[(PYVMS LOGO)] HTML2RNO.PY is a Python program, that is used to convert a '.HTML' file to a '.RNO' file. The '.RNO' file is then to be run through the RUNOFF text formatter that is supplied with the OpenVMS operating system. HTML2RNO understands several HTML tags and tries to convert them to their RUNOFF 'equivalents'. There is, however a fundamental difference: HTML describes the contents and the browser is supposed to decide how the output is rendered (e.g. lists). RUNOFF is a text formatter where the user has a high number of commands available that can be used to control the output. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following HTML tags are understood by HTML2RNO which can be mapped quite easily to RUNOFF commands:


are converted to '.header level' commands.
is converted to '.literal' and '.end literal' + is converted to '.subtitle "title-string"'. This intentionally done for the PYVMS documentation. '.title' defines the name of the document. is converted to '.list' and '.end list'. HTML2RNO tells RUNOFF the 'bullet character' to use. You can easily change that - look at the implementation of start_ul().
is converted to '.list' and '.end list'. HTML2RNO tells RUNOFF to prefix the list elements with a decimal number.
  • is converted to '.list element' which works with both