[trinux.gif (6508 bytes)] Topics What is Trinux? LAST UDPATE: 11/29/98 Trinux is a portable Linux distribution that boots from 2-3 floppies (or a FAT 16 Trinux partition) and runs entirely in RAM. Trinux What is Trinux? contains the latest versions of popular Getting Trinux network security tools and is useful for FTP Site mapping and monitoring TCP/IP networks. Updates Trinux transforms an ordinary x86 PC into a Features powerful network [security] management Current workstation without modifying the underlying Tools hardware or operating system. The default Goals configuration uses a stripped down version of kernel 2.0.35 that should boot on any 386 or About better with at least 12-16 megabytes of RAM. Installation Hardware support for NICs is provided through Support kernel modules which may be downloaded and Training copied to the boot medium.. Links Please read the FAQ or search the Trinux [Image] mailing list before asking a question. [Image] Updates 11/29 - added 2 modules for Apache 1.3.3 [Image] (apache.tgz and htroot.tgz) as well as data disk that contains Apache and Perl. Try it out! Add httpd -d /var/apache to your post.rc [Image] so Apache loads when Trinux boots. Ftp your .html into /var/apache/htdocs and you're set! 11/26 - A big Thanksgiving thanks to Brian [Image] Fleming of Irenyx Data Group, Inc. for adding the web interface to the Trinux mailing list. [Image] 11/22 - updated kernel modules for upcoming 0.50 release, updated ntop to 1.1a4 (netmon1.tgz) added dig to netmap2.tgz. [Image] 11/13 - Version 0.45 Floppies released! 11/11 - TrinuxHD 0.45 is out! Install in c:\trinux on a Windows partition, cd to [Image] \trinux and type trinux! It works "out of the FastCounter by LinkExchange box" on my Laptop. Let me know if it doesn't work on yours so I can fix it. Don't forget to download the kernel module for your NIC from here. See the FAQ for more info. Also uploaded /packages/0.45 directory. Includes new pcmcia package and ipgrab v0.6. 10/31-11/2 - added firewalk to netmap1.tgz and a new package called system.tgz that contains crontab and syslog. 10/26 - a page listing listing the tools that come with Trinux as well as other useful network tools is available at http://www.trinux.org/tools.html 10/25 - (token upgrade) updated netwatch to v 0.8 (netmon1.tgz) -- who knows if its worth the extra 50k. 10/18 - I finally got around to updating the Trinux HD image to version 0.4. 10/13 - Version 0.4.1 boot and data images are available. 10/8 - added ntop to the netmon package. Excellent! 10/7 - added lynx-ed (lynx and jered) and server packages (incoming telnet & ftp) as well as a new boot disk. 10/4 - fyodor's nmap 1.60 Beta (see it to believe it!) and some major package reorganization you can read about in the CHANGES file. IMPORTANT: I only update the boot/data images when a new version is released. If you want the latest tools, you'll have to have to add the packages to the data disk yourself. Obtaining Trinux Download the boot and data disks and any kernel modules from here. Then read the directions below. (NOTE: "classic.gz" is the data disk image.) NOTE: Netscape users need to shift-click on these links and make sure they add the .gz suffix. For reason it strips it. The boot disks are MSDOS formatted floppies so you can add or delete package or kernel module files easily. See the installation file for more specific instructions on installing Trinux. Current Features (0.45) Complete List of Tools anger arp bounix clog cold(1.10) drpcscan firewalk icmp_redir ipfwadm ipgrab(0.6) ipresend ipsend iptest iptraf(1.3.0) linsniffer nat nc neped netstat netwatch(0.8) nfs_check nmap(1.6Beta) nslookup ntop(1.0) pcmcia(3.05) perl(5.004) ping queso rdns readsmb rpcinfo rr shlight(1.0) sniffit(0.3.7) snmpget snmpset snmpwalk spak(0.6b) statnet strobe(1.3) tcp_scan tcpdump(3.4a7) traceroute udp_scan whois z0ne See the tools page for more information about these. Installation TO INSTALL: 1) Download and create boot and data disks just like before. 2) Copy the module(s) for your network card to the boot disk. There should be about 75k left. The disks are DOS formatted. 3) Edit the modules file on the boot disk to include the name of the module(s) you need to load. (no .o suffix) 4) Edit the files in the \etc folder on the boot disk for your network stuff: dns, ip address, netmask, gateway, etc. 5) Boot as usual. Development Goals 1. Provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date suite of network security/monitoring tools available in any Linux distribution. 2. Start with a minimum set of necessary