Everhart, Glenn From: antirez [antirez@SECLAB.COM] Sent: Monday, November 30, 1998 3:38 PM To: BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG Subject: hping, a tcp pinger Hi, A few weeks ago, I wrote this little tool. hping (h? ping) is a tool that fits ping's concept to the tcp protocol. In a few words hping can send any kind of tcp flags and display the target replies in this format: [size] bytes from [ip]: flags=[flags] seq=[x] ttl=[y] win=[z] time=[t]ms This can be usefull for: - ACL discovery and testing - Port scanning - Hide pinging - Raw fingerprints - ... Other stuff These are the 'usage' informations: #./hping usage: hping host [options] c - packets count i - wait n - numeric output q - quiet I - interface name p - destination port (default 0) t - ttl (default 64) h - shows this help F - set FIN flag S - set SYN flag R - set RST flag P - set PUSH flag A - set ACK flag U - set URG flag f - splits packets in two fragments # hping works only on Linux platform, but I'm making a libpcap porting. [ Obviously you must to be root to run hping, don't setuid it, because like ping program it's vulnerable to the sigalrm bombing (see my old posting about pingflood.c for further informations about this topic). ] Bye, antirez -- Salvatore Sanfilippo Intesis SECURITY LAB Phone: +39-02-671563.1 Via Settembrini, 35 Fax: +39-02-66981953 I-20124 Milano ITALY Email: antirez@seclab.com