Check a free uic in SYSUAF * check_free_uic.pas, a PASCAL program to check if a given UIC is free or not * a DCL command procedure to run and execute CHECK_FREE_UIC Instructions: * get the pascal source * compile and link CHECK_FREE_UIC.PAS: $ pascal CHECK_FREE_UIC $ Link CHECK_FREE_UIC * get the check_uic command procedure (save it with .COM extension! :) * modify the procedure to reflect location of check_free_uic.exe and definition of SYSUAF logical name * execute giving the group uic: $ @check_uic Group UIC: 100 Contact me if you need further information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [HOME] (UNIUD) [HOME] (CCUU) [FB] (FB Home page) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brunetta@CC.Uniud.It