VMS/IRAF V2.11 System prepared on VMS 7.1 This file last updated Sat Aug 21 1999 IRAF patch level V2.11.2 IRAF V2.11.2 PATCH - August 1999 VMS/IRAF (for both the DEC Alpha and for VAX/VMS) was updated to IRAF V2.11.2 in July-August 1999. A full install is necessary to install the new version. See the installation guides for instructions on how to do a full install. If you are upgrading, be sure to save your local site dependent files (in DEV and HLIB) first, and diff/merge them after the upgrade. See the URL http://iraf.noao.edu/v2112revs.html for a detailed list of what is new in V2.11.2. VMS/IRAF NETWORK DISTRIBUTION This directory contains all the files needed to install VMS/IRAF V2.11. README This file as_vms7_gen.zip All sources, machine independent runtime ib_vms7_alp.zip Core IRAF system binaries (DEC Alpha) ib_vms7_vax.zip Core IRAF system binaries (DEC VAX) nb_vms7_alp.zip NOAO package binaries (DEC Alpha) nb_vms7_vax.zip NOAO package binaries (DEC VAX) utils Contains VMS versions of ZIP, UNZIP utilities vmsiraf.ms.Z Source for VMS/IRAF installation guide vmsiraf.ps.Z Postscript version of installation guide html HTML version of installation guide 0readme VMS friendly aliases for various files vmsiraf_ms_z vmsiraf_ps_z WHATS NEW IN V2.11 For a complete description of all the changes to VMS/IRAF for V2.11 refer to the updated VMS/IRAF Installation Guide, and to the system notes files "notes.vms" which you will find in the [IRAF.LOCAL] directory once IRAF has been installed. The IRAF Version 2.11 Revisions Summary (/iraf/v211/v211revs.txt or http://iraf.noao.edu/v211revs.html) contains a complete summary of the platform-independent changes to IRAF itself. REGISTERING YOUR SITE Please register your site if you use IRAF. This takes only a moment; you can do this online on the page http://iraf.noao.edu/register.html. As an added benefit you may subscribe to various IRAF mailing lists. RECONSTRUCTING THE VMS/IRAF BACKUP SAVE SET The VMS/IRAF distribution is contained in several VMS BACKUP save sets which have been compressed using the "zip" archive utility. VMS executables for the zip and unzip programs for both VAX and AXP are provided in the "utils" subdirectory. The BACKUP files have been zipped using the "-V" flag to preserve the save set file structure. USING FTP From your VMS system transfer the files in binary mode to your working directory. Here is a suggested procedure to create the IRAF tree from the save sets. If you have a DEC Alpha machine only, you would not need the files with suffix '_VAX' in the rootname: - Copy the unzip program from the VMS7/utils directory. There are 2 versions of the binary files according to your machine architecture (VAX or AXP). - The files available in the ftp directory are as follows: as_vms7_gen.zip # "All Sources" (including NOAO pkg) ib_vms7_alp.zip # Core IRAF binaries for Alphas ib_vms7_vax.zip # Core IRAF binaries for VAXes nb_vms7_alp.zip # NOAO binaries for Alphas nb_vms7_vax.zip # NOAO binaries for VAXes - set unzip: 'unzip :== $disk:[utils]unzip_alpha.exe' - unzip the files, example: 'unzip ib_vms7_alp.zip' INSTALLING VMS/IRAF Proceed with the installation using the disk save set. Full instructions for the VMS/IRAF installation are given in the VMS/IRAF Installation Guide. A Postscript version of this manual is provided in the file vmsiraf.ps.Z in the archive directory. The installation is identical to that described in the manual, except that BACKUP is run on the disk save set, rather than on a tape file. Reading the BACKUP save set A listing of a backup save set reveals the complete pathname of each file including for logical disk name. To restore into your system you need to use the 'select' qualifier to exclude the diskname in the restore process. For example: backup ib_vms7_alp.bck/save/select=[iraf...] [...]/own=iraf/prot=w:r This command restores the files from the disk file save set named vms.bck to the current directory creating subdirectories in the same order as they are in the save set, changing ownership of each file and giving read access to the world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES added since the release. [TBA - watch this space for last minute notes on any problems found since the release] Feb 10, 1999 SAOIMAGE. To run saoimage you need to have a copy of the file [iraf.dev]imtoolrc. in your login directory with the name '.imtoolrc' if you want to add your own image display sizes. Otherwise the logical name IMTOOLRC should be defined as define imtoolrc irafdisk:[iraf.dev]imtoolrc. and not the way it is defined in the file irafhlib:irafuser.com. Make sure you redefine 'imtoolrc' after you have ran irafuser.com. Nelson Zarate (zarate@noao.edu)