[Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Return] Win32 Programming Examples [Return] Sure hope you read the disclaimer --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROWSE.ZIP Network computer browser for 32 and 16 bit Windows. CAVI32.ZIP Turn a series of bitmaps (*.bmp) into an AVI animation. COPYTEST.ZIP Example of the WM_COPYDATA message, used for passing data blocks between applications. CREATEDB.ZIP Connect to a SQL Server using ODBC drivers and create a database programmatically. Create a new class based on the dialog box class and CUSTDLG.ZIP then create a dialog box using that class. Useful for applying a default icon to a dialog box or keeping CTL3D out of your business. How to maintain a string pointer in a dialog box, DLGINPUT.ZIP allowing a calling window to easily pass a string and have it filled when the dialog box is closed. EFSIZE32.ZIP Resize an edit control based on the size of a font applied to the edit control. EVENTS.ZIP Fun with the Windows NT event log. Add events, view events and clear the log. IELIST32.ZIP A listbox which, when double-clicked, allows the item selected to be changed in-line. A listbox of edit controls. Each control within the LBEDIT.ZIP listbox is easily addressable and other controls may be used just as easily. LISTFU.ZIP A listbox full of checkboxes, but like some setup programs and the like. LISTVIEW.ZIP Small example using a listview control. Allows assignment of icons and icon views. MDMINFO.ZIP Modem Info Control Panel applet for Windows CE 2.0. C source code and support files only. METATEST.ZIP Metafile example showing how a metafile is used and how it scales drawn items (including text) with ease. MGQKEY.ZIP Example "Quick Launch" keyboard utility for Windows CE. Includes C source and support files. MODELESS.ZIP Example of how to create and maintain a buttload of modeless dialog boxes. Demonstrates how to create a modeless dialog box from MSGLOOP.ZIP within a thread and provide a message loop for that dialog box. NOTITLE.ZIP Example of a moveable, sizable window with no caption (Yes, like Clock) NSENUM.ZIP Network session enumeration example for Windows NT and Windows 95. NSGI.ZIP Example of how to obtain data about a network computer under Windows NT and Windows 95. ODLIST.ZIP Simple example of an ownerdraw listbox. PING32.ZIP How to use the barely documented ICMP to ping a server. PIPETEST.ZIP Starts a command prompt and redirects the I/O through pipes for display within a GUI front end application. Simple Rich Edit control example demonstrating how to RETEST.ZIP change text colors and load and save Rich Text Format (RTF) files. RFONT.ZIP Simple rotating text example. Shows how to rotate text to any angle. Uses memory mapping to delete the contents of a file SECDEL32.ZIP quickly, then deletes the file, adding up to secure file deletion. SETEST.ZIP Enumerates the services on a Windows NT machine and displays the service names in a listbox. SHMEMX.ZIP Demonstrates how to mark memory as "shared" within a DLL and use that memory from an application. TAPESPC.ZIP Simple Windows NT example which displays information about a tape drive and tape. TAPIDIAL.ZIP Demonstrates how to dial a phone number asynchronously using TAPI. TAPIINFO.ZIP See what kind of TAPI devices are connected and what they can do. TEXTURE.ZIP Demonstration of "see-through" label controls which, when moved, display the image beneath them. TRAYICON.ZIP How to add, modify and delete tray icons and handle tray notification when the icon is clicked upon. How to make a treeview control display context TREEMENU.ZIP specific data (or anything else, really) upon right-clicking a tree item. VTAB.ZIP How to create a vertical tab control using an ownerdraw listbox. WINFIN.ZIP A simple socket example, this is a Winsock finger utility. Essentially the same as WINFIN.ZIP, but with WINFINC.ZIP modifications for Windows CE, such as char size conversion. WINWHO.ZIP Another simple socket example, this being a Winsock WhoIs utility.