You Are Visitor: [Image] [Previous] [Next] [Table of Contents] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 What platforms are supported? Since CircleMUD was written with the GNU C compiler, I decided that the easiest thing for me to do was to use the GNU C compiler for the OpenVMS port. And to solve some hassles with different TCP/IP stacks for OpenVMS along with the ease of porting, I decided to use the SOCKETSHR library with Matt Madison's NetLib support. Currently all one needs is a TCP/IP stack supported by NetLib library, the SOCKETSHR library and the GNU C compiler. The CircleMUD port for OpenVMS has so far only been testd on a VAXStation- 4000/60, OpenVMS v7.1, GNU C v2.7.1 and Multinet TCP/IP v4.1.b. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2 What CircleMUD utilites are supported? The following list of CircleMUD utilites are supported in the OpenVMS port. * DELOBJS * LISTRENT * MUDPASSWD * PLAY2TO3 * PURGEPLAY * SHOPCONV * SHOWPLAY * SPLIT * WLD2HTML Currently the "autowiz" feature is unsupported and isn't really necessary for game play. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.3 What do I need to build CircleMUD for OpenVMS? O.k., here's is what you need to build CircleMUD v3.00 beta patch level 14 on an OpenVMS system. 1. A TCP/IP stack for OpenVMS that is supported by the NetLIB socket library. 2. A copy of the original CircleMUD v3.00 beta patch level 14 distribution file. This can be found at 3. A copy of the VMS_CIRCLE30BPL14.ZIP file that contains the patched CircleMUD files for OpenVMS. 4. A copy of the SOCKETSHR library. This is available at 5. If your TCP/IP stack is not supported by the SOCKETSHR library, you will need a copy of Matt Madison's NetLib library. This is available at 6. A copy of the GNU C compiler for OpenVMS. You need at least v2.7.1 This is available at 7. Either DEC's MMS or Matt Madison's MMK "make" utility. Matt Madison's MMK utility can be found at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.4 Building CircleMUD for OpenVMS. O.k. You have everything outlined in the section What do I need to build CircleMUD for OpenVMS and you want to get the ball rolling. 1. Unpack the file into a directory of your choice. 2. Unpack the VMS_CIRCLE30BPL14.ZIP ON TOP of the CircleMUD distribution you unpacked replacing the files. 3. Go to the [.CIRCLE30BPL14.SRC] directory and copy the file "CONF_H.VMS" to "CONF.H". $ SET DEFAULT [.CIRCLE30BPL14.SRC] $ COPY CONF_H.VMS CONF.H 4. Unpack the SOCKETSHR.ZIP file into a directory of your choice. Note: The only "include" files you will be needing are the "socketshr.h" and "ioctl.h" files. If you move them to another directory, make sure they are both in the same directory and are not replacing any other "include" files. 5. Read the README me file for SOCKETSHR and build the SOCKETSHR library for your TCP/IP stack. It is easiest to build it for NetLib support but you have to install the NetLib library first. 6. Once you have the SOCKETSHR library compiled for your TCP/IP stack define the logical SOCKETSHR_INCLUDE to point to where you have placed the "socketshr.h" and "ioctl.h" include files and define SOCKETSHR to point to the SOCKETSHR library. Example: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC SOCKETSHR_INCLUDE DISK$WORK:[SOCKETSHR] $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC SOCKETSHR DISK$WORK:[SOCKETSHR]SOCKETSHR_NETLIB1.EXE 7. Unpack and install the GNU C compiler if necessary. 8. Unpack and install Matt Madison's MMK utility if necessary 9. Go to the [.CIRCLE30BPL14.SRC] directory and use either MMS or MMK to compile the CIRCLE.EXE executable file. If you want to compile with debug information, use "/MACRO=(DEBUG=1)". $ MMS/MACRO=(DEBUG=1) You will get one compile warning when compiling the "COMM.C" file. Don't worry about it, everything works fine and someday I'll get rid of it. The CIRCLE.EXE will be placed in the [.CIRCLE30BPL14.BIN] directory. 10. From the [.CIRCLE30BPL14.SRC] directory go into the [.CIRCLE30BPL14.SRC.UTIL] directory and use either MMS or MMK to compile the CircleMUD utilities. If you want to compile with debug information, use "/MACRO=(DEBUG=1)". $ SET DEFAULT [.UTIL] $ MMS/MACRO=(DEBUG=1) The EXE's will be placed in the [.CIRCLE30BPL14.BIN] directory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Previous] [Next] [Table of Contents]