Everhart, Glenn From: carl@gerg.tamu.edu Sent: Saturday, December 12, 1998 12:15 AM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: Re: Disk Farming Jan Vorbrueggen writes... }"Richard B. Gilbert" <76702.1567@compuserve.com> writes: } }> Some farms are approaching the petabyte range! } }Don't think so. That'd be a million terabytes. } } Jan No, it's only a thousand terrabytes. 10^3 kilo 10^6 mega 10^9 giga 10^12 tera 10^15 peta 10^18 exa 10^21 zetta 10^24 yotta All of these are just the standard SI prefixes. (If you prefer, you can make each a factor of 1024 bigger than the previous to get the computerese version.) --- Carl