Misc System Utilites (108356 bytes, latest updated 19DEC96). Miscellaneous useful VMS utilites. Includes: * Cookie - returns a randomly selected fortune cookie upon invocation. * Filter - reads an ASCII file and writes a new file with user specified transformations. * Grok - returns various information about an ASCII text file. * Ifpurge - displays files that would be purged by PURGE command. * Quota_Check - Checks available disk space against specified limits. * Rpurge - reverse PURGE command. * Send - Send a message to another user. * Users - Displays a list of users on the system. Download misc.zip file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoTeam Home Page RSD Home Page Page: http://afdd.arc.nasa.gov/AFDD/RSD/misc.htm Last updated: 03OCT1997 by L. Galvas