q_pausing_menu: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $q_paused_busy_menu: $ clear_home $ GOSUB display_q_chars $ wo "" $ wo " R Resume job where suspended" $ IF q_exec_job_entry_no .NES. "" $ THEN $ wo " B Resume job back N pages from where suspended" $ wo " F Resume job forward N pages from where suspended" $ wo " L Resume job from last page including specified string" $ wo " 1 Resume job from first page" $ IF .NOT. q_generic $ THEN $ wo " A Verify paper alignment" $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ wo " D Abort current job and delete job from queue" $ wo "" $ wo " P Printer queue list" $ wo " J Jobs list" $ wo " Q Quit" $ wo "" $ ! $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''func_menu_prompt'" - /ERROR=end_q_paused_busy_menu - /END=end_q_paused_busy_menu $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "R" THEN GOSUB start_q $ IF q_exec_job_entry_no .NES. "" $ THEN $ IF choice .EQS. "B" THEN GOSUB start_q_backward $ IF choice .EQS. "F" THEN GOSUB start_q_forward $ IF choice .EQS. "L" THEN GOSUB start_q_search $ IF choice .EQS. "1" THEN GOSUB start_q_top $ IF choice .EQS. "D" THEN GOSUB abort_current_job $ IF choice .EQS. "A" $ THEN $ IF .NOT. q_generic THEN GOSUB align_paper $ ENDIF $ ENDIF $ IF choice .EQS. "P" THEN GOSUB q_func $ IF choice .EQS. "J" THEN GOSUB job_func $ IF choice .EQS. "Q" THEN GOTO exit_func $ GOTO end_q_paused_busy_menu $end_q_paused_busy_menu: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $q_stopped_menu: $ clear_home $ GOSUB display_q_chars $ wo "" $ wo " R Restart queue / Print new job entries in queue" $ IF .NOT. q_generic $ THEN $ wo " F Change paper / change print form" $ wo " A Print alignment pattern file to align" $ ENDIF $ wo "" $ wo " P Printer queue list" $ wo " J Job list" $ wo " Q Quit" $ wo "" $ ! $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''func_menu_prompt'" - /ERROR=end_q_stopped_menu - /END=end_q_stopped_menu $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "R" THEN GOSUB start_q $ IF choice .EQS. "F" $ THEN $ IF .NOT. q_generic THEN GOSUB change_form $ ENDIF $ IF choice .EQS. "A" $ THEN $ IF .NOT. q_generic THEN GOSUB print_align_parallel $ ENDIF $ IF choice .EQS. "P" THEN GOSUB q_func $ IF choice .EQS. "J" THEN GOSUB job_func $ IF choice .EQS. "Q" THEN GOTO exit_func $ GOTO end_q_stopped_menu $end_q_stopped_menu: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $q_stop_pending_menu: $ clear_home $ GOSUB display_q_chars $ wo "" $ wo "Printer ''current_q_name' will be automagically stopped" $ wo "after current print job finishes." $ wo "" $ wo " S Stop printer / Suspend current print job" $ wo " R Cancel printer queue STOP pending current print job" $ wo "" $ wo " P Printer queue list" $ wo " J Job list" $ wo " Q Quit" $ wo "" $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''func_menu_prompt'" - /ERROR=end_q_stop_pending_menu - /END=end_q_stop_pending_menu $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "S" THEN GOSUB pause_q $ IF choice .EQS. "R" THEN GOSUB start_q $ IF choice .EQS. "P" THEN GOSUB q_func $ IF choice .EQS. "J" THEN GOSUB job_func $ IF choice .EQS. "Q" THEN GOSUB exit_func $ GOTO end_q_stop_pending_menu $end_q_stop_pending_menu: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $q_started_idle_menu: $ clear_home $ GOSUB display_q_chars $ wo "" $ wo " S Stop printer queue / hold any new print job entry" $ IF .NOT. q_generic $ THEN $ wo " A Print alignment pattern file to align" $ ENDIF $ wo "" $ wo " P Printer queue list" $ wo " J Job list" $ wo " Q Quit" $ wo "" $ ! $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''func_menu_prompt'" - /ERROR=end_q_started_idle_menu - /END=end_q_started_idle_menu $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "S" THEN GOSUB stop_q_next $ IF choice .EQS. "P" THEN GOSUB q_func $ IF choice .EQS. "A" $ THEN $ IF .NOT. q_generic THEN GOSUB test_align $ ENDIF $ IF choice .EQS. "J" THEN GOSUB job_func $ IF choice .EQS. "Q" THEN GOSUB exit_func $ GOTO end_q_started_idle_menu $end_q_started_idle_menu: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $test_align: $ form_test_fspec = "''form_test_dir'''q_form_mounted'.TST" $ IF f$search(form_test_fspec) .EQS. "" THEN - GOTO test_align_error $ PRINT/QUEUE='q_name'/FORM='q_form_mounted' 'form_test_fspec' $ RETURN $ ! $test_align_error: $ wo "" $ wo "Form test file ''form_test_fspec' not found !" $ prompt_str = "" $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_stop_idle_q - /END=end_stop_idle_q $ RETURN $ ! $print_align_parallel: $ form_test_fspec = "''form_test_dir'''q_form_mounted'.TST" $ IF f$search(form_test_fspec) .EQS. "" THEN - GOTO test_align_error $ STOP/QUEUE/NEXT PQ_ALIGN $ INITIALIZE/QUEUE/ON='q_device'/FORM='q_form_mounted' PQ_ALIGN $ START/QUEUE PQ_ALIGN $ PRINT/QUEUE=PQ_ALIGN/FORM='q_form_mounted' 'form_test_fspec' $ STOP/QUEUE/NEXT PQ_ALIGN $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $q_started_busy_menu: $ clear_home $ GOSUB display_q_chars $ wo "" $ wo " S Stop printer / Suspend current job" $ wo " E Stop printer queue after current job's end" $ wo " D Abort current job and delete job from queue" $ wo "" $ wo " P Printer queue list" $ wo " J Job list" $ wo " Q Quit" $ wo "" $ ! $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''func_menu_prompt'" - /ERROR=end_q_started_busy_menu - /END=end_q_started_busy_menu $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "S" THEN GOSUB pause_q $ IF choice .EQS. "E" THEN GOSUB stop_q_next $ IF choice .EQS. "D" THEN GOSUB abort_current_job $ IF choice .EQS. "P" THEN GOSUB q_func $ IF choice .EQS. "J" THEN GOSUB job_func $ IF choice .EQS. "Q" THEN GOTO exit_func $ GOTO end_q_started_busy_menu $end_q_started_busy_menu: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $ ! $ ! Queue management functions $ ! $start_q: $ START /QUEUE 'current_q_name' $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $start_q_backward: $ wo "" $ prompt_str = "How many pages back ? " $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_start_q_backward - /END=end_start_q_backward $ n_pages = 'F$INTEGER(choice)' $ IF n_pages .LE. 0 THEN GOTO end_start_q_backward $ START /QUEUE /BACKWARD='n_pages' 'current_q_name' $end_start_q_backward: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $start_q_forward: $ wo "" $ prompt_str = "How many pages forward ? " $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_start_q_forward - /END=end_start_q_forward $ n_pages = 'F$INTEGER(choice)' $ IF n_pages .LE. 0 THEN GOTO end_start_q_forward $ START /QUEUE /FORWARD='n_pages' 'current_q_name' $end_start_q_forward: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $start_q_search: $ wo "" $ prompt_str = "String to locate ? " $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_start_q_search - /END=end_start_q_search $ search_str = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,TRIM,UPCASE") $ IF search_str .EQS. "" THEN GOTO end_start_search $ START /QUEUE /SEARCH="''search_str'" 'current_q_name' $end_start_q_search: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $start_q_top: $ START /QUEUE /TOP_OF_FILE 'current_q_name' $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $abort_current_job: $ on severe_error then continue $ DELETE /ENTRY='q_exec_job_entry_no' $ WAIT 'q_aligning_wait_timeout' $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $retain_current_job: $ on severe_error then continue $ SET ENTRY/RETAIN=ALWAYS 'q_exec_job_entry_no' $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $pause_q: $ ! Stop a queue immediatly and suspend the current job $ STOP /QUEUE 'current_q_name' $ ! Gotta wait for the queue to be entirely stopped $ WAIT 'q_stopping_wait_timeout' $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $stop_q_next: $ STOP /QUEUE /NEXT 'current_q_name' $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $stop_idle_q: $ STOP /QUEUE /NEXT 'current_q_name' $ WAIT 'q_stopping_wait_timeout' $ q_name = current_q_name $ GOSUB get_q_chars $ IF q_status_idle THEN GOTO end_stop_idle_q $ wo "" $ wo "A print job has just started on this printer." $ wo "This printer will automatically stop at the end of the current job." $ prompt_str = "" $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_stop_idle_q - /END=end_stop_idle_q $ GOTO end_stop_idle_q $end_stop_idle_q: $ RETURN $ ! $align_paper: $ wo "" $ prompt_str = "How many alignment pages do you want to print (max 20) ? " $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_align_paper - /END=end_align_paper $ n_pages = 'F$INTEGER(choice)' $ IF (n_pages .LE. 0) .OR. (n_pages .GT. 20) THEN GOTO end_start_q_forward $ START /QUEUE /ALIGN=(MASK,'n_pages') 'current_q_name' $end_align_paper: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $change_form: $ clear_home $ GOSUB display_form_list $ wo "" $ prompt_str = "What print form do you want to mount ? " $ prompt_str = prompt_str + "( = ''q_form_mounted') " $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_change_form - /END=end_change_form $ ! $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "" THEN GOTO change_form_same_form $ i_form = 'F$INTEGER(choice)' $ IF (i_form .LE. 0) .OR. (i_form .GT. n_form) THEN GOTO change_form $ form_name = form_name_'i_form' $ GOSUB get_form_chars $ IF form_name .EQS. q_form_mounted THEN GOTO change_form_same_stock $ IF form_stock .EQS. q_stock_mounted THEN GOTO change_form_same_stock $ GOTO change_form_chp $ ! $change_form_same_form: $ form_name = q_form_mounted $ form_stock = q_stock_mounted $change_form_same_stock: $ SET QUEUE /FORM='form_name' 'current_q_name' $ clear_home $ wo "PRINTER : ''current_q_name' ''form_decr'" $ wo "" $ wo "" $ wo "Print form ''form_name' has been mounted on queue ''current_q_name'." $ wo "" $ wo "This print form uses stock ''form_stock'," $ wo "which should be already mounted on this printer" $ wo "" $ wo "Check that paper loaded on ''current_q_name' printer" $ wo "is stock ''form_stock'." $ wo "" $ prompt_str = " when done, eventually after new stock mounted" $ READ keyboard ack - /TIME_OUT="''change_paper_timeout'" - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_change_form - /END=end_change_form $ GOTO end_change_form $ ! $change_form_chp: $ SET QUEUE /FORM='form_name' 'current_q_name' $ clear_home $ wo "PRINTER : ''current_q_name' ''form_decr'" $ wo "" $ wo "" $ wo "You have chosen to mount print form ''form_name'" $ wo "on queue ''current_q_name'." $ wo "" $ wo "The stock needed for this print form is different than the one" $ wo "currently mounted." $ wo " $ wo "Please mount stock ''form_stock'" $ wo "on printer ''current_q_name'." $ wo "" $ prompt_str = " once new stock is mounted" $ READ keyboard ack - /TIME_OUT='change_paper_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_change_form - /END=end_change_form $ GOTO end_change_form $ ! $end_change_form: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $print_align: $ wo "" $! $ prompt_str = "How many alignment pages do you want to print (max 20) ? " $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_print_align - /END=end_print_align $ n_pages = 'F$INTEGER(choice)' $ IF (n_pages .LE. 0) .OR. (n_pages .GT. 20) THEN GOTO end_start_q_forward $ START /QUEUE /ALIGN=(MASK,'n_pages') 'current_q_name' $end_print_align: $ WAIT 'q_function_unavailable_timeout' $ RETURN $ ! $ ! Form info retrieval and display functions $ ! $display_form_list: $ ! Display all the forms characteristics $ clear_home $ wo "PRINT FORMS" $ wo "" $ wo "Nr Name Description Stock" $ wo "" $ ! $ i_form = 0 $display_form_loop: $ i_form = i_form + 1 $ form_name = form_name_'i_form' $ GOSUB get_form_chars $ i_form_str = F$STRING('i_form') $ display_rec_form = F$FAO - ("!4AS!23AS!35AS!17AS",i_form_str,form_name,form_descr,form_stock) $ wo display_rec_form $ IF i_form .EQ. n_form THEN GOTO end_display_form_loop $ GOTO display_form_loop $end_display_form_loop: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $get_form_chars: $ form_stock = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_FORM","FORM_STOCK",form_name) $ form_descr = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_FORM","FORM_DESCRIPTION",form_name) $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $ ! $ ! Job info display and retrieval functions $ ! $display_job_list: $ clear_home $ wo "PRINT JOBS" $ wo "" $ wo - "Nr Printer JobName User S/Job S/Prt Stock Pri" $ wo "" $ ! $ i_q = 0 $display_job_list_q_loop: $ i_q = i_q + 1 $ IF i_q .GT. n_q THEN GOTO end_display_job_list $ q_name_ = q_name_'i_q' $ dummy = F$GETQUI("") $ q_name = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE","QUEUE_NAME","''q_name_'*") $display_job_list_job_loop: $ GOSUB set_q_display_status $ noaccess = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","JOB_INACCESSIBLE",,"ALL_JOBS") $ IF noaccess .EQS. "TRUE" THEN GOTO display_job_list_job_loop $ IF noaccess .EQS. "" THEN GOTO display_job_list_q_loop $ GOSUB get_ctx_job_chars $ ! $ job_entry_no_str = F$STRING(job_entry_no) $ job_priority_str = F$STRING(job_priority) $ job_completed_blocks_str = F$STRING(job_completed_blocks) $ IF job_completed_blocks .EQ. 0 THEN job_completed_blocks_str = " " $ job_size_str = F$STRING(job_size) $ ! $ job_display_rec = - F$FAO ("!3AS !14AS !14AS !10AS !6AS !3AS/!3AS !14AS !3AS",- job_entry_no_str,q_name,job_name,job_username,- job_display_status,q_avail_status,q_display_status,job_stock,- job_priority_str) $ wo job_display_rec $ GOTO display_job_list_job_loop $end_display_job_list: $ dummy = F$GETQUI("") $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $get_ctx_job_chars: $ job_entry_no = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","ENTRY_NUMBER",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ job_name = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","JOB_NAME",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ job_username = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","USERNAME",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ job_priority = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","PRIORITY",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ job_completed_blocks = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","COMPLETED_BLOCKS",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ job_size = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","JOB_SIZE",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ job_stock = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","FORM_STOCK",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ job_form = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","FORM_NAME",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ job_note = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","NOTE",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ job_queue = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","QUEUE_NAME",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ job_retention = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","JOB_RETENTION",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ job_status = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","JOB_STATUS",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ GOSUB set_job_bool_status $ GOSUB set_job_display_status $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $set_job_bool_status: $ job_status_aborting = - (job_status .AND. JOB_ABORTING_VAL) .EQ. JOB_ABORTING_VAL $ job_status_executing = - (job_status .AND. JOB_EXECUTING_VAL) .EQ. JOB_EXECUTING_VAL $ job_status_holding = - (job_status .AND. JOB_HOLDING_VAL) .EQ. JOB_HOLDING_VAL $ job_status_inaccessible = - (job_status .AND. JOB_INACCESSIBLE_VAL) .EQ. JOB_INACCESSIBLE_VAL $ job_status_refused = - (job_status .AND. JOB_REFUSED_VAL) .EQ. JOB_REFUSED_VAL $ job_status_requeue = - (job_status .AND. JOB_REQUEUE_VAL) .EQ. JOB_REQUEUE_VAL $ job_status_restarting = - (job_status .AND. JOB_RESTARTING_VAL) .EQ. JOB_RESTARTING_VAL $ job_status_retained = - (job_status .AND. JOB_RETAINED_VAL) .EQ. JOB_RETAINED_VAL $ job_status_starting = - (job_status .AND. JOB_STARTING_VAL) .EQ. JOB_STARTING_VAL $ job_status_timed_release = - (job_status .AND. JOB_TIMED_RELEASE_VAL) .EQ. JOB_TIMED_RELEASE_VAL $ job_status_suspended = - (job_status .AND. JOB_SUSPENDED_VAL) .EQ. JOB_SUSPENDED_VAL $ job_status_pending = - (job_status .AND. JOB_PENDING_VAL) .EQ. JOB_PENDING_VAL $ job_status_stalled = - (job_status .AND. JOB_STALLED_VAL) .EQ. JOB_STALLED_VAL $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $set_job_display_status: $ job_display_status = "????" $ IF job_status_aborting THEN job_display_status = "Abor" $ IF job_status_executing THEN job_display_status = "Exec" $ IF job_status_holding THEN job_display_status = "Hold" $ IF job_status_inaccessible THEN job_display_status = "Inac" $ IF job_status_refused THEN job_display_status = "Refu" $ IF job_status_requeue THEN job_display_status = "Requ" $ IF job_status_restarting THEN job_display_status = "Rstr" $ IF job_status_retained THEN job_display_status = "Rtnd" $ IF job_status_starting THEN job_display_status = "Star" $ IF job_status_timed_release THEN job_display_status = "Time" $ IF job_status_suspended THEN job_display_status = "Susp" $ IF job_status_pending THEN job_display_status = "Pend" $ IF job_status_stalled THEN job_display_status = "Stal" $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $get_job_chars: $ job_name = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY","JOB_NAME",job_entry_no) $ job_username = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY","USERNAME",job_entry_no) $ job_priority = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY","PRIORITY",job_entry_no) $ job_completed_blocks = - F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY","COMPLETED_BLOCKS",job_entry_no) $ job_size = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY","JOB_SIZE",job_entry_no) $ job_stock = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY","FORM_STOCK",job_entry_no) $ job_form = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY","FORM_NAME",job_entry_no) $ job_note = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY","NOTE",job_entry_no) $ job_queue = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY","QUEUE_NAME",job_entry_no) $ job_status = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_ENTRY","JOB_STATUS",job_entry_no) $ ! If job status is pending, get the pending job reason $ if job_status .eqs. JOB_PENDING_VAL $ then $ job_pending_reason = - f$getqui("display_entry","pending_job_reason",job_entry_no) $ if job_pending_reason .eq. pend_check_exec_queues then - job_pending_reason_string = "check execution queues" $ if job_pending_reason .eq. pend_char_mismatch then - job_pending_reason_string = "char mismatch" $ if job_pending_reason .eq. pend_job_size_max then - job_pending_reason_string = "job size max" $ if job_pending_reason .eq. pend_job_size_min then - job_pending_reason_string = "job size min" $ if job_pending_reason .eq. pend_lowercase_mismatch then - job_pending_reason_string = "lowercase mismatch" $ if job_pending_reason .eq. pend_no_access then - job_pending_reason_string = "no access" $ if job_pending_reason .eq. pend_queue_busy then - job_pending_reason_string = "queue busy" $ if job_pending_reason .eq. pend_queue_state then - job_pending_reason_string = "queue state" $ if job_pending_reason .eq. pend_stock_mismatch then - job_pending_reason_string = "stock mismatch" $ endif $ GOSUB set_job_bool_status $ GOSUB set_job_display_status $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $display_job_chars: $ GOSUB get_job_chars $ q_name = job_queue $ GOSUB get_q_chars $ GOSUB set_q_display_status $ ! Get queue number $ i_q = 1 $loop_get_queue_number: $ if q_name_'i_q' .eqs. q_name then goto end_get_queue_number $ if i_q .eq. n_q then goto end_get_queue_number $ i_q = i_q + 1 $ goto loop_get_queue_number $end_get_queue_number: $ i_q_string = f$string(i_q) $ job_entry_no_string = f$string(job_entry_no) $ wo " Job Printer" $ wo "" $ wo f$fao("ID Number !30AS",job_entry_no_string) + i_q_string $ wo f$fao("Name !30AS",job_name) + job_queue $ wo f$fao("Form !30AS",job_form) + q_form_mounted $ wo f$fao("Stock !30AS",job_stock) + q_stock_mounted $ if job_status_pending then - job_display_status = job_display_status + " (''job_pending_reason_string')" $ wo f$fao("Status !30AS",job_display_status) + - q_avail_status + "/" + q_display_status $ str = "''job_completed_blocks'/''job_size'" $ perc = F$INTEGER(job_completed_blocks) * 100 / F$INTEGER(job_size) $ wo f$fao("Size prtd/tot !12AS",str) + "(" + "''perc'" + "%)" $ wo "User ''job_username'" $ wo f$fao("Note !60AS",job_note) + q_descr $ wo "" $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $ ! $ ! Job menu functions $ ! $job_menu: $ clear_home $ GOSUB display_job_chars $ IF job_status_pending THEN - wo " H Hold job in print queue" $ IF job_status_holding THEN - wo " R Release job in print queue" $ wo " M Move (requeue) job in other print queue" $ wo " D Abort job and delete job from printer queue" $ wo " +/- Increase/Decrease priority of job entry in queue" $ wo "" $ wo " P Printer queue list" $ wo " J Print job list" $ wo " Q Quit" $ wo "" $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="Quelle fonction choisissez-vous ? " - /ERROR=end_job_menu - /END=end_job_menu $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "D" THEN GOSUB del_job $ IF choice .EQS. "M" THEN GOSUB requeue_job $ IF choice .EQS. "+" THEN GOSUB up_prio $ IF choice .EQS. "-" THEN GOSUB down_prio $ IF choice .EQS. "P" THEN GOTO q_func $ IF (choice .EQS. "R") .AND. (job_status_holding) THEN - GOSUB release_job $ IF (choice .EQS. "H") .AND. (job_status_pending) THEN - GOSUB hold_job $ IF choice .EQS. "J" THEN GOTO job_func $ IF choice .EQS. "Q" THEN GOTO exit_func $end_job_menu: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $ ! $ ! Job management functions $ ! $release_job: $ SET ENTRY/RELEASE 'job_entry_no' $ RETURN $! $hold_job: $ SET ENTRY/HOLD 'job_entry_no' $ RETURN $! $requeue_job: $ prompt_str := "New queue name ? " $ IF last_requeue .NES. "" THEN - prompt_str = prompt_str + "[" + last_requeue + "] " $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_requeue_job - /END=end_requeue_job $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "" $ THEN $ IF last_requeue .NES. "" $ THEN $ ON ERROR THEN CONTINUE $ SET ENTRY/REQUEUE='last_requeue' 'job_entry_no' $ ON ERROR THEN EXIT $STATUS $ ENDIF $ ELSE $ ON ERROR THEN CONTINUE $ SET ENTRY/REQUEUE='choice' 'job_entry_no' $ IF $STATUS THEN last_requeue = choice $ ON ERROR THEN EXIT $STATUS $ ENDIF $end_requeue_job: $ RETURN $! $up_prio: $ IF job_status_executing $ THEN $ wo "" $ wo "Cannot change priority of job already printing." $ wo "" $ wait 'q_error_message_timeout' $ ELSE $ new_job_priority = 'job_priority' + 10 $ SET ENTRY 'job_entry_no' /PRIORITY='new_job_priority' $ ENDIF $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $down_prio: $ IF job_status_executing $ THEN $ wo "" $ wo "Cannot change priority of job already printing." $ wo "" $ wait 'q_error_message_timeout' $ ELSE $ new_job_priority = 'job_priority' - 10 $ SET ENTRY 'job_entry_no' /PRIORITY='new_job_priority' $ ENDIF $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $del_job: $ wo "" $ wo "WARNING: You are about to delete the job entry above !" $ prompt_str := "Are you sure (Y/N) ? " $ READ keyboard choice - /TIME_OUT='choice_timeout' - /PROMPT="''prompt_str'" - /ERROR=end_del_job - /END=end_del_job $ choice = F$EDIT(choice,"COMPRESS,UPCASE,TRIM") $ IF choice .EQS. "O" THEN GOTO do_del_job $ GOTO end_del_job $do_del_job: $ on severe_error then continue $ DELETE /ENTRY='job_entry_no' $ WAIT 'q_aligning_wait_timeout' $end_del_job: $ RETURN $ ! $ ! $ctrl_y: $ ! $simple_exit: $ wo "" $ CLOSE keyboard $ EXIT