Nethack game off the Internet. Not sure what OSs work but it's all here. NETHACK(6) 1999 NETHACK(6) NAME nethack - Exploring The Mazes of Menace SYNOPSIS nethack [ -d directory ] [ -n ] [ -p profession (role) ] [ -r race ] [ -[DX] ] [ -u playername ] [ -dec ] [ -ibm ] nethack [ -d directory ] -s [ -v ] [ -p profession (role) ] [ -r race ] [ playernames ] DESCRIPTION NetHack is a display oriented Dungeons & Dragons(tm) - like game. The standard tty display and command structure resem- ble rogue. Other, more graphical display options exist if you are using either a PC, or an X11 interface. To get started you really only need to know two commands. The command ? will give you a list of the available commands (as well as other information) and the command / will iden- tify the things you see on the screen. AUTHORS Jay Fenlason (+ Kenny Woodland, Mike Thome and Jon Payne) wrote the original hack, very much like rogue (but full of bugs). Andries Brouwer continuously deformed their sources into an entirely different game. Mike Stephenson has continued the perversion of sources, adding various warped character classes and sadistic traps with the help of many strange people who reside in that place between the worlds, the Usenet Zone. A number of these miscreants are immortalized in the historical roll of dishonor and various other places. The resulting mess is now called NetHack, to denote its development by the Usenet. Andries Brouwer has made this request for the distinction, as he may eventually release a new version of his own. FILES All files are in the playground, normally /usr/games/lib/nethackdir. If DLB was defined during the compile, the data files and special levels will be inside a larger file, normally nhdat, instead of being separate files. nethack The program itself. data, oracles, rumors Data files used by NetHack. options, quest.dat More data files. help, hh Help data files. cmdhelp, opthelp, wizhelp More help data files. *.lev Predefined special levels. dungeon Control file for special levels. history A short history of NetHack. license Rules governing redistribution. record The list of top scorers. logfile An extended list of games played. xlock.nnn Description of a dungeon level. perm Lock file for xlock.dd. bonesDD.nn Descriptions of the ghost and belongings of a deceased adventurer. save A subdirectory containing the saved games. ENVIRONMENT USER or LOGNAME Your login name. HOME Your home directory. SHELL Your shell. TERM The type of your terminal. HACKPAGER or PAGER Replacement for default pager. MAIL Mailbox file. MAILREADER Replacement for default reader (probably /bin/mail or /usr/ucb/mail). NETHACKDIR Playground. NETHACKOPTIONS String predefining several NetHack options. In addition, SHOPTYPE is used in debugging (wizard) mode. SEE ALSO dgn_comp(6), lev_comp(6), recover(6) BUGS Probably infinite. Dungeons & Dragons is a Trademark of TSR Inc.