You Are Visitor: [Image] [Previous] [Next] [Table of Contents] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 Defining logicals for CircleMUD. Basically all you need to do to get CircleMUD up and running on your OpenVMS system is to define the logical CIRCLEMUD_BIN to point to the directory where the CircleMUD EXE's are stored. Example: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC CIRCLEMUD_BIN DISK$WORK:[CIRCLE30BPL14.BIN] This logical is used by the "autorun" script and MUD_UTILS script in the [.CIRCLEMUD30BPL14.BIN] directory to define the OpenVMS symbols for the CircleMUD utilities. To define the symbols for the CircleMUD utilities, just execute the MUD_UTILS.COM script in the [.CIRCLEMUD30BPL14.BIN] directory. $ SET DEF [.CIRCLE30BPL14.BIN] $ @MUD_UTILS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2 Starting CircleMUD as a detached process. To run CircleMUD as a detached process just execute the AUTORUN.COM script in the root of the CircleMUD directory tree. $ SET DEFAULT [.CIRCLE30BPL14.SRC] $ @AUTORUN If you want to modify what account CircleMUD runs under (currently set to the SYSTEM account) or any other parameters, edit the CIRCLE.COM script in the [.CIRCLE30BPL14.BIN] directory ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3 Customizing CircleMUD. You can customize the login screen as well as other game parameters by editing the [.CIRCLE30BPL14.SRC]CONFIG.C file to suite your needs. Just read the comments for each setting. If you want to edit how the CIRCLE.EXE executes as a detached process on your system, just edit the [.CIRCLE30BPL14.BIN]CIRCLE.COM script. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4 Send me an e-mail. When you get CircleMUD up and running on your OpenVMS system, drop me a e-mail and let me know what you think and what platform you are running on so I can update my list of supported platforms. If you are going to put CircleMUD on-line as a public MUD, let me know as I will be putting togheter a list of CircleMUD's running on OpenVMS systems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Previous] [Next] [Table of Contents]